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Application of Svadharma

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In the Hindu Shastras, the word “Svadharma” is used to define one’s vocation or calling. The word literally means “what is right for an individual” or “"One's own way."Personal law, or svadharma, is our own perfect individual pattern in life. It is the sum of our accumulated seed karmas. Svadharma, "one's own law," is molded by our background and experiences, tendencies and desires-indicated by astrology-all of which determine our personality, profession and associations.



"Better to do one's own dharma imperfectly than the dharma of another, however well discharged. Better is death in one's own dharma; the dharma of another is fraught with fear" [bhagavad Gita 3.35]



According to the Gita, one definition of Yoga is "Dexterity in action". This is not really possible if one is not in a profession of spontaneous inclination. The word "spiritual" also implies being peaceful, balanced and equanomous which one is more likely to be when one is in a profession that suits one's talents and tempraments.


The problem is that how to detect one's vocation or calling is not given anywhere. One can take even a lifetime to search for it:-


Thomas Carlyle , “The person who has found his vocation in life is a blessed human being. Let him ask for no other blessedness.”

Benjamin Franklin “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond and to know oneself.”


I have a blog devoted to this which has links to my 15 published articles on the subject(I have written for spiritual/management/education magazines apart from the Times of India) but I can't give reference to it as URLs are not allowed to new members.


Some people talk about career meditations but I don't think any vocational psychologist can determine vocation accurately. Does anybody know whether hindu shastras say how it is to be determined aparpt from the three gunas- Saatvik, Rajasik, Tamsik . The four types of yoga- Raja yoga, Bhakti, Karma and Jnana along with the gunas can give a broad direction but is there anyway of knowing one's vocation more speicifically and accurately according to Hinduism? Thanks in advance.

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Hiren50 :



The word literally means “what is right for an individual” or “"One's own way."Personal law, or svadharma, is our own perfect individual pattern in life. It is the sum of our accumulated seed karmas. Svadharma, "one's own law," is molded by our background and experiences, tendencies and desires-indicated by astrology-all of which determine our personality, profession and associations.



"Better to do one's own dharma imperfectly than the dharma of another, however well discharged. Better is death in one's own dharma; the dharma of another is fraught with fear" [bhagavad Gita 3.35]


I finally understood this verses.


I think that you should live life by your own proper way instead of following how others have live their life.


In my opinion, this one verse itself have managed to define it's individuality (as a belief) compared to Islam which teaches Muslims to follow how Muhammad lived his life or Christianity which teaches Christians how Jesus have lived his life (not that they bothered to follow).


Hindus should take a careful consideration to this facts.

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I think there is some misnderstanding. I am not talking in the context of organized religion- that is dharma, not svadharma.Svadharma implies your calling in life- if your are a teacher out of compulsion, it is career but if you are a teacher becasue you enjoy teaching , it is a calling. Svarharma means spontaneous occupation or what you are naturally inclined to do.

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