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plz do read this n help me out

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hello there


im new to this froum n just became member of this forum.since astrology is my favourite topic i wanted certain clarifications regarding my horoscope.

mine is libra lagna with sun,mercury,juipiter and venus all in the lagna.

in the 3rd house frm lagna is mars and ketu.in the 8th house is moon which is moolatrikona and in the 9th is rahu.

please someone guide me as to which career best suits me.im very very confused.i also read some bv.raman books but i would like to hear from u all.

i've just passed through a very tough hurdle in my life.

please do reply.

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Kind of a complicated picture, but let me try...


If Libra on Asc then Cancer is on the tenth house, ruler of that is in Taurus in the 8th (I wonder what navamsha and dasamsha?) Nevertheless that is a sort of psychological/mystical route, but since Moon is in an earth sign you might go for the material end of the eighth house, which is working with other people's money like a broker.


With Mars and South Node in 3rd in Sag this gives you a strong enthusiasm which you need to apply towards your objectives. Sag's dispositor Jupiter in the first along with all the other planets in Libra in the first indicates that all or most of your attentions are focused on the self and improving that self.


This is not seem to be a "steady career" type chart. Having a lot of planets in the first in an air sign means you like communication and relationships. So the broad themes of your chart indicate spirituality, communications, relationships (like a councelor or advisor).


The Moon in Taurus in the eighth pulls you back into material worries and concerns. Moon's dispositor Venus however in libra in first would tell me to tell you to not be concerned about such things and maybe take care of your financial needs by being a counselor or something


Curtis Burns

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