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Why are you looking to take credit when it all belongs to KRSNA???

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Today there was a very nice demonstration of tape-record Samkirtan by me.

It is all Grace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Haridas Thakur said that the transcendental sound of Hari Nama would even purify the heart of birds and beasts. Today this statement of Thakur Haridas is corroborated. These American can not understand even a word’s meaning of the Sankirtan and yet they were so much attracted? It is all Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s power; there is no credit for me. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


--Srila Prabhupada 1966 New York City

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It is my understanding that Krishna likes it when his pure devotees are glorified.


Like it? He goes mad over it.:)


An example is given - Whenever the Gopis churned butter, Sri Krishna would eagerly come and help as well. While doing so, He would take great pleasure in touching the Gopis' hands, or making contact with her body. Now, an interesting case of opposite behaviour is that, during the churning of the Ocean of Milk, Lord Vishnu told the devas to stay away from Him, so that He could churn the ocean alone.


So, why did He tell the devas to keep away, but was so eager in Krishna avatara to help the gopis? Its because the gopis are bhagavatas who were totally immersed in the Lord. And the Lord always wants to be close to those devotees. But the Devas like Indra, despite being Vaishnavas, are not great devotees. So, He basically doesn't care about being close to them!!


I appreciate Srila Prabhupada's work, he was a great acharya. He certainly had some divinity about him to acheive this task. Perfect mix of leadership and devotion.

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