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Madhusudana Sarasvati. Advaita Vedanta

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Niranjan Saha

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Dear All

Greetings. I'm a first year research student at the Study of Religions, SOAS working on the Gita-gudhartah-dipika of Madhusudana Sarasvati. In the introduction, verse no. 4 Madhusudana has termed the Vedas as tripartite having karma, upasana, and jnana kandas respectively and has mentioned the Gita too as having three kandas in 18 chapters accordingly. I've got a bit information that Sayanacarya in his Vedabhasya has also divided the Vedas into three parts and it has been a tradition to consider the Vedas as having three parts even before the advent of Sankara. Could you help me throw light on the question as to whether Sayana divided the Vedas into karma, upasana, and jnana kandas and Madhusudana has borrowed the idea from Sayana or it could be taken otherwise.

With sincere regards

Niranjan Saha

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Dear All

Greetings. I'm a first year research student at the Study of Religions, SOAS working on the Gita-gudhartah-dipika of Madhusudana Sarasvati. In the introduction, verse no. 4 Madhusudana has termed the Vedas as tripartite having karma, upasana, and jnana kandas respectively and has mentioned the Gita too as having three kandas in 18 chapters accordingly. I've got a bit information that Sayanacarya in his Vedabhasya has also divided the Vedas into three parts and it has been a tradition to consider the Vedas as having three parts even before the advent of Sankara. Could you help me throw light on the question as to whether Sayana divided the Vedas into karma, upasana, and jnana kandas and Madhusudana has borrowed the idea from Sayana or it could be taken otherwise.

With sincere regards

Niranjan Saha


Hi Niranjan, I am not scholarly enough to respond to this. You could try more Advaita oriented forums: in particular, there is a called "advaitin" under the category of Hinduism, and there is another email discussion list that you can access in advaita-vedanta.org. There you have scholars.




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