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20 Weird English words

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English is a wonderful language with some of the strangest pronunciation rules and words that come from many other languages.


This is a list of 20 weird English words:



1. Erinaceous

Like a hedgehog


2. Lamprophony

Loudness and clarity of voice


3. Depone

To testify under oath


4. Finnimbrun

A trinket or knick-knack


5. floccinaucinihilipilification

Estimation that something is valueless.


6. Inaniloquent

To babble


7. Limerance

To be in love


8. Mesonoxian

Pertaining to midnight


9. Mungo

A dumpster diver - one who extracts valuable things from trash


10. Nihilarian

A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).


11. Nudiustertian

The day before yesterday


12. Phenakism

Deception or trickery


13. Pronk

A weak or foolish person


14. Pulveratricious

Covered with dust


15. Rastaquouere

A social climber


16. Scopperloit

Rude or rough play


17. Selcouth

Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful. For example: The List Universe is such a selcouth website!


18. Tyrotoxism

To be poisoned by cheese


19. Widdiful

Someone who deserves to be hanged


20. Zabernism

The abuse of military power or authority. I wonder how long it will take for this one to show up in the comments.

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