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Karna the conqueror ancestor of Hans and Khans

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Karn was the only great warrior of Mahabharat. The Hans(Huns- predecessor of white huns Hephthalites) from whom Khan’s might be the descendants of Karna as Mongols were descendants of Hans(Huns). Kha of Khan and Ka of Karna sounds similar.

In an incident which took place during the war between Karna and Arjuna, Arjuna's chariot was hit by Karna's arrows and was displaced a few meters backwards from the impact of the arrows. At that time Lord Krishna, who was driving Arjuna's chartiot, praised Karna for his feat. Arjuna, whose arrows had displaced Karna's chariot by several hundred meters, was shocked at Krishna's praise for Karna and questioned him. Krishna said "Arjuna, I myself who own the whole weight of the entire Universe am sitting on your chariot and your chariot is covered by the blessing of Lord Hanuman. Without these two factors, Karna's arrows would have hurled your chariot off the Earth."

It is further mentioned that Karna was capable of defeating Jarasandha in single combat whereas Bheema defeated Jarasandha with the help of Krishan. Karna was the first one to expose the weakness of Jarasandha. Finally, Parashurama, before cursing him, had mentioned to Karna that he was his (Parashurama's) complete equal.


During his stay in Visnhuavatar Parashurama's hermitage, Karna befriended many Rakshasas,Yakshas,Gandharvas & Nagas. That is the reason why the name Karn was familiar to them has Khan. Han was derived from Karn and later on Khan was derived from Han or directly from Karn.

Karna had conquered many foreign states till Kazakhstan and most of the central asian countries for Duryodhana. This was the reason why most of them sided with Duryondhana as his allies. After the war these states were again splitted. Later on some of them were again merged by Arjuna. But Karna was the first one the bring them under his strength and will power due to which he was praised as the most skillful warrior much better than the Pandavas in the art of fighting. Karn's war skills might be reason why people of central asia adopted his name and formed Han, Hun and Khan.



Karna defeated many foreign countries hence could be possible that he had made many alliances over it could be possible that even Mongolians are his descendants either direct or indirect through Huns.

Karna’s campaign had subjugated many invincible and mighty foes—the Gandharas, the Madrakas, the Matsyas, the Trigartas, the Tanganas, the Khasas, the Pancalas, the Videhas, the Kulindas, the Kasi-kosalas, the Suhmas, the Angas (the other Anga kings), the Nishadhas, the Pundras, the Kichakas, the Vatsas, the Kalingas, the Taralas, the Asmakas, and the Rishikas. Subjugating all these brave races, Radha’s son, had caused all of them to pay tribute to us for the aggrandisement of Duryodhana.


Agreed it was a war between good and bad but it was an unfortunate incident in which Karna had to fight for Kauravas otherwise his talent could have been used for good. But even Bheesma fought for Kauravas hence even he was siding the bad so then why Bheesma is given respectable position of begin a great warrior and Karna is not given his righteous position, this is because he was considered to be of low origin. If people like Karna were judged on the basis of their skills and not on the basis of their caste, then even all Hindus today would have remained united under one roof no low caste and no high caste. People should have been selected on the basis of their skills just like how romans used to do, they used to recuirt people on the basis of their skills and not just caste.


If incase we would have given equal respect, oppertunity to even low caste people and intermingle them among us just like how Sri Krishna united all people living in this subcontinent as much as he can, then even Hinduism could have been a powerful religion much mightier than the early roman empire was when it was just founded. But No, we discriminate people on the basis of their caste.


Whenever Sri Krishna used to converse with Karna there was mutual understanding and respect for each other because one point of time even Sri Krishna used to be insulted because he hailed from a village. But still Sri Krishna supported Pandavas the reason for that was because Sri Krishna wanted to unite all people living in this subcontinent irrespective of their castes and cultures. This is all because of the efforts of Sri Krishna that today it is not easy to distinguish between pure Aryans and Non Aryans.


Sri Krishna wanted Karna to side with Pandavas but at the same time Sri Krishna knew that Karna was bounded by Duryodhana's one good deed and that was to embrace Karna irrespective of his caste difference. Karna knew that duryodhana was wrong but he could not stop him because karna was obliged to Duryodhana.


Though Duryodhana had one good deed of embracing a low caste person but he was not capable of uplifting entire low caste population. After winning the war Duryodhana would have indulged himself in richesm wealth and pleasures, he would have never paid attention of uplifting all low caste people but Sri Krishna wanted to uplift low caste people as well as intermingle each and every group of people living in this subcontintent which he could have not be able to done if Duryodhana was the king. Only Pandavas would have assisted Sri Krishna to uplift low caste and intermingle each and every group of people living in this subcontinent. But Duryodhana would not have allowed Pandavas to rule peacefully, he would have always tried to create unnecessary hurdle in the social work hence it was necessary to kill Duryodhana.


By Killing Karna from behind Sri Krishna proved to the world that it was impossible for any warrior to defeat Karna, at the same time Sri Krishna freed Karna from Duryodhana's bondage because Karna had owed that until he is alive no one could even hurt Duryodhana, hence Sri Krishna giving respect to Karna's oath had him killed, because if incase Karna did not die and if Duryodhana dies before karna then Karna's oath would have been false, hence to keep the pride of Karna's oath, Sri Krishna asked Arjun to kill Karna.


Also, Karna had promised Kunti that if, he dies or Arjun dies, she will always have her five children alive. This might be one of the reason why Karna inspite of King Shalya's suggestion to hit Arjuna on his chest, opted to hit Arjun on his head, because even Karna knew very well that Sri Krishna will defend Arjun hence the arrow directed toward the head of the Arjuna could be diverted. Indirectly Karna might be helping Arjuna to escape his arrows. Hence he might be just pretending to attack Arjuna because as per Karna's oath that he would not allow anyone to hurt Duryodhana until he is alive but this oath did not contains a clause that Karna cannot forgive Duryodhana's enemies hence there could be chances that Karna pretended to Kill Arjuna but he would have strictly never allowed Arjuna or any other warrior to kill Duryodhana hence along with being loyal to his friend Duryodhana he could also defend his brothers, indirectly.


Indirectly speaking he sacrificed his life for his friend and for his brother so that there will always be five children of Kunti alive apart from him as it was very well known that he was Dhaanveera so there is no doubt that he can even donate his life for his brother Arjuna. While assuring to Kunti, Karna told that either he or Arjuna will remain, this might be a political statement because Karna who was fighting from Duryodhana's camp cannot directly assure Kunti that he will spare Arjuna hence he might have given her an indication that he will not harm Arjuna because he hinted her that her five childrens will remain alive and at that point of time every one knew that Kunti had only five children, also he rejected her offer to adopt him as her first son because he was obliged to his foster parents to whom he owed the debt of rescuing him and raised him as their own child, also he did not wanted to hurt the dignity of Kunti of bearing a child before marriage hence he asked to remain quiet about his relationship with her like how she was quiet till now. This all indicate that Karna himself accepted death as his future.


Karna was like a lotus among those wicked Kauravas.


Even at the End Karna's life was not leaving is body due to his good deeds this shows that he was not a bad person. Sri Krishna asked Karna to leave his body just like a Doctor who does mercy killing to relieve his patients pain, because even if Karna survived the war he would have to live like a Handicap as he was severely damaged in the war hence it was no use for a great warrior like Karna to live like a handicap and to remain at the mercy of others even for his daily routine, hence Sri Krishna asked Karna to leave his body and then ascend to heaven. Sri Krishna told Karna that you were the only warrior who fought like a warrior without any major weapons and with all curses on head. Sri Krishna told to Karna that you got what you wanted, Karna wanted glory and he got glory in the war and also because of the grace of Sri Krishna it became a history that no one was ever able to defeat Karna face to face because even Arjuna had to shot arrow at Karna from behind.


On the other hand when Karna died he was not a low caste person he was a king of Anga so killing Karna did not meant discrimination against entire low caste community. It might be discrimination against Karna but not on entire low caste community. But still the way Karna fought it proved to the world that irrespective of his caste one can attain highest position by his will and determination. Karna wanted a glorius death and got what he wanted. He was only person on whose death Sri Krishna felt depressed.


Sri Krishna always praised Karna for his skills and even felt Karna's pain. Sri Krishna always treated Karna with respect and so even Karna used to respect Sri Krishna.


Draupadhi had insulted Karna claiming to be of low caste during her Swyamwar this was the reason why Karna returned back her insults during Draupadhi's vastraharan. Karna just asked a logical question to her " If she can have five husband then why can't she accept Duryodhana as her sixth husband" just to emphasize that she felt disgraced if she would have married a low caste person like him then how does she considers herself to be respected when she has married to five people. Also, Karna did not supported Shakunis idea of defeating Pandavas in gambling, Karna wanted to win from Pandavas by fighting them face to face but due to Duryodhana's pressure he had to accept this gambling match.


But according to Sri Krishna a lady whether she is a wife of one person or of five person she should always be looked upon as mother or sister "Parayee stree par nazar dhalna Paap Hai". This was the mistake which Duryodhana had done.


But Karna had just returned back verbal racial abuse back to Draupadhi this was justified. Even Duryodhana should have returned back her verbal abuses with verbal abuses then it would have been justified for this even Sri Krishna would have forgiven him, but he tried to rape her and raping is a sin.


During the war Karna was not in the favour of killing Abhimanyu in Chakrayu but still Duryodhana forced Karna to be part of the chakrayu but inspite of being part of the chakrayu Karna did not killed Abhimanyu it was Duryodhana, Duryodhana's brothers and their childrens killed Abhimanyu.


Sri Krishna was the only one who discouraged the worship of Indra(Zeus of Greek and Jupiter of Romans). Sri Krishna wanted to unify Hindus, Jains and Buddhist(Gautam Buddha is considered as 28th buddha as per buddhism. Adi Buddha is considered as the founder of Buddhism).


Karna was a good man defending bad people.


There was also a place called Karn in ancient arab. Even it might be one of the place that he had conquered at that time.

But Karna's glory does not ends here. Later on Han(Huns) his descendants and even the mongols(Khans) roused to glory keep his warrior genes in them. The weapon of Han(huns) and Khans were bow and arrow and they used to ride on horse back much what Karna used to do. Karna's blood runs in their veins.

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As per some people Ancient Angadesh was in current Bihar and some part of Bengal but in some buddhis's geography associated Anga in current China(Tibet) region.


Karna was the king of Anga(China), a country, according to the Buddhist's geography associated with China, but according to other scholars, Sri Lanka [ See Anga: 'Geography of Early Buddhism', by Bimala Churn Law, Bhartiya Pub., House, by Shri V.S. Singh Varanasi, India. p. 6-8 ]. This shows that Anga Desh was actually a part of current China(Entire Himalayan region of Tibet). In Ancient time entire Himalayan Range along with Tibet Plateau belonged to India while China was a small country towards the eastern end of the current China.

Actual china's map during Ming dynasty in 1580


There was also a place called Karn in ancient arab. Even it might be one of the place that he had conquered at that time. Karna(Qarnaw) "the land is inhabited by four great peoples: first the Mineans, (inhabitants of Main) with their capital Karna (Qarnaw).


Karna name presence in Arabia

11<SUP>th</SUP> Century B.C.E. land routes through Arabia were greatly improved by Sumerians and Arabs wanting to trade with people of the west using the camels as a beast of burden. Frankincense was carried from its production centre at Qana (now known as Bir 'Ali) to Gaza in Egypt. The camel caravans also carried gold and other precious goods which arrived in Qana by sea from India. The chief incense traders were the Minaeans. The Minaean kingdom, which lasted from about 1200 to 650 BC, wads prosperous and whose prosperity was due mainly to the trade of frankincense and spices. Trade brought civilization. They established their capital at Karna (now known as Sadah). In 950 BC another people of Arabia called the Sabaeans took over. Prosperity attracted onlookers who waited in hiding for the right chance to take over controls. The fighting develops in who gets how much from the trades. This breaks the tight tribal bonds and a new group comes in a takes over everything. This will be a major factor in the future retreat back to obscurity for the Arabs.

“The Minaean kingdom, which lasted from about 1200 to 650 BC, wads prosperous and whose prosperity was due mainly to the trade of frankincense and spices. Trade brought civilization. They established their capital at Karna (now known as Sadah).”


Some say that Salah is Mahabharata's Karna


Ancient Arabians used to practice Idol worship and they had closed trade relations with India, they even shared common culture.

Minaean Kingdom


Sabean Kingdom


Ancient Greater India.

Greater India is another term sometimes used to describe the region between Central Asia in the North and tropical Indonesia in the South, and from the borderlands of Persia to Tibet and western China, which has had a significant Indian influence on its culture and civilization, including religious thought, language, art and literature.



Hence there is large possibilities that Huns and Khans are descendants of Angraj Karna.

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