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mat tulyo nasti papatma naparadhi ca kascana parihare' pi lajja me kim bruve purushot

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<CENTER>mat tulyo nasti papatma

naparadhi ca kascana

parihare' pi lajja me

kim bruve purushottama</CENTER>




"Lord, I feel very ashamed and embarrassed. Out of conceit I presume to offer You pure things like flowers, whereas I am most impure myself and yet false ego causes me to attempt an unclean, filthy offering of myself. Please excuse me, I am ashamed of my meager, feeble and filthy so-called worship. I approach You, filled with feelings of shame imploring Mercy. I am the worst offender. My sinful life is without comparison. Everything bad resides within me. I am embarrassed to even mention my many atrocities and misdeeds. Nonetheless, I am somehow irresistibly drawn by Your Name, Fame, Existence and Nature.



Only You can Redeem, Rectify and Reform me. Against all hope, I make my humble appeal that my only comfort is I might one day become the true recipient of Your Grace. You are able to reform the meanest. The most needy might beg Your priority. There is no more meaner person in most desperate need of Your Mercy. With no other qualification but my own heinous deficiency, I have no other way of hoping to draw Your Glance and plea for Magnanimity."


Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada, Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.154)




For my own real benefit it is extremely helpful to always think of myself as the worst offender, in the mood of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada. It will cause my false ego to progressively evaporate like morning fog from the rising of the Krishna Sun within my heart. Without the encumbrance of false ego, my unfettered soul will be empty of ego distortions. An empty vessel that may then be filled with the Transcendental Word.

May we always remember the Blessed Instruction of Srila Saraswati Thakur that we must always consider that we are at best only the bearers (or "carriers") of the Transcendental Word with no false egotistical sense of proprietorship. While suffering from such "emptiness" or vacuous nature, many Ideas may simultaneously occur by tapping into the eternal wellspring of transcendental information or the fountainhead of all truth that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur encourages all souls to approach, as specifically expressed in his Beautiful Bhagavat speech.

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