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Clean Your Unconscious

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The purpose of this exercise is:


1.To plunge into theta state of brain waves, a deep state of relaxation.

2.To stimulate every brain cell.

3.To cleanse unconscious which contains the garbage of our experiences.

4.To break the obsessions.



1. Suspend your logical thinking for a while and be in a translogical mental set as if in dream.

2. Sit down in a comfortable position where you will continue for about 45 minutes.

3. Feel relaxed and close your eyes.

4. The beginning:

Imagine a big lake with abundance of lotuses. There is a very big lotus which covers the whole lake. You are in the center of this lotus. You find a little hole in the center. You get thinned and slide down through the hole. You get into the chord which is long enough and you go on sliding and sliding………… Then you reach in a very beautiful palace. As you go on exploring, you find a beautiful garden. Here are various types of strange animals which are very meek and mild. You see some rabbits which are having very big horns. You mount on a rabbit and climb on one of its horns. You go on climbing up and up and up………………

5. Have no more imaginations by your effort but leave the imaginations to flow by themselves spontaneously. Be just effortless.

6. You will have strange imaginations.

7. Whenever any ugly imagination comes, just reverberate BEAUTY. The ugly imaginations will disappear. Please do not forget to reverberate BEAUTY whenever any ugly imagination comes. I find that some become so engrossed in the imagination that they forget to reverberate.

8. Continue for about 45 minutes.

9. Observe your feelings. How freshening it is!

10. Repeat it regularly. You may restructure step 4 above as you please.

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To clean the unconscious really means to clean the stockpile (garbage pile) of accumulated karma known as sanchit-karma. These are stockpiles of impressions or samskaras from past life experiences that are yet to fructify into life experiences in our present but are in the process of doing so.


These karmic (material) impressions are cleared by spiritual impressions which overide and clear these material impressions in the same way rain clouds by pouring their rain clear the sky of impurities. These spiritual impressions are called "clouds of virtue" (I forgot the the sanskrit term).


All such "clouds of virtue" arrive to do their cleansing work as a by product of chanting the Maha-mantra of Hare Krsna Hare Rama.


To break free from obsessions which involve our present actions that accumulate more karma and feed the stockpile of sanchit karma, known as kriyamana-karma's, we only need the chanting Hare Krsna which gives us the power to follow the four regulative principles taught by Srila Prabhupada. This is another by-product of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra.


Hare Krsna

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