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meditation for peace in Lebanon

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Dear All,

I request you all to join in a meditation for peace in Lebanon.

Time & length of the meditation is not set yet.

Any suggestion in this regard is welcomed.


**Moderator's Note: Great idea. I'd like to suggest using

some 'visualization', along the lines of what Yogi Bhajan,

Gururattana, and Guru Kirin teach. Meditate or pray as if you

already have whatever it is you are want. Ra Ma Da Sa?


Sat Nam

Nabil Rizqallah

Beirut Lebanon

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Sat Nam, Nabil:


Please keep us informed of your progress with this meditation, date,

time, particular meditation.


The Siri Gaitri Mantra is a powerful healing tool.




Guru Gopal Kaur

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Sat Nam!


Thank you Nabil for making this request.


I suggest that we all pray for peace in Lebanon as part of our daily prayer/meditation routine.


Here are some ideas.


1. Repeat 11 times or periodically during the day.


Hail Guru Ram Das

In the name of Guru Ram Das

Heal us. Heal Lebanon and heal the world.


Yogi Bhajan gave us this formula,


2. Followed by "Thank you angels of peace and love for bringing peace and love to Lebanon." If we want help we have to ask for it by thanking the available forces for their services.


3. Before and after any meditation that you are doing ask for aand visualize peace in Lebanon. Then at the end, inhale deeply and hold the space for peace. In other words, if you have a meditation and can't add another one, just use the one you are doing.


4. The meditations that I recommend are

Guru Guru Wa he Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru



(both in free on line lessons)


Before and at the end inhale and hold the space for peace.


Since it is hard to coordinate times, I suggest that if you are going to do a meditation at a particular time, write the list and others can join you. There can be several times. And the more times the better. And this should be on-going, not just a one time event.


Although it is also true, the more people meditating at the same time, the more powerful the force. So let's go for that too. My main point is let's do something everyday! All energies in this direction are beneficial.


We started today here in Coronado, CA.


Sat Nam,


Gururattana :+)

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Thank you for responding.

what would be a suitable time for you.


**Moderator: Why don't we coordinate this by time zone?

FYI, i am in Central Time zone, in US. Anyone in Central lets pick

a time and do it today, or tommorrow. Maybe 8pm tonite or tommorrow, CST?


Peace & Love.

Nabil Rizqallah

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Dear Nabil and Group Members,


I like Gururattana's suggestion of keeping the meditation and prayer

active throughout the day. I will also include Siri Gaitri Mantra in

my sadhana and in classes I teach. The time will vary as class time

and my sadhana time varies from day to day. I will start at about

8;30pm US PST today. Again, thank you for the suggestion!


Sat Nam,


Guru Gopal Kaur

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Thank you Gururattana for the valuable directives you gave.


I think 'group meditation' bears better on cosmic consciousness,

if you agree,

kindly set yourself a convenient time for you in the States &,

if you may take the lead I will be grateful. Lebanon too.

Respects &, appreciations,

Sat Nam.

Nabil Rizqallah

Beirut Lebanon



"Guru Rattana"

> Sat Nam!


> Thank you Nabil for making this request.


> I suggest that we all pray for peace in Lebanon as part of our daily

> prayer/meditation routine.


> Here are some ideas.


> 1. Repeat 11 times or periodically during the day.


> Hail Guru Ram Das

> In the name of Guru Ram Das

> Heal us. Heal Lebanon and heal the world.


> Yogi Bhajan gave us this formula,


> 2. Followed by "Thank you angels of peace and love for bringing peace and

> love to Lebanon." If we want help we have to ask for it by thanking the

> available forces for their services.


> 3. Before and after any meditation that you are doing ask for aand

> visualize peace in Lebanon. Then at the end, inhale deeply and hold the

> space for peace. In other words, if you have a meditation and can't add

> another one, just use the one you are doing.


> 4. The meditations that I recommend are

> Guru Guru Wa he Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru

> and


> (both in free on line lessons)


> Before and at the end inhale and hold the space for peace.


> Since it is hard to coordinate times, I suggest that if you are going to

> do a meditation at a particular time, write the list and others can join

> you. There can be several times. And the more times the better. And

> this should be on-going, not just a one time event.


> Although it is also true, the more people meditating at the same time, the

> more powerful the force. So let's go for that too. My main point is let's

> do something everyday! All energies in this direction are beneficial.


> We started today here in Coronado, CA.


> Sat Nam,


> Gururattana :+)




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I say why don't we Pray and Meditate for world peace. Look at the wars

that are going on all around the globe lots of people are being killed

every day by violence.


Sat Nam

Stephen O.

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Sat Nam!


I was just reading a very interesting article by Larry Dossey, MD, who has several major books, one of the first ones on the scientific studies on the power of prayer.


According to the scientific studies, the effect of prayer doesn't seem to correlate always with the size of the group. More is not always better. Sincerity, genuineness, authenticity count more than numbers. Feeling love, compassion and kindness for what you are praying for is what makes the prayer effective. If you take away the compassion, real love and empathy, these experiments fall flat. Also confidence in the process by whoever is being prayed for helps promote a positive outcome, but it is not crucial to the effects of prayer, i.e. the recipient doesn't have to know or even believe.




I find this all just awesome!




So don't underestimate your power to effect change. Pray, meditate, or do whatever you do with all your heart and it will have an effect.




Wed the 31st we will be doing Tantric Healing Ring Meditation in my class about 8:10- 8:30 PM PST. We will of course focus on peace in the hearts of all those in Lebanon and the whole middle east. And then the whole planet. (Yes Stephen) Fortunately prayer is the connection with the Infinite, so there is plenty of space for the whole planet.









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st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }

I agree with Stephen O. The whole world is in verybad shape at the moment and Lebanonis only one of the many facets of tirbulation going on. Let us meditate forglobal truth. Truth unlocks the potential for understanding and hence peace.




Sat Nam


Sahib Singh





Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.

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>I say why don't we Pray and Meditate for world peace. Look at the wars

> that are going on all around the globe lots of people are being killed

> every day by violence.


One meditation that I do often -- imagine a buddha on a lotus seat hovering

above you. Imagine him or her raining down the golden nectar of love onto

you. As the nectar falls on you, imagine the anger in your heart being

extinguished as hot coals would be with water poured on them. Then imagine

that buddha multiplying into hundreds or thousands of buddhas on lotus

seats, each of them hovering above the ground and spreading out to encompass

the entire planet. As they go imagine them pouring their healing nectar

onto all the living hearts of the world, dousing the flames of anger and

leaving love in all those who they encounter. When I do it I can really

hear the sizzling sound of the anger being extinguished, and feel the

cooling sensations.



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Dear everyone:


Wars don't happen by accident. People engaged in them, and the whole

world, are affected in ways that are positive sometimes because of the

horror or the destruction. Sometimes human beings cannot see clearly

without a war. We each grow where we need to grow and for some war is

it. The bomb in Hiroshima for instance brought the whole of humanity

closer together than we ever were before.


So... what I think is most helpful for peace is not to ask for the war

to stop, but instead to tune in to the areas of unrest, accept the

war(s), angers, emotions, pain in our own sensory space, and make

peace with our own reactions and internal experience. The idea is to

not make anyone wrong and to help humanity integrate its suffering.


Blessings, Awtar

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Life is a celestial gift.

Would you have had the same approach to Hirochima

should you, or your family were the victims.

There are different methods to get people closer,

the yoga we are practicing is one method.

Gururattna's "Transition to a heart-centered world" is a 'road map' worth to

put in practice,


Peace & consideration for any living creature on earth.

Nabil Rizqallah

Beirut Lebanon




"yogahs" <kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Friday, February 02, 2007 6:20 AM

Kundalini Yoga Re:meditation for peace in Lebanon



> Dear everyone:


> Wars don't happen by accident. People engaged in them, and the whole

> world, are affected in ways that are positive sometimes because of the

> horror or the destruction. Sometimes human beings cannot see clearly

> without a war. We each grow where we need to grow and for some war is

> it. The bomb in Hiroshima for instance brought the whole of humanity

> closer together than we ever were before.


> So... what I think is most helpful for peace is not to ask for the war

> to stop, but instead to tune in to the areas of unrest, accept the

> war(s), angers, emotions, pain in our own sensory space, and make

> peace with our own reactions and internal experience. The idea is to

> not make anyone wrong and to help humanity integrate its suffering.


> Blessings, Awtar






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Dear Nabil:


What I offered is what I think is the quickest way to peace. It starts

with oneself always! Anything else would prolong the feeling of being

misunderstood on one side of the war and might very well exacerbate

the conflict. I'd be very careful tempering with war.


I think of life as a celestial gift as well. Life in its infinite

manifestation cannot be destroyed. Physical deaths that happen at the

hands of other human beings leave a gift to the perpetrators and

others as well. They offer a gift of healing for the perpetrator and

for the world. These deaths are not wasted. And for the surviving

families and friends and country man and women there is a gift as well

that will only come afterwards. To receive these gifts we need to be

willing to feel. That's how God speaks to us and heals us.


On the other hand, there is your personal experience with this war

that is very important to share. Please share with us what you feel so

we can hear from the celestial gift of your life.


Blessings, Awtar




> Awtar,

> Life is a celestial gift.

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Sat nam Everyone!


Thank you everyone for your meditations for peace in Lebanon and the world.


We have another practitioner of Kundalini Yoga in Beruit in addition to Nabil -- Jai Deva Kaur (Sylvie George). Jai Deva completed the Kundalini Rising Teacher Training course in Austin Texas! She is staying in Lebanon despite many opportunities to leave, to hold the space for peace and light in her country.


Jai Deva shared with me yesterday that she feels our prayers and now has the hope to begin doing Ky classes on the theme Meditate for Peace.


By a previous miracle Jai Deva has a Center for Kundalini Yoga in Beruit!! The first one in Lebanon! Now she just needs to attract students and people willing to open their hearts to peace.


Nabil, I hope you can help her attract some students. And that you can join her and start (continue) the "peace process."


No matter where we are, if we hold the space of peace in our minds, hearts and bodies even for a few minutes day, we contribute to peace on the planet.


Our inner reality creates our outer reality both personally and collectively. When we recognize how conflicted we are within ourselves, we realize how we contribute to global strife. However, this also means that we can participate in shifting the consciousness of the planet and the external manifestations of the internal human condition.


I like to understand prayer not as a supplication to some outside source to make things better, but as our internal alignment with the Infinite peace, love and kindness that exists in the Universe.


Another theme for all our KY classes and personal practice could be "Aligning Ourselves for Peace."


Many blessings,



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Dear all,

I thank you wholeheartedly for your consolidation with us Lebanese.

Peace & Blessings

Nabil Rizqallah

Beirut Lebanon


"Guru Rattana" <gururattan (AT) yogatech (DOT) com>


Saturday, February 03, 2007 11:32 PM

Re: Kundalini Yoga Re:meditation for peace in Lebanon



> Sat nam Everyone!


> Thank you everyone for your meditations for peace in Lebanon and the

> world.


> We have another practitioner of Kundalini Yoga in Beruit in addition to

> Nabil -- Jai Deva Kaur (Sylvie George). Jai Deva completed the Kundalini

> Rising Teacher Training course in Austin Texas! She is staying in Lebanon

> despite many opportunities to leave, to hold the space for peace and light

> in her country.


> Jai Deva shared with me yesterday that she feels our prayers and now has

> the hope to begin doing Ky classes on the theme Meditate for Peace.


> By a previous miracle Jai Deva has a Center for Kundalini Yoga in Beruit!!

> The first one in Lebanon! Now she just needs to attract students and

> people willing to open their hearts to peace.


> Nabil, I hope you can help her attract some students. And that you can

> join her and start (continue) the "peace process."


> No matter where we are, if we hold the space of peace in our minds, hearts

> and bodies even for a few minutes day, we contribute to peace on the

> planet.


> Our inner reality creates our outer reality both personally and

> collectively. When we recognize how conflicted we are within ourselves,

> we realize how we contribute to global strife. However, this also means

> that we can participate in shifting the consciousness of the planet and

> the external manifestations of the internal human condition.


> I like to understand prayer not as a supplication to some outside source

> to make things better, but as our internal alignment with the Infinite

> peace, love and kindness that exists in the Universe.


> Another theme for all our KY classes and personal practice could be

> "Aligning Ourselves for Peace."


> Many blessings,


> Gururattana




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