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Gayatri mantra - solution to every problem!

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What is Gayatri?

There is no goddess like Gayatri. Gayatri is an adyashakti(main shakti). When lord Narayana felt like “ako ham bahusyami”(I want to be many more from one), one lotus raised from his neval and he first of all created Lord Brahma on the lotus and then he told him to create a sristi where a lot like him can flourish. Lord Brahma used Lord’s Tamas type of powers to create panch mahabhoot(five essential factors of life) like, earth, sky, fire, water and air. Later the atoms of these elements combined with one another to form prakrity or physical bodies. Now Lord Brahma used Sat type of lord’s powers to put Pran in each body when all the physical bodies became alive! To this Sat shakti our scriptures, called Savitri. Now everyone is alive but Lord Brahma thought, there has to be some principles of “How to live life?” for everyone. So Lord Brahmaji gave these principles of life in 24 letters of a mantra. Since this mantra falls in to Gayatri chand according to Sanskrit grammar the mantra became popular as Gayatri mantra. And since our mother is the most close to us, this shakti was given a form of mother.

Vemata Gayatri:

Now in ancient time when our seer sages were in deep meditation, they heard meaning of each letter of this mantra in divine voices. Also they elaborated them to explain the meaning to a regular person. This way a lot of slokas were collected and they were scattered everywhere. Now when a sage name Krishnadwaipayan Vyasa came and he realized that such an important knowledge was scattered everywhere so he compiled all the slokas in to four parts. Since the knowledge is called Ved, these four compilations became known as Vedas and for doing this Krishnadwaipayan Vyasa became known as Ved Vyasa. Thus Vedas are nothing but definitions of Gayatri mantra. Thus Gayatri is known as Vedmata. Later our seer sages felt that Vedas are not enough for people to understand so they put them in to story forms which became known as Puranas and Manu wrote Manu smruti and Maharshi Patanjali wrote, Patanjali yog darshan etc. But still Ved Vyasa was not happy with all these scriptures so he wrote Mahabharat and gave Geeta in it. Thus today whatever scriptures we have is all written to explain Gayatri mantra.

Vishwamata Gayatri:

Since the whole universe is created with the power of Gayatri, It is known as Vishwamata.

Devmata Gayatri:

If you look at Bhagavat Geeta, in entire Geeta, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, that look me in everything and everything in Me. So just like us, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna, that you keep saying look me everywhere, look me everywhere, where are you? I do not see you! Give me some examples of you on earth. Sop give such examples, Lord Krishna gives whole chapter 10 of Bhagavat Geeta-Vibhooti Yoga. In 35<SUP>th</SUP> stanza of Bhagavat Geeta he says for example if you are talking about seasons, I am Spring and if you are talking about snakes, I am Vasuki and if you are talking about mantras I am Gayatri. Why does Lord Krishna gave so much importance to Gayatri? As everyone knows, the practical meaning of Gayatri mantra is “Please lead our intellect to a righteous path”. This can be said in our own wards or there might be millions of bhajans with same prayer but, Lord Krishna did not say anything about such prayers or bhajans. He specifically said about Gayatri mantra. Why? Gayatri mantra is the only mantra that can awaken divinity in a human being. As poojya Gurudev says we are not high quality animals, we are lost divine souls(Bhataka hua devata). As you can not see clear reflection if the mirror is dusty but as you clean the dust, you can see the reflection very well. Same way Gayatri mantra can clean the dust from our mind and make it clean. That is why Gyatri is called Devmata Gayatri.

How Gayatri mantra awakens divinity in a sadhaka?

To understand how Gaytri mantra awakens divinity in us, we have to understand mantra vigyan a little bit. Human is a fraction of God. Human body is a treasure box. Today we do not believe the stories from ancient rishies that they could talk by telepathy and they could talk with animals or birds. We can also do the same thing today also. We have 7 chakras and 72000 nadies in our body which are inactive in regular case. But if they are activated all such things can be possible with us too. Each nadi has a connection in mouth. As you speak, wherever your tongue touches the mouth it activates connected nadies. As some people can not pronounce certain words properly even though their mouth is completely alright anatomically because there is some problem with the connected nadi. The configuration of Gayatri mantra in so special that as while saying each syllables of this mantra wherever the tongue touches it activates those nadies in your body that gives you a virtue. That is how Gyatri mantra gives you 24 virtues.

The above picture shows the relation of the sounds of the Gayatri Mantra to the specific centers of the body. As shown above, particular letters of the Mantra are related to different parts of the body. The details are in the table below.

No. Letter Gland Involved Energy

1 Tat Tapini Success

2 Sa Saphalta Bravery

3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance

4 Tur Tushti Well-being

5 Va Varda Yoga

6 Re Revati Love

7 Ni Sookshma Money

8 Yam Gyana Brilliance

9 Bhar Bharga Defense

10 Go Gomati Intellect

11 De Devika Suppression

12 Va Varahi Devotion

13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention

14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath

15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint

16 Hi Sfuta Penance

17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness

18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening

19 Yo Yogini Production

20 Naha Dharini Sweetness

21 Pra Prabhava Ideal

22 Cho Ooshma Courage

23 Da Drashya Wisdom

24 Yat Niranjan Service

Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis.

Meaning of Tripada Gayatri:

In Gayatri chand usually there are three parts so called Tri-pada. Tripada Gayatri can be interpreted in all aspects of life like, Paras-amrut-kalpvruksha or sat- chid -ananda, hrim- shrim- klim. Here let’s discuss meaning of Gayatri mantra with reference of Bhagavat Geeta:

1. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Om</st1:place> Bhur, Bhuvah, swaha Bhakti yog

<st1:place w:st="on">Om</st1:place>:Name of God

Bhur, Bhuvah, swaha– three lokas – Pruthvi, akash and patal

This means, the God is Omnipresent. By doing Gayatri sadhana regularly, the sadhaka belives that God is Omnipresent. So he automatically does Bhakti yoga since he becomes believer in God. He would not do anything bad even if no one is around to look at him. He believes that someone is watching him. So in routine language you can say is you become ASTIK.

2. Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhrgo Devasya Dheemahi: Gyan Yog

This fraction of Gayatri mantra gives you the knowledge of “Who you are?”. So the sadhaka of Gayatri mantra automatically performs Gyan yog.

Tat : That – God

Savitu: Illuminant like Savita(energy because of which the sun is illuminant)

Varenyam: The best. Varan karne yogya.

Bhargo: Destroyer of sins. Bhargo makes Gayatri mantra really different. Bharg means to lighten. What? Your sins. Like how the corn grains are very heavy but if you make popcorn? It’s really light. What life we are living is the result of actions of our previous life. Since Gayatri mantra destroys your sins, probably your some past life action, which could have resulted in to some big accident or serious illness, if you are a regular Gayatri sadhaka, it results in to only a fever or may be your finger gets cut with a knife!

Devasya: To awaken divinity. Gayatri mantra is the only mantra that can awaken divinity in you. It affects how it is explained before.

Dheemahi: To imbibe or inculcate. I inculcate all these qualities of God in me.

Thus the second fraction of Gayatri mantra gives you the knowledge(Gyan yog) that “I inculcate the God, who is illuminant like Sun, who is the best among the best, who is a destroyer of sins, who awakens divinity, in me. This reminds you of “Who you are?”. For example, the quality of the fire of a flame of a small Deepak should be same as that of a big fire! But we have forgotten that we are a seed of which big tree! Just like if there is dust on a mirror, you can not see your reflection well but if that dust is cleaned? Now you will be able to see your reflection properly. Gayatri mantra removes dust from our mirror.

3. Dhiyo yon aha prachodayat – Karmayog

Dhiyo: Buddhi – Intellect

Yonah: Lead to a righteous path

Prachodayat: Forcefully

Prachodayat word makes Gayatri mantra really different because even if you want to behave badly, if you are a Gayatri sadhak, it will forcefully make you do the right thing no matter what the result would be. So this part of Gayatri mantra will make you Karmayogi because you will be the best husband, best wife, best mother or father, best employee etc.. You will do everything as your duty without thinking about the fruit of action.

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