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Ganesha Mantra and meditation

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Namaste to all,


I was searching on the forum for Ganesha mantra and how to use his mantra in meditation. I was searching Ganesha mantra on internet, too. I have found some interesting pages which i will share them with you. Is any one here who has or knows short but powerful Ganesha mantra?


Web pages are:

Sanatana Society



KamalKapor (Here is mantra Om Sri Maha Ganapataye Namah, but is't Ganapata another form of Ganesha; correct me if i'm wrong; or is it just another name of Ganesha?)

Ganesh Mantra Siddhi Jaap (Here are mantras for Ganesha - one is Aum Gam Ganapataye Namah - How will you combine your breathing and focusing on that mantra. I was thinking that when i will chant Aum i will concentrate on Ajna and at the same time i will inhale and then i will chant Gam until the end of the breath. When i will chant Ganapataye i will hold my breath in and i will concentrate on Mooladhara chakra at the same time. Thene i will exhale and chant Namah; and over and over again. What do you think on that? Is it ok)


There are good mantras on those web pages but they are long, which i intend to use them for japa yoga and for other things. There is Ganesha Maha mantra, but i think that Maha mantra is not for the biginners. There is opening mantra for ganesha, but it is too long. So, do you know any short but powerful mantra (maybe any other than those which i have give it earlier)?


Please responde on that post, because i haven't got much luck in previously posts, :crying2:

Bless you all,

Ahara V.

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  • 6 years later...

Dear sir, namaste. Salutations to the teacher. All mantras are powerful. What is the use of power to a seeker?.


Anyway, just call the name of Ganesha with love and he will respond. Open the heart and you will feel his love. Open your mind and you will see him in action. Let go and take his name anyplace anytime while doing anything . He will respond and become your friend.







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