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asthma treatment that is effective

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Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


First, the dogpile search page for

'Buteyko,' which the method is known by. Its at:




The Buteyko Asthma Education USA site seems good at a glance. One page

from their site gives the basic principles. Its at:



These addresses should give your friend some idea of the method. The

training they give is a detailed schedule of HOW TO HOLD YOUR BREATH. So

if your friend does this whenever he remembers he will get relief from his

symptoms and his body will retrain itself to a healthier balance. If he

can afford to attend a workshop, the company of others will also encourage



But the whole thing hinges around training your body by constantly going

past discomfort levels (safely). Once he puts in a real effort to change,

he will experience results. At least, that is my experience.


All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

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