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Spiritual(Goloka) to material(mahat-tattva) to Intermediate(tatastra) consciousness

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An interesting blog I found on the web by Pradyumna Swami (not full thesis, it was too long to post here)

Spiritual (Goloka) material (mahat-tattva) Intermediate (tatastra) consciousness

The Sanskrit word Sakti (S'akti) means strength, energy, power, might, ability, effort, capability.

Higher Energy where the higher self resides serving <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> as their jiva-tattva-vigraha bodily self, -, or inner, spiritual energy (para - prakriti or para - s'akti): one of the three most important energies of the Lord (spiritual, intermediate and material energy). It is the manifestation of the Lord His inner potency; it covers the spiritual world. Contrary to the material energy is it entirely of eternity, knowledge, bliss and vigraha (sac-cid-an anda). Also there is no past or future because everyone is eternally engaged in devotional activities in the perpetual present. Three quarters of the reality (brahmajyoti or Spiritual Sky) exist in this way.

Lower Energy is where the dreaming Maha-Vishnu resides and is also where the secondary consciousness or lower dreaming self resides because of ones non-Krishna Conscious desires, thoughts and dreams. This place ‘of the dreaming’ or mahat-tattva, is where the sub-conscious mind-projections of the jiva-tattva-vigraha devotee’s, eternally situated in their consitiution devotional position in the higher energy realm (Goloka), are transferred to the outer realms of the Brahmajyoti or Spiritual Sky, where a dark cloud of material energy exists (apara-prakriti, apara-s'akti or maha-brahman or maha-tattva): one of the three main energies of the Lord ( spiritual, material energy and intermediate).

It is the manifestation of the Lord in His outer potency (prosided over by Maha-Vishnu), comprising the twenty-four physical elements and the material impermanent universe in which we live. The interactions between those material elements in the mahat-tattva cloud take place under the influence of the time-factor (past, present, future, forgetfulness, birth, disease, old age and death) and by attraction with the spiritual energy of the Lord, from which it differs in the sense that the maha-tattva manifest at times and non-manifest at other times. The mahat-tattva is like an iceberg visible only for a quarter of the complete reality.

The tatastha-s'akti or energy is the Intermediate or third feature of the atma-vigraha devotee's (jiva-tattva's) extended consciosness that does not reogonize its origins or Goloka or confined to ethereal and biological vessels in the mahat-tattva or material creation -

Spiritual–perpetual (Goloka-Vrndavan/Vaikuntha

Material - perishable (mahat-tattva)

Intermediate – inactive (Impersonal Brahmajyoti or tatastra condition of consciousness) The tatastha-s'akti(jiva-s'akti or tathastha - s'akti)

The word tathastha means a neutral, disinterested, state of dormant consciosness that does not take any side, which means ones conscious awareness does not recogize its perpetual bodily self (jiva-atma-vigraha or jiva-tattva vigraha) in Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha (the perpetual devotional Krishna Conscious Kingdom of God), or interested in activating any secondary conscious dream state of self-importance that becomes housed in ethereal and biological vessels within the maha-tattva (material manifestation) Therefore, the tatastha-s'akti is the jiva-tattva-vigrah or marginal living being in their dreaming secondary dreaming consciousness manifesting as the intermediate energy (neither in the active Spiritual world or the active material world), such a third state of conscious projection (non-energetically Krishna conscious, as well as a dreamless state of consciousness) is an alternative dormant condition of the marginal living entity.when unaware of their full potential Krishna Conscious body


The living being is the intermediate energy of the Supreme Lord. It comprises the living being, the very tiny little part of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, who though in fact being of a spiritual nature of sat-cit-ananda-vigraha, as a consequence of its limited potency can be victim of bewilderment by the dreaming lower self as already explained.

Expansion, Plenary-, (Vishnu-tattva): manifestation of God, <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, by means of a personal form that differs from His Original form, but is of the same almighty potency.

Maha-tattva: The complete material manifestation that includes the ethereal and biological vessels that cloth the visiting secondary dreaming consciousness, emanating from ones perpetual body in the perpetual realm. The mahat-tattva is made up of twenty-four material elements. The nine basic principles or elements of creation (tattvas) as mentioned in 12.11: 5 are maya (or prakriti), mahat-tattva is also the Cosmic celestial and secular material intelligence, its active aspect or the sutra, the false ego of identification of the living being is first contained in the ethereal or subtle body or ahankara,and then becomes further covered by the biological vessel.. Together within both the ethereal and biological covering of the transmitted jiva-bhutah, the secondary consciousness or lower dreaming self, manifests the five subtle perceptions, the sense objects or tanmatras. In this way, every thought, dream and desire of the jiva-bhutah is housed by Maha-Vishnu who facilitates all those who choose to enter His temporary mahat-tattva realm with His blue print realities of the mahat-tattva.


Intelligence, false ego (ethereal) and the five gross senses (biological) cover the true spiritual:nature and identity of the 'transferred secondary consciousness or the sub-conscious dreams within ones perpetual Spiritual devotional body because of their non-Krishna conscious desires.Other names for the soul (extended consciousness) are jiva, atma, ahamkara.

The Sanskrit word sakti means potency or power generated from <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> the cause of all causes, this potency is called the jiva-tattva-vigraha devotee’s. The marginal jiva-tattva-vigraha devotee’s perpetually exists as eternal bodily (vigraha) servants of the Lord.


The vigraha marginal devotees are also the effulgent Brahmajoti (made up of perpetual personalities serving the Supreme Vigraha or the Personality of Krishna. Such eternally embodied energy (sat-cit-ananda-vigraha devotees) also has a minimal sakti effect or influence of power.

The marginal Brahmajyoti therefore is an unlimited numbers of individual-nitya-siddha-savarupa-sat-cit-ananda-vigraha devotees, often mistakingly referred to as impersonal sparks or atoms in the effulgence on in the Spiriual Sky where Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha exists however this is not possible because Impersonalism cannot manifest itself in the Goloka-Vrndavana Spitual Sky. Such a condition of Impersonal motionless sparks or atoms of consciousness can only exist as that dormant state, known as an individual aspect of the Impersonal Brahmajyotiwhere the jiva-tattva-vigraha, in its dreaming condition (jiva-nikaya), extends those dreams as a secondary dormant dreamless conscious condition, exists as the tatastha-s’akti of individual dreaming consciousness. This inactive state of dreamless consciousness is also called the Brahma-saujya consciousness.

The inactive state of the jiva-tattva known as the tatastha-s’akti, separates the Spiritual creation from the material creation. Such a state of dormant consciousness does not exist in either realm because of its static nature of believing it even exists. This neutral zone between the Spirtual and the material, can only be attained after first entering the mahat-tattva. This material manifestation is attained (falling down to) by becoming inattentive of ones service to <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> and consciously wondering off dreaming of self-interest within their perpetual Krishna Conscious body in the Spiritual manifestation of Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha. Such dreams only make one forget the rasa body they are dreaming from.

Just like one forgets their biological body while dreaming at night or daydreaming, due to their mind creating an alternative reality, this is infact how one can only leave the goloka-Vrndava/Vaikuntha aspect of the Spirtual Sky and enter the mahat-tattva.

Such dreams, thoughts and self-centered desires manifest as the jiva-bhutah state of conditioned dreaming consciousness and enters the mahat-tattva creation of Maha-Vishnu, who is also dreaming. That is a very significant point to note – Maha-Vishnu is also dreaming. Some cannot understand that we only leave Goloka in dream state and never in our rasa body.

As long as one remains in that dreaming consciousness (jiva-bhutah) unaware of the Spirtual body they are dreaming from, then their dreams will continue to remain trapped in ethereal and biological containers for billions of births strggling for existance.

Eventually though, one becomes fed-up with there impermanance, birth, disease, old age and deaths, and then, after many more births of seeking freedom from the embodiment of pious and impious karma, find mukti (liberation) from such a frustrating forgetful impermanant existence.

Only then does one fall to tastastha. It is impossible to first fall to the tatastha from Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha (explanation of why this is so on page 254).

The jiva-tattva-vigraha devotee’s are generated from <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> in a perpetual realm that has no beginning or end. In other words there was no beginning point of that generation; emanation and creation because there was never a time when the jiva-tattva-vigraha devotee’s did not exist, nor in the future will they ever cease to be.

The perpetual jiva-tattva-vigraha devotees further generate their own minimal sakti or power in their service to <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> or in their dreams to the mahat-tattva. Such dreams originate from their original bodily self, yet because of their non <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> conscious nature, become a secondary state of consciousness that only exists when one is so deeply buried in their dreams, they begin to see such dreams as real and forget the body one is having those dreams in. Non Krishna Conscious dreams begin to make one believe such imaginings, thoughts and desires are who one really is when one foolishly chooses to no longer serve <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> as the marginal rasa bodily form they really are and will always be.

This is how one choose’s to abandon their transcendental devotional Krishna Conscious body via a secondary dreaming consciousness. For the sake of communication the terms transmitted consciousness, transferred consciousness, teleported consciousness, dreaming consciousness, radiating consciousness, projected consciousness, emanating consciousness, translocated consciousness are technically just an expression to explain the dreaming secondary conscious state however, in reality, such dreams never leave the body they are dreamed in – just another paradox to think about.

Srila Prabhupada: No. Earth has no separate existence without <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> says, "My energy." You cannot separate the energy from the energetic. It is not possible. You cannot separate heat from fire. But fire is different from the heat, and heat is different from the fire. You are taking heat; that does not mean you are touching fire. Fire, in spite of emanating heat, keeps its identity. Similarly, although Krishna, by His different energies, is creating everything, He remains <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>. The Mayavada philosophers think that if Krishna is everything, then <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>’s separate identity is lost. That is material thinking. For example, by drinking this milk, little by little, when I finish, there is no more milk; it has gone to my belly. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> is not like that. He is omnipotent. We are utilizing His energy continually; still He is there, present. Just like a man begetting children unlimitedly, but the man is there. A crude example is it's not that because he has produced hundreds of children, he is finished. So, similarly, God or <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, in spite of His unlimited number of children, is there.



purnasya purnam adaya




purnam evavazisyate


"Because He is the complete whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance." This is <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> consciousness. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> is never finished. <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> is so powerful. Therefore He is all-attractive. This is one side of the display of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>’s energy. Similarly, He has unlimited energies. This study of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>’s energy is only one side, or a portion only. So in this way, if you go on studying Krishna, that is <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> consciousness. It is not a bogus thing--"maybe,perhaps not." Absolutely! It is!

Syamasundara: And the study itself is never finished.

Srila Prabhupada: No. How can it be? <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> has unlimited energy.

The word jīva-tattva means the truth status of the living entity, be it as its full potential imperishable bodily self, or in its secondary state of transmitted consciousness or jiva-bhutah figment of the imagination state that enters the real but temporary mahat-tattva cloud where it is restrained by ethereal and biological vessels. This secondary conscious projection is also known as the jīva-kośam-sakti, or the covering of the spirit soul (transmitted secondary consciousness).

There are over 170 different meanings the Sanskrit word jiva. The (jiva) sakti therefore also refers to the sakti or influence generated from the jiva-atma-vigraha (ones authentic imperishable body), whether in the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha's (as the marginal servant they are perpetually) or the mahat-tattva (as the secondary non-Krishna Conscious marginal self that dreams up billions of counterfeit bodies, personalities and identities. All illusions (real but temporary) self- centered dreaming conscious projection (jiva-bhutah consciousness).

The difference between the perishable mahat-tattva universe and the imperishable Vaikuntha's is significant, it means our eternal Krishna Conscious bodily form is always in Goloka even though we may not be consciously aware of that fact due to our non-Krishna conscious dream state.

When the jiva-atma-vigraha devotee's energy or power (also an aspect of the marginal living entities minute power or sakti manifesting as sub-conscious dreams within ones jiva-tattva-vigraha body) is transferred as jiva-atma-tattva vigraha devotee’s secondary marginal characteristic, which are one’s non-Krishna conscious dreams, desires and thoughts, that are transferred to the mahat-tattva to be given bodily form (ethereal and then biological) by Maha-Vishnu.


This is how we enter the material manifestation, via the dreams via non-Krisna sub-conscious dreams generated from our perpetual body in Goloka. Such a secondary lower-self non- Krishna conscious awareness, then extends its energy to the mahat-tattva and is then given an ethereal body by Maha-Vishnu which is the body of a Brahma of which there are millions, some devotees, but most not devotees. We do not originally fall to the impersonal jiva-tatastra conscious condition first, as some believe, that happens much, much later and is not possible from the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha realm. Even Jaya and Vijaya immediately tok birth as demons BEFORE Narayana liberated them to the Brahma-sayujya, they never manifested a tatastra aspect of their consciousness, they immediately took birth in the material creation (mahat-tattva).

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The fall from Gods Kingdom is described in this book as a secondary manifestation of dreaming consciousness only manifesting within the sub-conscious mind of ones perpetual Spirtual devotional bodily self, that further only exists when one is bereft of God consciousness. Such non-Krishna conscious dreams only come into a temporary existence when they enter the mahat-tattva and are given form by Maha-Vishnu. (There is aways choice)


We all have an original God conscious body however, we can only be aware of such a body when we are selflessly engaged in loving devotion to God who is known as Krishna in his Supreme Person and lives eternally with His loving devotees (marginal personalities) and unlimited expansions, all playing different roles, in the uninterrupted ambience of His beautiful Goloka-Vrndavana planet. This divine all-attractive planet exists in the transcendental universe or spiritual sky beyond time and space, past and future. It is a blissful gorgeous imperishable universe that is eternally set in the present as the Brahma-Samhita teaches us.

The constitutional nature of the jiva or soul in its full potential of adoring non-envious expression of full consciousness embodied as a eternal bodily form, is engaged in loving noble unconditional service to God and His pure devotees, this wonderful blissful place is the soul’s original constitution.

The full constitution of the jiva-soul is further made complete with free will, individuality and identity manifesting as a perpetual bodily form. All jiva-souls, or Krishna’s marginal potency, have originally manifested as that perpetual beautiful attractive youthful bodily form serving the wonderful object of their loving service, Krishna the Lord and Master of all and protector of His devotee’s and provider to His non-devotee’s. On the other hand, how are we to understand the word original when there was no beginning to the Spiritual Sky of Goloka-Vrndavana and the subordinate unending perpetual attractive Vaikuntha planets surrounding that wonderful central creation of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>?

In the very simplest terms, the universe is actually divided in the higher universe that covers three quarters of the creation and the lower universe that covers ¼ of creation. The difference between the two is significant; one is imperishable beyond time and space where the past and future do not exist due to the everlasting present, while the other is perishable, controlled by time, past, present, future, decay, forgetfulness, birth, disease, old age and death. This lower universe, which appears as a dark phenomenal cloud in one corner of the Spiritual sky creation and further known as the Brahmajyoti, is called the material universe. The material universe has three basic realities for those who choose to visit its dominion.

The first material feature is the ethereal vessels that houses the jiva-soul consciousness transferred from the higher universe,

The second material feature is the biological vehicle or body that houses the ethereal or subtle body and...

The third material feature is the lifeless material elements that is actually born from the fossilized remains of material biological bodies when they decay and are no longer fit enough to house the ethereal vessel that carries the jiva-soul consciousness (one’s lower self) Such dead matter is spread throughout the material creation (the lower ream of Gods creation). This book will clearly explain how and why <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> has three levels of reality.

Also there are three other aspects of creation

1. Higher creation, Goloka-Vrndavana where <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> resides and the Vaikuntha where boundless numbers of beautiful Vishnu’s reside.

2. Lower creation, material manifestation or mahat-tattva where Maha-Vishnu resides in a dreaming phenomena that facilitates the lower self or secondary conscious phenomena of the marginal jiva-souls higher bodily self in the higher perpetual universe

3. The space between the two is the third known as the Impersonal Brahmajyoti OR Brahma-sayujya where the marginal secondary consciousness can escape too from the suffering of material existence. Such inactive or dormant consciousness is known as the dormant conscious position of the jiva-tattva in creation called the tatastra-sakti.

Could it be, due to our long association in the perishable universe for such a long, long, long, long period of time, we mistaking believe we originate from the third temporary portion of creation (impersonal Brahmajyoti) where one attempts to escape from being active as both ones authentic self in the higher universe (due to forgetfulness) and ones counterfeit self in the lower reality, forgetting ones previous active existence, not only in the impermanent lower universe (mahat-tattva), but unaware of that the manifestation of ones secondary consciousness originated from the higher universe (beautiful Goloka)? This book will attempt to explain how this happens.

All three levels of conscious reality, from the perpetual to the perishable, to the temporary inactive conscious state, will be explained as simple as possible in English without the often perplexing over use of Sanskrit words. The message is more important than the scholarly jnan or the knowledgeable show of understanding difficult Sanskrit words meant for university graduates, not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just not meant for everyone. Such in depth Sanskrit understanding is not for everyone, such words are too difficult to understand by most people in this day and age (see the story of the cobbler and the jnani page 87) .

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I enjoyed reading this, Its deep but makes sense with what Sila Prabhupada says regarding our fall down from Goloka


"Could it be, due to our long association in the perishable universe for such a long, long, long, long period of time, we mistaking believe we originate from the third temporary portion of creation (impersonal Brahmajyoti) where one attempts to escape from being active as both ones authentic self in the higher universe (due to forgetfulness) and ones counterfeit self in the lower reality, forgetting ones previous active existence, not only in the impermanent lower universe (mahat-tattva), but unaware of that the manifestation of ones secondary consciousness originated from the higher universe (beautiful Goloka)?"


"This is how we enter the material manifestation, via the dreams via non-Krishna sub-conscious dreams generated from our perpetual body in Goloka. Such a secondary lower-self non- Krishna conscious awareness, then extends its energy to the mahat-tattva and is then given an ethereal body by Maha-Vishnu which is the body of a Brahma of which there are millions, some devotees, but most not devotees. We do not originally fall to the impersonal jiva-tatastra conscious condition first, as some believe, that happens much, much later and is not possible from the Goloka-Vrndavana/Vaikuntha realm. Even Jaya and Vijaya immediately took birth as demons BEFORE Narayana liberated them to the Brahma-sayujya, they never manifested a tatastra aspect of their consciousness, they immediately took birth in the material creation (mahat-tattva)".

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The ethereal and biological costumes (bodies) always belong to the rental agent, Maha-Vishnu and His wife Maya Devi. Such costumes follow His script or design that simultaneously meets the desires and requirements of each of the jiva-bhutah consciousnesses visiting from their original bodily source and place of servitude in the perpetual Spiritual Sky, which is outside the mahat-tattva or confines of the restricted material universe.


From another thread, same author, fascinating realizations

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