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Vegans and Non-Vegans Okay. Really?

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Vegans and Non-Vegans Okay

by Krsna Avatar das

Posted March 6, 2008 I've been following the milk controversy, and would like to give my input. Are vegans morally superior? No, they are not; they choose a different dietary program. I like milk; I drink organic milk and consume a balanced amount of dairy products.

Prabhupada seemed to be okay with milk, despite the fact that it is infused with vitamin D. Krishna apparently likes milk too. Think of how much milk is used around the world cooking Him mangal arotik sweets. I understand the passion and the necessity for cow protection, but people should choose whatever diet benefits them.


"But"!? When it comes to cow protection there is no but!


This last sentence "I understand the passion and the necessity for cow protection, but people should choose whatever diet benefits them" could have been written by a meat eater justifying his flesh consumption.

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"But"!? When it comes to cow protection there is no but!


This last sentence "I understand the passion and the necessity for cow protection, but people should choose whatever diet benefits them" could have been written by a meat eater justifying his flesh consumption.


Even for vegies, one has to KILL plants,,, so, vedic diet is more of consciousness in the food (in terms of satvic, rajsic and tamsic) than saving something.. something that lives should die one day...

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Even for vegies, one has to KILL plants,,, so, vedic diet is more of consciousness in the food (in terms of satvic, rajsic and tamsic) than saving something.. something that lives should die one day...

Still thinking this is a dietary concern shows you don't understand the premise which is cow protection.


You know actions directed towards other living beings are also sativ rajarsic and tamasic in nature.


Personally I don't give a damn what anyone else eats. I am concerned about how much suffering you inflict on other living beings to get your food however.


Is it satvic to support this?



cows produce milk only when pregnant and stop after their calves have been weaned. When a dairy cow delivers a female calf, the calf becomes a dairy cow herself, born to live in the same conditions as her mother. But when a dairy cow delivers a male calf, the calf is sold to a veal farm within days of birth, where he is tethered to a stall, deprived of food and exercise, and soon slaughtered for meat. Life is only a few years longer for the mother. Because it is unprofitable to keep cows alive once their milk production declines, dairy cows are usually slaughtered at 5 years of age. Thus, a cow's normal life span of 25 years is cut 20 years short just to cut costs and maximize production.

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its funny how you guys push vegitarianism on everyone like you do. not everyone follows your strict path, doesnt make them bad. you do your thing, and let others do theirs.

Posted by son_of_erin2000:

"its funny how you guys push vegitarianism on everyone like you do. not everyone follows your strict path, doesnt make them bad. you do your thing, and let others do theirs."

Oy, jimmy,

Dhere ain't nothing funny about it!

1—eat no flesh and: your odds are very good that you will be handsome when you arrive at adulthood. Also, your armpits will not smell like an overworked prostitutes nether regions, likewise your breath, stool and gas will not be as offensive as your common flesh eater's.

2— eat no flesh and: Your future karma will be free of in-estimatebly bad and funky-zied karmic re-actions.

3— eat no flesh and: your life-time list of deceases will be very limited, including bodily moles, clogged arteries, impotence, un-controlled horniness, un-controlled anger and passion.

4— eat no flesh and: your future birth will exclude sub-human births [thus no chance to spend your time productive to spiritual life] where you will simply "reconcile" the pathos of being a "dog-eat-dog participant".

5— eat no flesh (especially Bovines) and: formally declared an/or Gorilla Wars with or without your direct or indirect participation and thus your direct or indirect death is unlikely to occur.

Your Hare Krishna inside connection,



Sri Isopanisad—[from the Purport to by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami]:

. . . Human beings are not meant to quarrel like cats and dogs. They must be intelligent enough to realize the importance and aim of human life. The Vedic literature is meant for humanity and not for cats and dogs. Cats and dogs can kill other animals for food without incurring sin, but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste buds, he is responsible for breaking the laws of nature. Consequently he must be punished.

The standard of life for human beings cannot be applied to animals. The tiger does not eat rice and wheat or drink cow’s milk, because he has been given food in the shape of animal flesh. Among the many animals and birds, some are vegetarian and others are carnivorous, but none of them transgress the laws of nature, which have been ordained by the will of the Lord. Animals, birds, reptiles and other lower life forms strictly adhere to the laws of nature; therefore there is no question of sin for them, nor are the Vedic instructions meant for them.

Human life alone is a life of responsibility. It is wrong, however, to think that simply by becoming a vegetarian one can avoid transgressing the laws of nature. Vegetables also have life, and while it is nature’s law that one living being is meant to feed on another, for human beings the point is to recognize the Supreme Lord. Thus one should not be proud of being a strict vegetarian.

Animals do not have developed consciousness by which to recognize the Lord, but a human being is sufficiently intelligent to take lessons from the Vedic literature and thereby know how the laws of nature are working and derive profit out of such knowledge.

If a man neglects the instructions of the Vedic literature, his life becomes very risky. A human being is therefore required to recognize the authority of the Supreme Lord and become His devotee. He must offer everything for the Lord’s service and partake only of the remnants of food offered to the Lord. This will enable him to discharge his duty properly.

In the Bhagavad-gétä (9.26) the Lord directly states that He accepts vegetarian food from the hands of a pure devotee. Therefore a human being should not only become a strict vegetarian but should also become a devotee of the Lord, offer the Lord all his food and then partake of such prasädam, or the mercy of God.

Only those who act in this way can properly discharge the duties of human life. Those who do not offer their food to the Lord eat nothing but sin and subject themselves to various types of distress, which are the results of sin (Bg. 3.13).

The root of sin is deliberate disobedience of the laws of nature through disregarding the proprietorship of the Lord. Disobeying the laws of nature or the order of the Lord brings ruin to a human being. Conversely, one who is sober, who knows the laws of nature, and who is not influenced by unnecessary attachment or aversion is sure to be recognized by the Lord and thus become eligible to go back to Godhead, back to the eternal home.


"its funny how you guys push vegitarianism on everyone like you do. not everyone follows your strict path, doesnt make them bad. you do your thing, and let others do theirs."

We do push, it's a good push, it's the common denominator in spiritual life—first control the urges of the tongue/ahimsa/karma-management©/The maxim, 'we are not the body, we are spirit souls'/"Be like your father is in heaven" [not big beasts eating minor beasts].

We, and nobody, are doing their 'own thing'. We are all following the fads, and manias of the pop culture that is advertised, and we are also yoked to the pursuit of sex and ego maintenance:

I) We are biologically desirous of sex,

II) We are repeatedly exposed to propaganda that we should have more sex than the Jones Family next door, and,

III) We really think that we should think like that or else we are not living up to the status quo]

There are laws and rule and cycles of natures call that we answer to, while pursuing a ethos of attaining gratification of the senses [eat, drink and be merry] without the advice of the Vedas to understand that all beasts and living creatures do the same 4 categorical things, "eat, sleep, mate and defend"—these things keep us busy till death do we be re-born and resume the same pursuits all the while not considering there is an "Absolute state of being—being face-to-face with the personage of Godhead, Krishna" [Your welcomed. My pleasure to make it known to you].

A) Eternity, cognizance, and unbounded happiness are the nature of the souls' being.

B) Krishna, himself is the transcendental 'absolute' nature of 'the almighty God in heaven'.

C) We must combine these face-to-face by way of devotional service [bhakti-yoga]. This is explained by <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Krishna</st1:place>, himself is the transcendental 'absolute' nature of 'the almighty God in heaven'.

<font face=" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> to his cousin Arjuna on the first day of the beginning of a civil war 3,000 B.C. in the book, 'Bhagavad-gita'.

We must be on guard at all times against:

"There is danger at every step in the material world" —The danger is DEATH, especially a fool's funky death.

We must be on guard at all times against death that may come without our having prepared ourselves in the practice of yoga during the only time allotted to us 'spirit souls in the material world', during the course of 'human life' with the ability to be cognizant of Krishna and his transcendental name, fame, form, paraphernalia, entourage, and pastimes—when we had the chance to cut our stay short in the cycle of samsara.

Again as always, yours in <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>'s devotees' service,


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