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Dharma Journal


Authentic Dharma for Today's World


January 8th, 2007 Founded 1998




On one occasion Narada went to the Lord. In the course of their

conversation, Narayana asked Narada, "You are moving around all the three

worlds, what news have you brought for Me from your wanderings? Have you seen anything new in creation?"


"What is greater than yourself in creation", replied Narada.


" I am asking about My creation and not about Myself", said Narayana.

Narada replied, "I do not understand the question.There are five

elements, the Pancha Bhutas. Which is the greatest among them? ", Narayana asked. Narada said, "The earth is the biggest." Narayana said, "In the earth three fourths are occupied by water." Narada agreed that water is greater than the earth. But Narayana observed, "All oceans were drunk by the sage Agasthya in one gulp. Therefore who is greater, water or Agasthya? " Narada agreed that Agasthya was greater. But Narayana again observed that "Agasthya is remaining as a star in the sky. In the vast firmament, Agasthya is merely twinkling like a small star; is not the firmament greater than the star?" Narada agreed that firmament is greater than Agasthya. Again Narayana said, "In My Avatar as Vamana I covered the entire earth and sky with one foot of Mine. So is the firmament greater or My foot? Then Narada said, "Your foot". "If My foot itself is so great, am I not greater than My foot? ", Narayana asked. Narada agreed.


Then Narayana said, "Although I am great, I am confined in the heart of My

devotees. So the devotees are greater than Myself. Therefore, wherever My devotees sing My name, I am there."







1) Dr. Morales Interviewed for Book


On June 5th, Dr. Morales was interviewed by Mr. Gary Stern (A New York

journalist with "The Journal News") for an upcoming book on the religious

community's response to such natural disasters as the Tsunami that struck South Asia in 2004. Dr. Morales answered questions on: the nature of suffering in Yoga and Hinduism; the meaning of karma; the importance of compassion in Dharma; the Hindu response to disasters, among other questions.



2) Lecture at Omaha Hindu Temple


On Sunday, January 14th, 2:30 PM, Dr. Morales will be conducting a lecture at the Hindu Temple of Omaha. The talk is called: "Living the Path of Dharma in the Twenty-First Century." For further information, please contact Mr. Sudhir Kalra (402) 639-2658.



3) "Does Hinduism Have a Future in America?":


Dr. Morales' very latest article is now available at:

http://www.sulekha.com/blogs/blogdisplay.aspx?cid=38445 In this

ground-breaking work, Dr. Morales discusses the history and current state of Dharma in America, and what practical efforts need to be done to ensure the survival of authentic Dharma spirituality. This history-making document has been read by over 4000 people in its first week of release alone.



4) "The Shakti Principle" Website:


Dr. Morales' newest book, "The Shakti Principle: Encountering the Feminine Power of God", is now available on-line. This is a must read for anyone interested in personal spiritual growth, having deeper meaning in their lives, or creating positive social change. Please visit us on the web, and order your copy of this deeply thought-provoking work today!






Some Feedback:


"I seek your blessings to hear on Yoga Spirituality." - G.S. Vidyashankar



"I chanced upon your blog through "Tribute to Hinduism" website and

greatly admired your writing." - Deepa Singh



"I come from Indonesia. This morning, I found very good articles about Dr.

Morales that allowed me to explore more deeply about possibility to exchange some experiences, especially to find "GOD" through His creation. I believe in Dr. Morales' ability and capability; he can see with his 'heart's eyes'."


- Dharma Fitriyanto



"Namaste. I really appreciate your insights and ideas. And I've been

thinking along the same lines as you, although I have not let it out so much." - Steven Knapp (author of ten books on Hinduism)



"Dr. Morales comes across to me as a very sincere and honest practitioner and teacher of Hindu Dharma. Dr. Morales is a very devoted, practicing Hindu and at the same time, he is very well versed in the academic jargon that is so necessary to communicate with his peers in US Universities. He preaches a spiritually oriented, non-sectarian brand of Hindu Dharma, bringing out the deepest truths of our traditions in a very lucid language." - Vishal Agarwal (Hindu author/researcher)



"Your ideas and actions have the potential to be revolutionary." - Niraj Mohanka (Hindu activist/researcher)









"Always do everything intentionally. If you can live each and every

moment of your life in consciousness and awareness of yourself, your

environment, and others, you will then live life to its fullness."


- Dr. Frank Gaetano Morales






For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please visit us on the web:







Please forward this Dharma Wisdom newsletter to friends who are interested in Sanatana Dharma, meditation, and Yoga spirituality.



© 2007, Dharma Journal. Volume 9, issue 1

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Dharma Journal


Authentic Dharma for Today's World


January 22nd, 2007 - Founded in 1998




The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita

On Body & Spirit



Lord Krishna said: You grieve for those who are not worthy of grief, and

yet speak words of wisdom. The wise grieves neither for the living nor for

the dead. (2.11)


There was never a time when these monarchs, you, or I did not exist; nor

shall we ever cease to exist in the future. (2.12)


Just as the soul acquires a childhood body, a youth body, and an old age

body during this life; similarly, the soul acquires another body after

death. This should not delude the wise. (See also 15.08) (2.13)


The contacts of the senses with the sense objects give rise to the

feelings of heat and cold, and pain and pleasure. They are transitory and

impermanent. Therefore, one should learn to endure them. (2.14)


Because a calm person who is not afflicted by these sense objects, and is

steady in pain and pleasure becomes fit for salvation. (2.15)




True Equality


"The true basis of equality lies in the recognition that we are not merely

these diverse physical bodies composed of dead matter, but are in

actuality the pure, eternal soul lying hidden within. Every material body

is different from every other material body; some are stronger, some are

more beautiful, some are bigger or more healthy. Thus materiality can

never be the basis of equality. There is no equality between material

bodies, but only on the higher level of pure spirit."


- Dr. Frank Morales







1) New Dharma Store Service:


Dharma Central now has a new on-line Dharma store available for all your

Yoga needs. With beautiful Om tee-shirts, Yoga pants and clothing, mugs,

bumper stickers and many other great items, please support Dharma Central

by purchasing something fun for yourself or a loved one today! To see our

many beautiful products, please visit us at:


All purchase donations go directly to supporting the important work of

Dharma Central.



2) Living Dharma Lecture Tour:


Between January and June, 2007, Dr. Morales will be conducting an

extensive lecture tour of the U.S. and Caribbean. The focus of the talks

will be Living Dharma in the Twenty-First Century. Among the places Dr.

Morales will be visiting are: New York, New Jersey, Dallas, Kansas City,

Minneapolis, Omaha, and Guyana. Exact dates and locations will be given

in the next issue of Dharma Journal.





Some Feed Back:



"Wow. Wow. Thank you so much for your website. What a beacon of light."

- Valentina Brandon, RN



"I found Dr. Morales to be genuine." - Leela Bruner (founder/spiritual

guide - Power of Love Temple)



"When I read over your words, I was excited to see that the true gems of

Hinduism had been understood and expressed with such clarity. I found

your article, "Does Hinduism Have a Future in America?" to address the

pertinent issues with insightful solutions, which if achieved, would

alleviate the danger Hinduism faces today." - Swarup Swaminathan

(Publicity Director - Hindu Students Organization)



"Someone of your spiritual eminence is a treasure for all and so whatever

is in your best interest will benefit every seeker and devotee. In your

freedom and spiritual journey is hope for us all. The light of spiritual

knowledge is to be shared and not restricted. May the Parabrahman bless

you with all you desire." - Dr. Sanjay Singh (Chairman of the Hindu

Temple of Omaha)



"Stay cool! You're cool and should stay that way!" - Steven Rosen

(author of two dozen books on Hinduism, and editor of the Journal of

Vaisnava Studies)







"There are two distinct and irreconcilable paths on the spiritual journey.

The first is the way of ego and power. The second is the way of devotion

and surrender. One leads to further bondage. The other takes us to true

freedom. We can only choose one of these paths."


- Dr. Frank Morales





For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please visit

us on the web:







Please forward this Dharma Journal newsletter to friends who are

interested in Sanatana Dharma, meditation, and Yoga spirituality.



© 2007, Dharma Journal. Volume 9, issue 2

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Dharma Journal

Authentic Dharma for Today's World


February 7th, 2007 - Founded in 1998

The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita


The invisible Spirit (Atma, Atman) is eternal, and the visible physical body, is transitory. The reality of these two is indeed certainly seen by the seers of truth. (2.16)

The Spirit by whom this entire universe is pervaded is indestructible. No one can destroy the imperishable Spirit. (2.17)

The physical bodies of the eternal, immutable, and incomprehensible Spirit are perishable. Therefore fight, O Arjuna. (2.18)

The one who thinks that the Spirit is a slayer, and the one who thinks the Spirit is slain, both are ignorant. Because the Spirit neither slays nor is slain. (2.19)

The Spirit is neither born nor does it die at any time. It does not come into being, or cease to exist. It is unborn, eternal, permanent, and primeval. The Spirit is not destroyed when the body is destroyed. (2.20)

O Arjuna, how can a person who knows that the Spirit is indestructible, eternal, unborn, and immutable, kill anyone or causes anyone to be killed? (2.21)


You Are Soul

"The soul can’t be seen, heard, smelled or tripped over. It can only be vividly experienced as the deepest meaning of who and what we are. Don’t look for your soul. Rather, simply know that you are soul. The truth of the matter is not that you have a soul, but that you are soul. Your soul is not a small part of you, like your spleen or your liver. It is you. And thus, it can never be lost. You can never be lost."

<X> </X><X> </X><X> </X><X> </X><X> </X>- Dr. Frank Morales



1) Radio Interview

On Tuesday, January 30th, Dr. Morales was interviewed for 50 minutes for a Hindu radio program in Dallas, Texas. Some of the topics covered included Dr. Morales' personal journey to the Hindu path, practicing Dharma in America, and the nature of God in Sanatana Dharma. The show has an audience of approximately 10,000.

2) New York Teaching Tour

Dr. Morales will be on a teaching tour of the New York City area from February 22 - March 5th. Included on the itinerary are a lecture at Columbia University, a satsangh for the ISKCON temple as 26 Second Avenue (the first temple established by Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the Krishna Consciousness movement), an appearance on local T.V., as well as 3 - 4 talks at local Hindu temples. For further information on Dr. Morales' itinerary, please contact Ms. Nandarani Sahadeo at: (718) 835-2269.

3) Dharma Journal List:

The "Dr. Frank Morales List" , which includes Dharma Journal, is now one of the largest groups on Hinduism on all of ! Of almost 4200 different Hindu groups, Dr. Morales' list is ranked #76 in size.

4) New Myspace Yoga Spirituality Group

For our members who also have Myspace accounts (www.myspace.com), we have started a new Myspace Yoga Spirituality discussion group. Please feel free to join the group and engage in discussions on Yoga philosophy, practice and spirituality.

http://groups.myspace.com/yogaspirituality You must sign up as a member of Myspace to visit the group.


Some Feedback:

"You are an Awakened Heart!"

<X> </X><X> </X>- Ann Tognetti

"Dr. Morales, I read your article "Does Hunduism Teach That all Religions are the Same." Great article! I really enjoyed reading it and learnt a great deal about myself as a Hindu. Wonderfully lucid. Please keep writing."

<X> </X><X> </X>- Arjun Rana

"Your website is divine, beautiful, informative and Excellent."

<X> </X>- M.P. Bhattathiri (Retired Chief Technical Examiner, Govt. of Kerala)

"I have just finished reading your scholarly piece on Radical Universalism. It is absolutely mind-blowing and completely demolishes Radical Universalism without leaving even a trace of it alive. I am amazed at your clarity of writing, the piece also helped me understand the soteriology of Buddhism and Jainism. I appreciate your work and request that you write more similar articles that common Hindus and non-Hindus such as me would be capable of reading and comprehending."

<X> </X>- Sooraj Ratnakumar

"I am so grateful, I find you as a true Yogi. I read and have forwarded your articles to the United Hindu Jain Society of Washington DC (I am one of the directors of it) for further dissemination. I recommend your analysis of Sanatana Dharma to be included to the U.S. schools to explain Hinduism."

<X> </X>- Hari Bindal (Director - United Hindu Jain Society of Washington, D.C.)

"I found the work of Dr. Frank Morales interesting, admirable and inspiring. It's good to see another person with a European background who has found value and sustenance in the Dharma. "

<X> </X>- Stephen Shotton

Dr. Morales, I am astounded at your knowledge and realization of our Dharma. That an American would grasp the Divine teachings as deeply as you have is wondrous. You are truly a Maha Jagad Guru, the Great World Teacher.

- Sri Swami Brahmananda Saraswati


Questions & Answers

"This is an excellent part of the Divine Knowledge. I will be grateful if you can elaborate on child body, youth body and old body for the soul after rebirth. Do we have control of these? How is the wisdom and consciousness in earlier life carried forward in the body after rebirth?"

<X> </X>- Srikant Bhave

Dr. Frank Morales' Answer:

Dear Sri Bhave, thank you for your questions on the process of reincarnation. Lord Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita that "dehino'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara / tatha dehantara-praptir dhiras tatra na muhyati", "As the embodied self continually passes in this body from childhood to youth to old age, similarly the self passes into another body at death. The self-realized one is not bewildered by such a change." The body and the atman (true self), though connected to each other in this life due to the atman's temporary state of illusion (maya), are two completely distinct ontological realities. The body is made up of prakrti, or matter. Thus the body exhibits the qualities and limitations of materiality. The body is temporary, transitory, and composed of composite inessential attributes. The atman, on the other hand, reflects the perfect transcendental nature of Bhagavan (God). Thus, being made in God's image, and sharing in His divine attributes, the soul is eternal, beautiful, blissful, monadic, and ever the servant of the Absolute.

As a result of the dynamic interplay of the pure, eternal atman being temporarily housed in the transitory, ever-changing body, we see that the body is always changing. We go from having a youthful body, to that of a mature adult, to finally that of an old person. Even while the body is undergoing such change, however, we are always aware that there is a inner essence, an experiencer (drishti) who does not change. Though my body constantly changes, "I" remain an unchanging constant. That experiencer is the atman (spirit soul), who then leaves the body at death to pursue its destiny in a future body in accordance with its karma and desires.

Consciousness is carried over into the next birth simply because the atman is pure consciousness itself. The atman is synonymous with individuated consciousness. True spiritual wisdom (prajnana), too, is carried onto the next life because all spiritual advancement that is made in one life is never lost in the next. Spiritual wisdom, being transcendent and thus thoroughly non-material in nature, is eternally a part of us.

In order to experience the pure atman, to have a taste of the ecstatic bliss of self-realization, the Dharmic scriptures advise us to pursue self-realization and God consciousness by meditating daily on the divine names of God, by the spiritual practice of Yoga, by studying God's sacred instructions, such as the Bhagavad Gita, and by cultivating such qualities as humility, devotion, compassion, and sincerity in our hearts.

Thank you again for your questions.

Om Shanti,

Dr. Frank Morales

(Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya)





For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please visit us on the web:




Thank you to all our member and readers for your wonderful support and encouragement of Dharma Journal and the teaching efforts of Dr. Frank Morales. Please feel free to forward this Dharma Journal newsletter to friends, family and discussion lists interested in Sanatana Dharma, meditation, and Yoga spirituality.

© 2007, Dharma Journal. <X> </X>Volume 9, issue 3

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