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Aum is Vishnu, Vishnu is Aum, Aum is Mahesh and Mahesh is Aum, Aum is Parabhrama.

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Hindu Sadhus, Rishis, Yogis etc... were all Shramans not Brahmans.

It is well known that our Hindu Sadhu, Rishis, Yogis etc.. used to say "Alakh Niranjan" it can be possible that Mohammed must have made Allah from Alakh because Alakh Niranjan is a phrase used in Hinduism and Sikhism to describe the characteristics of God and the Self Atman. Alakh means "that which is not seen" and niranjan means "without any stains."

Even Guru Nanak had told his follower to pray to Alakh Niranjan.

All Dharmic religion believe in the significance of ffice:smarttags" />Shri Krishna recited OM. Shri Krishna is himself Om.

Mahavir Vardhman recited OM. Mahavir Vardhman is himself Om.

Gautam Buddha recited OM. Gautam Buddha is himself Om.

All mantras has OM.

All tantras has OM.

Even Shri Ganesh is also called Omkara.

OM is another form of Shiva. Shiv is himself Om.

OM is another form of Vishnu. Vishnu is himself Om.

OM is another form of Parabrahma. Brahma is himself Om.

Hence OM is the unity of all gods and OM is the formless and idoless true originater of entire universe. It is also said that everything came from OM and will end into OM.

Hence praying to OM is not wrong. OM will unite all differenet sects and caste in India. OM can unite all religion into ancient Indian Dharma.

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Mohammed had derived his idea from Indian religion. If you look carefully that the letters of allah in arabic is similar to that of OM. All of us we know that every thing came from Om and will go into Om. Om is the only god which does not has forms and also we don't have idols of Om. So this idea Mohammed has adopted to create a new religion. Also, during their pilgrimage to Mecca. They wear white cloth, shave off their head and practice veg their ideas are similar to Swetambar sect of Jainism. Also, earlier Jainism have stopped idol worshiping. Whereas the Indo-Greek Kings have adopted Buddhism and both Buddhism and Jainism were present in that area in and around Syria.

Also, Arabia was occupied by traders from Indian and all traders were Jains. Even Phoenicians and Philistines were people of Sea, they were traders. Also, It was said that Mohammed received his first preaching in Hera cave and it is well know fact that some hindu sadhus, rishis and digambara sect of Jains live in Cave hence he might have got his preaching by Hindu sadhus and Jains. Also, in his childhood he used to trade with his Uncle. He had even gone to Syria and in syria buddhism was famous. Hence instead of making him rishi, sant, sadhu or Mahammat acharya his follower made him prophet.

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Even the christanity have adopted saint isophat whose story is similar to Gautam Buddha and also the teacher of saint Isophat as saint Barlaam. Barlaam sounds similar to Vardham. Also, buddhist believe that Mahavir Vardhman had once preached Gautam Buddha hence the christanity had copied Gautam Buddha and Mahavir Vardham into Christanity.


Even Islam has their reference.

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Also Veda means subject it is nothing to do with caste system. for. e.g. Ayurveda = Ayur + Veda that means subject of medicine. Also, some low caste people say that they have been humiliated since long time, this is wrong. There is no low caste people at all in ancient Indian Dharma it was created by brahmins. How pope and caliph spoiled their repective religion so some of the selfish Brahmins of that era spoiled ours whereas some Brahmins followed the suite just by ignorance all Brahmins were not guilty. Sadhus and Rishi are real ascetics people of our land and no one else not even Brahmins. I am talking about Yogis and thinkers and not bhogis. Veda is a subject like Ayurveda = Ayur + Veda which means subject of medicine. It was just a documentation of all things that people learnt, invented and found at that time. One of part of the Veda contained mention of caste system. Veda itself does not means caste system it is just a document in which there is reference of caste system can be found along with all other information that were documented by different people and then clubbed into a book. Actually speaking there is nothing called Vedic religion. What Brahmans did they claimed their Authorities over Vedas and manipulated it’s contents as they wanted just like what the Vatican Christian authorities did raise their status over other common people of the society rather than practicing the true principle and teaching of Jesus Christ. Just like how Pope use the name of Jesus to rule over the common public so did the some of the Brahmins whereas other Brahmins followed the suite because of ignorance used the name of Veda to rule over the common public.

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The low caste people are nothing but the people who were defeated in war. They were also soldier just because they were defeated in war they had become salves and hence low caste or outcaste. Suppose if they would have defeated others then even they would have been high caste and the people whom they have defeated will have been low caste or outcaste. Why farmers and traders were not considered as outcaste or low caste. The Low caste people are actually defeated and conquered warriors. Even when they ruled they might have defeated some one or the other. There is nothing called caste system in India. India is one. Everyone should respect India.

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Hindus sadhu or Jain Acharya Who took Samadhi in ancient Rome during the rule of Cesar Augustus.


Zarmanochegas (S'ramanacharya ) might be a hindu sadhu or jain ascetic because most of the Buddhist monks were referred as munis like Sakhyamuni etc.. but Zarmanochegas meant S'ramanacharya and also Buddhist don’t practice self-immolation.


It may not be considered out of place when it is added here, that many years afterwards, another Indian, in the presence of Caesar (Augustus) at Athens, did the same thing. His tomb is shown to this day, and is called the Indian's Tomb (Plutarch). The Indian who burned himself at Athens was called Zarmanochegas, as we learn from Strabo (Geographer) (XV, 1.73), who states, on the authority of Nikolaos of Damascus, that The Indian came to Syria, in the train of the ambassadors who were sent to Augustus Caesar by a great Indian King called Poros. These ambassadors, he says, "were accompanied by the person who burnt himself to death at Athens." This is the practice with persons in distress who seek escape from existing calamities, and with others in prosperous circumstances, as was the case with this man. For, as everything hitherto has succeeded with him, he thought it necessary to depart, lest some unexpected calamity should happen to him by continuing to live; with a smile, therefore, naked, anointed and with his girdle round his waist, he leaped upon the pyre. On his tomb was the inscription: "Zarmanochegas, an Indian, a native of Bargosa (Barygaza, Brooch"), having immortalized himself according to the custom of his country, here lies." Lassen takes the name of Zarmanochegas to represent the Sanskrit S'ramanacharya (McCrindle).


Zarmanochegas, a native of Bargosa (Baruch?), immolated himself in

Athens in the presence of Augustus Ceaser. Zarmanochegas is taken to

represent the Sanskrit SramaNAcArya, from which follows the

identification of the gymnosophists with Buddhists. The same early

writers however, say that the philosophers whom Alexander met with

were Brahmans. This use of the word "brAhmaNa" seems to be a general

one, to denote all philosophers. Duncker in his "History of

Antiquity" (pp. 422-424) notes that even in Megasthenes, the

Brahmanas and Sramanas were confounded in many places, although it

is clear from Megasthenes that in 300 BC, it was clear that the

Brahmans had the upper hand.

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First of all all the ancient technologies, medicines etc.. were developed by Shramanas. Shramanas were not just Jains and Buddhist even Hindu Sadhus, Rishis and Munis are Shramanas. Brahmins never developed anything nor they are capable of strengthing <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region>. They did just was Pope and Caliph did nothing different. If they don't come to equal rank with general public and abolishes the hierarchy of caste system then a time will come that their generations will not have anything to eat because only reserved categories will get everything. The safer side for the Brahmin commuity is that join hands with other Hindu caste and make a common religion ancient Indian Dharma so that unitedly otherwise adharmis will try to make use of the caste system. On the other hand dipolmatically also it will be worst of Brahmin because their condition will keep on detroiting. If they join hands at this stage then every one will be equal status otherwise all other caste will prosper only brahmin will go into Doom. Brahmin should hand over their authority to Shramanas Hindu Sadhus, Rishis and Munis.

Sri Rama and Sri Krishna was Dharm Pursh and so on...

Sri Rama always used to speak about "Dharma" and no other word.

Even Sri Krishna always used to speak about "Dharma" and no other word.

Similarly Mahavira and Buddha use to speak about "Dharma" and no other word. Even Ashoka's inscription speaks about word "Dharma" and nothing about "Bodh Dharma".

That means all were speaking same "Dharma".

Ask the Brahmins to remove the thread Janivar. Nothing happens if it is removed, even Guru Nanak removed it but still he was respected and indirectly he was the one because of whom some of the muslim who were converted back to Hinduism and later on became Sikhism. Guru Nanak never asked anyone to create Sikhism. He even taunted Digambaras saying that nudity is not required for salvation. Guru Nanak was indirectly strengthening Dharmic religion. He himself broke the thread so definitely he would not have asked his followers to become keshdharis. He just ignored unncessary customes but beleived in ancient Indian religion. Similarly Mahavira and Buddha even they did not oppose Vedas they just opposed unncessary customes followed by Brahmins. Try to unite all indians back.

In ancient times many tribes were present in <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> and some came from outside. Each tribe had their tribal gods and respective cultures.

Some section of society were misusing their rights they were the Brahmins. They started discriminating people.

None of the Brahmans ever invented any scientific research or technology in those days. It was the free thinkers and reformers like the shramans, acharyas, gurus, rishis and sadhus who responsible of the development of the culture. Any person belonging to any caste higher or lower can become a Shramans, Acharyas, Gurus, Rishis and Sadhus. But the Brahmin enforced their authority over the great works and invention of other people or claimed that even the scientists and inventors were Brahmans. Sometimes even they claim that God is a Brahman. Brahmans clubbed all great people of that era as Brahmans even if they were not real Brahmans.

There was Dharma all over the country but some section of the society were misusing their powers like some cruel and selfish rulers and some cruel and selfish Higher caste people of that era. It can be called as Brahminism.

Let all Brahmins and Low caste henceforth be only an Indian and follower of Dharma and nothing else. If they don’t give up their ego and merge among with rest of the Hindus then it will be very difficult to safeguard their current economical status because due to reservation lower caste will get all the benefits and the innocent children Brahmans might have to suffer to low economical status on the other hand it will indirectly effect the nation as people will be selected for a job on the bases of their caste and not on the bases of their caliber. On the other hand the imbalance in the society will still continue like in ancient times till today lower caste suffered and Brahmans enjoyed and now Brahmans might suffer and lower caste will enjoy. We try to maintain a Balance that means both Brahmans and lower caste don’t suffer for this they require to be united first as a brothers of each other, understand each other’s condition and judge by placing oneself on the suffered ones shoes only then there will be balance in the society and people will start to leave happily without caste differences and help in development of others too.

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Hindu Kush

We Indians are not infidel. Infidel means non followers of god but we follow God hence some people are misguiding entire world. Indian are true people of Book called Veda and India is the Holy Land. Hindu Kush is the name given to the Kushan kingdom of Indus and not the place where Hindus were killed. Hindus(Indo) are stronger than everyone. There was one Kush kingdom in African hence to differentiate this Kush kingdom in Africa and Kush kingdom in Asia, the Asian Kush Kingdom was called Hindu Kush.

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Proof of Vedic Culture world wide.


'The Royal Chronology of India' timeline right now at:


It's the most complete timeline of Indian history in the world; from 7000 BCE to today -

325 generations of Kings, Rishis & Priests.

Visit http://www.DharmicScriptures.org to view all major Sanathana Dharma Scriptures

(10,000 scriptures total)

By Niraj Mohanka

Celtic druids of London were from India

Anacalypsis writtren by Godfrey Higgins

Among the many unusual theories presented in this book is that both the Celtic Druids and the Jews originated in India - and that the name of the Biblical Abraham is really a variation of the word Brahma, created by shifting the last letter to the beginning: Abrahma.

According to Puranic cosmography, the earth is divided into seven concentric island continents (sapta-dvipa vasumati) separated by the seven encircling seas, each double the size of the preceding one. The seven continents of the Puranas are stated as Jambudvipa, Plaksadvipa, Salmalidvipa, Kushadvipa, Krounchadvipa, Shakadvipa, and Pushkaradvipa. These continents are said to be surrounded by seven oceans, consisting respectively of salt-water, sugarcane juice, wine, ghee, curd, milk and water (Agni Purana 108.1-2, Matsya Purana Ch 121-122).

The Celtic Druids, published in 1827 and 1829 as three parts, was intended as a precursor to Anacalypsis. The Celtic Druids was "an attempt to show that the druids were the priests of oriental colonies who emigrated from India, were the introducers of the First or Cadmean System of Letters, and the builders of Stonehenge, Carnac, and other Cyclopean works in Asia and Europe." Higgins prefaced the 1829 second edition stating that he was preparing a review of "all the ancient Mythologies of the world, which, however varied, and corrupted in recent times, were originally one, and that one founded on principles sublime, beautiful, and true." This review would become Anacalypsis

Anacalypsis was written in 1833 and posthumously published in 1836 as two quarto volumes numbering 1,436 pages with meticulous references to hundreds of books. Anacalypsis was initially printed as a limited edition of 200 copies, partially reprinted in 1878, and completely reprinted in a limited edition of 350 copies in 1927. The full title is Anacalypsis; An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; or an Inquiry into the Origin of languages, Nations and Religions. Anacalypsis is a review of the history of religions; however, due to his untimely death Higgins was unable to complete the final chapter on Christianity.



Sir Godfrey Higgins

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Romans Originated from India

Some Roman names in ancient India








King Sivi is mentioned to have a son named Kapota-Roman, who is mentioned to be a great king of the Sauratha clan

Romans may be descendant of Romaharsana Suta


There is much similarity in the appearance between us and romans. Both of us have black hair and other physical complexion matches as compared to other Europeans.


Some say that they were semitic tribe of middle east


Etruscan Civilization before the settlement of Romans can from Asia


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In ancient times Population were grouped into caste inorder to generate statistical calculations and for the maintaining the economy but later on people started discriminating others on the bases of their caste. This is the reason why even people from Lower caste used to get higher position depending upon their caliber and people of higher caste were kicked out if the lacked effectiveness or qualities. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> was the only country which has the oldest Republic even during the times when Romans used to say in Tents, so it is obvious that we had that statistical knowledge even at that time due to which population was divided into groups called caste.

Also Veda means subject it is nothing to do with caste system. Also, some low caste people say that they have been humiliated since long time, this is wrong. There is no low caste people at all in ancient Indian Dharma it was created by brahmins. How pope and caliph spoiled their repective religion so brahmin spoiled ours. Sadhus and Rishi are real ascetics people of our land and no one else.


Most of the low caste people are nothing but the people who were defeated in war. They were also soldier just because they were defeated in war they had become salves and hence low caste or outcaste. Suppose if they would have defeated others then even they would have been high caste and the people whom they have defeated will have been low caste or outcaste. Why farmers and traders were not considered as outcaste or low caste. The Low caste people are actually defeated and conquered warriors. Even when they ruled they might have defeated some one or the other. There is nothing called caste system in India. India is one. Everyone should respect India.


Nowadays people hardly know whether a person next them is of a low caste or a not but when low caste people themselves keep on announcing that they are of low caste them obviously even younger generation will come to know that the person next to him is of low caste or he himself is of low caste. Why can’t everyone both people from Higher caste and people from Lower caste eliminate the word low caste from Indian Dharmic religion.

Historical Famous Backward Class Warriors.




Historical Famous Backward Class Saints.




All them were devoted to strengthen Ancient Indian Dharma or Hinduism.

Buddhism does not reject entire ancient Veda.



A working class empowers and strengthens the nation. All those who work from Hight caste to Low caste are considered as working class. From capitalist to communist are considered as working class. A human is born to work. A CEO is also a worker a Garbage cleaner is also a worker. The Owner of a company is also a worker a labourer of that company is also a worker.

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