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Questions regarding temples outside India

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I would like to get some elaborate answers on the following question that are asked by non-hindu visitors visiting our local temple where I volunteer.


Your help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


  • How are temples outside India (especially USA) organized? Can anyone just form a temple? How do we know that it is a valid and responsible temple? Is there any document/information that shows how temples are form inside and outside India? There must be a general guidance somewhere. Is there a generally respected figure (such as the Pope or Archbishop in Christinaity or Imam in Islam) that can testify to this in writing?
  • Is your temple related or affiliated to another temple abroad? If not, then what is common thread that binds them together?
  • If temples are independent, how can we show that one priest can serve in two different independent temples? Is hindu priest required to be a member of the temple? For example, if you are catholic priest, the Catholic Church is know to be one body whether you are in Rome or Romania, India or Ireland. Therefore, membership in one church in one country is the same as in another church. How can we prove membership for a priest in a temple? How can we use a priest's previous experience at another temple to justify the position in present temple?
  • If priests are free to practice what they like, how can we show that one priest in an independent temple is still a member of the denomination?
  • Does every temple set its own religious standards? Does every temple have its own religious doctrine? If so, why and how are they all Hindu temples? If they are so free that everyone does what they like, how can we say that they all belong to the same denomination? There must be common threads that run through the religion whatever the temple and these common threads did not originate from your temple.

-- VG

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