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namaste to all! i am a devotee of shri hanumanji. i have heard of something called the 'hanuman mantra chamatkaaraanushtthaan' written by Shankaracharya. i would be most greatful if anyone can give me the full mantra ( i think there are 20 verses). i would also like to know if there are any other ways to please shri hanumanji such as sadhnas or mantras which may grant shri hanumanji's grace or siddhis. thankyou.

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For more information on Dvaita Vedanta, please visit dvaita.org, tatvavada.org, dvaita.net. You'll find Hanuman Shlokas there.


Dvaita was given to us by the third avatar of Vayu, Srimad Acharya, the first two incarnations being Hanuman and Bhimasena. As to Sankara, this is what garuda purana has to say about him.


Garudapurana (Brahma kanda, 16th adhyAya)


maNimAnnAma daityastu shaN^karAkhyo bhaviShyati |

sarveShAM saN^karaM yastu kariShyati na saMshayaH ||

tena shaN^karanAmA.asau bhaviShyati khageshvara |

dharmAn.h bhAgavatAn.h sarvAn.h vinashyati sarvathA ||


A Demon by name maNimAn will come into being as Shankara, who will, no doubt, pollute everything. This is why, O King of birds (Garuda), his name will be Shankara; he will pollute and destroy all BhAgavata Dharmas.


No wonder Dvaitins stay away from Sankara! Also Hanuman in his next incarnation as Bhimasena kills him, these details are there in Mahabharata.

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To rickesh,


Many of the posters here are Vaishnavas and are opposed to Shankaracharya and his teachings as they are different to the gurus they follow. They are very biased and I would advise you to post you questions on an Advaita or Shankaracharya board.

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i cant believe u just called shankara a demon


thats just freaking retarded


i cant believe there is such animosity in u against other vedanta traditions


u should learn to control ur mouth and shutup, thats what spirituality teaches in general

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i cant believe u just called shankara a demon


thats just freaking retarded


i cant believe there is such animosity in u against other vedanta traditions


u should learn to control ur mouth and shutup, thats what spirituality teaches in general


Garuda Purana calls Sankara a demon. You might want to contact Garuda and ask him to keep his mouth shut!

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thankyou for your help again! i have studied and learned the hanuman chalisa already though...i have learned it off by heart and also the meanings of the 40 verses...i was hoping someone could provide me more information on worshipping shr hanumanji but thankyou for your help!

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Garuda Purana calls Sankara a demon. You might want to contact Garuda and ask him to keep his mouth shut!


1. If Garuda purana called shankara a demon, then why did the opponents of Advaita just not quote this verse and be done with it instead of writing volumes against Advaita?


2. Going back another step further, why did people become advaitins? The Garuda purana verse is as explicit as can be and no one would become Advaitins to begin with.


3. Can you show this quote being used by any legitimate scholar from a few hundred years ago like Ramanuja or Madhva? I do not think so. It is just another interpolation to be found in puranas.

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3. Can you show this quote being used by any legitimate scholar from a few hundred years ago like Ramanuja or Madhva? I do not think so. It is just another interpolation to be found in puranas.


It's explicitly mentioned in "SUMADHVA VIJAYA" and "MANIMANJARI" written by Sri Narayana Panditacharya, a close disciple of Sri Madhva. He wrote it, when Madhva was still alive. Happy now?

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It's explicitly mentioned in "SUMADHVA VIJAYA" and "MANIMANJARI" written by Sri Narayana Panditacharya, a close disciple of Sri Madhva. He wrote it, when Madhva was still alive. Happy now?


No. I am not. In other words, the answer to my question (3) is NO. You also have not answered the first two questions.


There are some islam web sites which claim Muhammad was predicted in the Vedas and Puranas as the one who would proclaim the true religion. Why is this not known to Hindus? The reason provided is it is secret knowledge which is carefully guarded by Brahmanas and not made public.


The Garuda Purana claim is no way less ridiculous than this islam claim.

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