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The nature of liberation

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Since I've just become Hindu there are still some issues which confuse me somewhat, and I'd like to have some clarification on them if no one minds providing it, of course.


Specifically, what is the nature of liberation? In one book I read, it compared it to the state of consciousness during dreamless sleep; in Autobiography of a Yogi, Sri Yukteswar details many other worlds one can go to before reaching full liberation; after one reaches full liberation, one re-enters those worlds as a teacher, which is confusing to me: What is the real point of teaching the path to liberation if it only results in your going back as a teacher, which would result in those you teach becoming teachers, and so on and so on.....


I have also considered it compared to knowing your full God-consciousness and thus becoming a godlike being yourself. This is somewhat similar to the Christian idea of heaven, in a way, in that it allows for some form to be taken and identity to be retained or developed.


What are your own personal view on the nature of liberation and of the universe (including the gods)? Are they subject to needing liberation themselves (as the Buddhists posit), or are they those who have achieved it?

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