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DVDs for Sale - Nandagrama & Durban Ratha Yatra

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<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title -->Hare Krishna dear devotees,


Please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Below are 2 types of DVDs produced by my Gurudeva, HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami:


1st : ***** Nandagrama - The Capital of Nanda Maharaja *****


Nandagrama is the capitol of Nanda Maharaja, and it is here that Lord Krishna stayed in the last few years before he finally left Sri Vrindavana Dhama. Everyday He would take the cows out in the morning with the cowherd boys, and then later meet with Srimati Radharani and the gopis. Sometimes it was easy for Them to meet, and sometimes there were obstacles placed by Jatila, Kutila and Abhimanya, but always the pastimes were joyful and glorious.


This DVD takes us to main pastime places in the area - Nandagrama Town, Gendoka, Ter Kadamba, Pavana Sarovara, Kokilavana, Asesavana, Moti Kunda, Yavat, Uddhava Kyari and many other places ...


DVD Time: 1h50min

Commentary: HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami

Price: £10.00




2nd: ***** Ratha Yatra Durban, South Africa - 2006 *****


Each year the beautifully decorated Chariot of Lord Jagannatha is pulled along the beachfront of the coastal city of Durban, South Africa.


This 5 DVD set covers the highlights of the festival - ecstatic kirtanas, inspiring lectures and spell binding dramas.


Price: £25.00


If anyone wants to relish the nectar, then write to me to vrinda_kunda@.co.uk.


Please note that I'll be able to post the DVD to any country.


Your servant,


Vrinda Kunda Devi Dasi

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