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Hindu Reform Group Condemns Bollywood Couple's Use of Hindu Ritual, Astrology

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Troy, Michigan [uSA] Feb 11, 2007 (IANS): A US-based international

Hindu reform organisation has expressed disapproval of certain Hindu

rituals performed by Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan for his son

[superstar actor] Abhishek and fiancée [superstar actress] Aishwarya



Aishwarya is a Manglik (astrologically Mars-bearing), which is

believed to have negative consequences for her impending marriage.

[in order to expiate these supposed deficiencies,] the actress is

said to have married a peepal tree at Benares, a banana tree at a

Bangalore temple and a god's idol in Ayodhya.


The organisation, called Navya Shastra, commends the Bachchans for

their Hindu religiosity and charitable works but is extremely

concerned about their actions, which [it believes] will have an

unhealthy impact on their fan base.


Before announcing their engagement, Abhishek and Aishwarya performed

a series of poojas [Hindu prayers and ceremonial offerings] at the

Kashi Vishwanath temple and the Sankat Mochan temple in Varanasi,

Uttar Pradesh. After their engagement, the couple also sought the

blessings of the deity at the Vindhyavasini Temple.


"What concerns us is that millions of people may rationalise their

mistreatment of women based upon the Abhishek-Aishwarya example,"

said Navya Shastra chairman Jaishree Gopal in a press statement.


"As it is, hundreds of thousands of women, and even some men, have

difficulty marrying because of the alleged perniciousness of a

random confluence of stars," added Gopal.


The organization contends that "astrology and similar unscientific

practices should be renounced in marital matchmaking and other

everyday activities in Hindu society."


The organization further notes that "much of so-called Hindu

astrology is an imported amalgamation of long-invalidated pseudo-

sciences emerging from Babylon , Greece and Persia , and should be

discarded as irrelevant to the Hindu tradition."


Navya Shastra notes that the religious rationale for untouchability

is also based upon an accidental birth, and exhorts the Bachchans

and Rai to renounce such actions.


SOURCES: (1) NowRunning.com

(2) Navya Shastra

URLS: (1) nowrunning.com/news/news.asp?it=9511

(2) shastras.org/PressRelease22.html

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If Vedic astrology was imported, and not inherent in Vedic civilization then why do astrological omens play such a large role in events in the Mahabharata and Ramayana?


What is Naavya Shastra's basis for contending Vedic astrology does not originate from the Vedic civilization?


Also, while I understand Naavya Shastra is a reform group for Hinduism, and their intentions are noble, I don't think it's right to target any group of individuals for condemnation or any criticism of private matters. Even if people choose to take that group's actions as an example in their lives. People were endowed with common sense, and free will, they should exercise that.


In any case, I have my doubts to the validity of astrology, as it is pretty vague, but some of it rings true in my case and in the cases of my family members. I don't think it's right to openly dismiss it simply because science has found no real evidence (yet) for the validity of much of astrology. It's like saying just because there's no evidence for God, people should dismiss the concept as mere superstition.


If Naavya Shastra really wants to open eyes, they shouldn't be offending the religiosity of Hindus everywhere, they should be appealing to them to keep in mind that it's important to see God in everyone, regardless of status in life, or whatever influence the stars/planetary alignments may have. The minute you offend someone by saying so-and-so is superstitious claptrap, that person's ears and eyes will be closed and you've lost them for good as far as dialogue is concerned.


As for astrology itself, I actually do want to believe in it, but I have my doubts of course. I take whatever's said as far as astrological portents with a grain of salt, but it doesn't hurt to be wary (most times at least) of possible issues that come up in your life.


And my understanding for astrological basis is that it's a matter of vibrations influencing thought, mode of life, and synchronicity (something even some psychologists such as Carl Jung take very seriously).

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And my understanding for astrological basis is that it's a matter of vibrations influencing thought, mode of life, and synchronicity (something even some psychologists such as Carl Jung take very seriously).


I have the same belief. Afterall the word astro in astrology refers to astral matter or IOW's, "vibrations influencing thought...".


When we consider the fact that everything in the universe is somehow or another interconnected and has some effect on something else then why should we be surpeised that the planets in our immediate solar system may have an effect on our minds similar to what the Moon has on our ocean tides.


The universe is built on the strength of Krsna's intelligence therefore we should not be surprised to discover meaning beyond the obvious in what we consider ordinary things.


I always thought the idea of astrologically pairing couples before marriage up was very intelligent and insightful. My opinion is that if the practice is to be given up it should only be because of the lack of qualified astrologers in this age.


But to go even farther than astrology is the real goal. Krsna can change anything if he likes including so-called destiny. Only His will is all-powerful. I had experiences of this that I am sure qualifies and I imagine all those that try to turn to God have them also recognized or not. After an aborted attempt at bramacary life and living in the local temple I had a job that kept me in a truck picking up donated items from peoples homes.


One day it was snowing and the roads were icey. We came to a stop and I jump out of the truck to run across the street and didn't look for traffic. I slipped on the ice in the street and was lying flat on my back and a car was approaching headed right for me. The elderly man behind the wheel hit his brakes but the were not much good on the ice. His car came to a sliding stop with the tire LESS THAN 1 INCH from my neck. One more revolution of the tire or six more inches and it would have severed my head from my body. Inwardly I laid there in a state of incredible peace the lacks of which I wish I could have all the time. The elderly couple were freaked out of the minds because they thought they may have killed me. I became worried for them and had a hard time calming them down.


Either Krsna changed my karma or even the experience itself was destined to teach me that my fate and all others as well, lies directly in the hands of God.


We are so small and are helpless without Krsna.

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