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23 Ways to Inspire Green

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1. Why take receipts at ATMs? Noticed the amount of paper receipts lying in waste bins at ATM kiosks? Now, think about the amount of garbage created on a daily basis across the globe due to these receipts.


2. Do as many financial transactions as possible online. Pay insurance premium through internet. Prefer online funds transfer, rather than sending a DD/ cheque. Opt for e-statements rather than monthly statements delivered by post.


3. Prefer public transport over private motor vehicles. Cycles over Motorcycles.


4. It is challenging for any organization to go green (even if they want to), unless they have an incentive to do so. And we can provide that incentive. Know the eco-policies of political parties. In addition, let us vote with our wallets. Incorporate conscience while buying any products or services, be it apartments, books, computers or dress materials. Prefer products and services of companies that do business in a planet friendly manner.


5. Suits and ties reduce the possibility of natural air conditioning for the body, especially in countries like India, which has a tropical climate. Avoid them if you are not confident without them. Allow the fresh healthy natural air to flow in as much as possible at work place and also at home, rather then switching on the A/C. If you are using the A/C - remember that even djusting the temperature by 1 degree Celsius contributes to saving a lot of energy. Why put on a three piece suit and then switch on the Air Conditioner, which requires loads of power to run? Why go to the gym/ fitness center in the second floor, by taking the lift/ elevator?


6. Like to procrastinate? Procrastinate taking print-outs.. Whenever taking print-outs, use both sides of paper. Give preference to re-cycled paper. Prefer a manufacturer who uses eco-friendly methods while making paper.


7. Visualize how consuming less can make our life more light and stress free - Ceilings on Desires. Support green endeavors by sharing money, time and good will.


8. Wash one’s clothes oneself. Sun dry clothes, rather than using the dryer in the washing machine. This saves energy and money, in addition to giving a good exercise to the body.


9. Try being a vegetarian. It is good for health and the planet. Consume more of vegetables and fruits, produced locally. Explore options of incorporating organic food in the daily diet. While the cost of organic food is considerably higher, the food is said to have high energy content, and also support farmers who practice farming without the usage of pesticides and fertilizers, which destroys the soil. Reduce the dependence on Refrigerator. Eat freshly prepared food. As the food, so the mind.


10. Watch less of TV. This saves energy and money, and reduces furthering the unsettling of our mind.


11. Carry a cloth bag from home, while shopping for grocery, vegetables and fruits (and maybe everything else too…).


12. How can we utilize renewable forms of energy like solar and wind?


13. Internet fan? Use search engines like Goodsearch.com (powered by ), Everyclick.com (powered by Ask) and Searchkindly.com (powered by Google) which donates money to our favourite charities, including environmental charities. Avail e-mail/ blog/ social networking services from companies that have gone carbon neutral - like ( Mail, Groups) and Google (Gmail), or eco friendly service providers like Ecologyfund.com, Ippimail.com etc.


14. Un from the public/ group e-mailing lists if you are not reading those e-mails. Data and Server Farms are heavy consumers of electric power.


15. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Refill ball point pens, rather than buying a new disposable pen. It may only be a gain of 50 paise, but this action will result in less wastage.


16. Gift one's text books/ journals/ study materials to juniors/ libraries. This will not only reduce other’s expenditure while on academics, it could even result in the awareness of interconnectedness. Donate old computers to charity organizations rather than creating more e-waste (However, this is not something to be practiced if the idea is of giving something that we do not want to use).


17. It is time to check our ecological footprint at Myfootprint.org


18. Walk more, Fly less. Airline emissions, said to be the largest growing source of emissions in the world, melts the Polar Ice. Walking ensures health for our heart, so that it can melt on hearing that Polar Bear will soon lose its habitat.


19. Watch the Oscar Award Winning Documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” starring former US Vice-President Al Gore.


20. While taking bath, usage of a bucket and mug, in place of a shower, saves substantial water. While shaving, reminding ourselves to close the water flow from the tap, saves water too.


21. Lets make our pilgrimages green. Lord Ayyappa was at Home, in the company of forest and animals. Now Sabarimala is an ecologically affected region. In 2007, Amarnath Yatra pilgrms found that the Shiva lingam (formed of natural ice) melted. Kailas may not be covered by snow in the future.


22. Nurture as many trees as possible. Plant saplings of the trees native to the region. Give time to feel the breeze, savor the sunrise and collect the rain. Communicate the gratitude.


23. "O, Lord of the Pranava, may there be peace in the upward path. May there be peace in the sky and the earth. May the waters be peaceful. May peace fill the plants and the forests. May gods ruling over the universe be peaceful. May Lord Brahma be peaceful. May there be peace in the world. May peace manifest itself everywhere. This stanza itself is peace."

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