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Need your advice- Please help

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Hello Everybody,


I need your valuable veiws in understanding a strange predicament I am facing. Recently I bought a 4 armed Nataraj statue- made of bronze. I wanted to worship the shiva image as its Shravan month. Shiva is my ishta deva and I chant the rudram and offer my humble prayers to him. Since this idol has been installed on my pedestal- I have had strange incedences in my personal life. There was a turmoil in my mind..a strange restlessness.. this affected my communication and personal skills. I had verbal altercations with my closest friends for some inane reasons ..and then i had misunderstandings happening in my work place...my solutions were interpreted incorrectly and people thought that i wasnt keen in working on the project and in due time I was laid off from the project.


My parents in india consulted an astrologer who said that its because of the idol - these problems started occuring and suggested that i no longer worship or do any sort of puja to the idol.


could anyone of you bhakta's solve or help me understand this situation?


Should I chant the rudram at all ? if yes..then please tell me the correct way so that i chant without offending the lord.


or should I just give up all my chantings and japa of gayatri?


Please advise. I humbly beseech you to advice me...any words any suggestions/ critiques comments are welcome..I am at my wits end and shocked as to why such a thing would happen


As Ever in service


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