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Sri Mantra

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Hello beloved friends.


I have recently been studying the art of Ayurveda and through reading "The Yoga of Herbs" by Vasant Lad and David Frawley found out that in the preparation and administration of herbal remedies, Mantra is appropriate. They suggest the Sri Mantra, and write the pronunciation accordingly. - Om Aim Hreem Klim Chamundayee Vichey. This is wonderful news, but I am yet to find someone with experience of using this Mantra. I need to know if there is a correct intonation of the Sri Mantra, and if so, if there are any recordings I can find or buy which demonstrate this. To find a recording of the Sri Mantra being sung 108 times would answer my prayer, but I'll quite happily settle for less.


Inshallah, one of you lovely people may help me.


Many Blessings X

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