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To Guru or not to Guru that is the Question...Guru Gita -Mahahradanatha

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, "ecjensen_us"

<ecjensen_us wrote:


"shouldn't one take solace in the fact that Divine

> Mother is in charge and rest assured when such a time arises where

we require a living Guru She will provide? it seems it behooves one

to see life's experiences and our Love for Devi as The Guru."


Jai Maa, Ericji!!!! Beautifully stated!

Your sister gazing into the pericarp of Devi's Love,













> as always i thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge it is

> greatly appreciated. your post seems to indicate that you thought i

> was inferring that a living Guru was not needed which was not my

> intention. the intent was not to question whether or not "to Guru."

> but rather in cases where there is not the presence of a living Guru

> this does not necessarily mean there is no Guru present, as The Guru

> is more than the physical body. The Guru being Divinity, is


> in everything. shouldn't one take solace in the fact that Divine

> Mother is in charge and rest assured when such a time arises where


> require a living Guru She will provide? it seems it behooves one to

> see life's experiences and our Love for Devi as The Guru. to guide


> to improve ourselves, to become worthy disciples, and to assist with

> our Self enquiry of our own inherent Divinity. afterall absent the

> living Guru what choice does one really have? to quote my Guru,

> Ammachi, "We have nothing to lose by trusting the infinite power of

> the Self, except the bondage of our own ignorance. Real gain is


> the Self alone. Only enquiry into the Self is of eternal value, and

> that is what gives peace. We should know That as the true bliss."




> , "mahahradanatha"

> <mahahradanatha@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi,

> > From what little i know, the traditional Interpretation of these

> > Verses of the Guru Gita are different from your Interpretation.

> >

> > These verses of the Guru Gita are traditionally intended to mean

> > that the knowledge of the Self and that the Knowledge of the devi

> > does solely dependent on the grace of the living Guru, and that


> > can reach the self or the devi or both, quickly by worship of the

> > Padukas of a human Guru, while your interpretation of the

content of

> > the verses is that since the Guru is the self and one with devi


> > may dispense with the physical Guru because there is always either

> > the self or the devi present, who can this become so to say a

> > subsitute for the physical presence of the Guru.

> >

> > Of course some people, especially adherents of the western neo-

> > advaita philosophy belive. like you do, that the guru is better

> > described as an abstract philosophic symbol of an inner guiding


> > the self.

> >


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