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Efficacy of chanting Dattatreya Vajra Kavacha

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Dear Dattajanas,

Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham is a higly effective remedy to modern day problems.


I remember my Father's Guruvugaaru(Swaprakashananda) giving it to me as a kid. My father used to do it many times a day apart from Datta-Mala Mantra.

'Vajra' means diamond and "kavacha' means armour.


Dattatreya Himself has proclaimed in that

-- " One who does this Vajra-Kavacham gets a "Vajra-kayam"(referring to a very strong and healthy body and also purification of the etheric body maing it shine like a diamond)"

One becomes a Tyaagi,Bhogi and Mahayogi and leaves behind Sukha and Dukha and wherever He/she gets all siddhis and accomplishes what all he/she decides and finally attains Jeevan Mukti(liberation for the jeeva/soul)

(Tyaagi Bhogi Mahayogi sukhadukha Vivarjitaha Sarvatra Siddha Sankalpo Jeevan muktodya Vartate')

Lord Dattatreya tells thus and dissappears and Daladaana Maharshi chants it and attains Jeevan Muktha. Daladaana Maharishi had a doubt whether Lord Dattatreya would come when one thinks of Him or not going by His name "Smarthrugaami"(which means one who comes the moment the thought arises)

This stotra is unique insomuchas Lord Dattatreya has Himself given it.

It is said that a hunter by name Bhillo who happened hear this discussion between Lord Dattareya and the Rishi Daladana who recieved it and that too accidentally suddenly got "Datta-Varchas"(spiritual light emnating from body upon hearing the shloka).

The Stotra needs no initiation and can be practiced from anyone, though if done with the blessings of one's Gurunatha, the results accure in a few days.

Each part of the body is covered by this Kavacha.

Some astrologers also recommend this Vajra Kavacha not only for health but for evading bad planetary influences.

My father used to chant this Kavacha during the period of bad planetary influences and invariably he used to come out it very easily.

He was also blessed with lot of divine experiences of Lord Dattatreya too.

The Vajra Kavacha has three parts--the Poorva Bhagam, Kavacham and Uttara Bhagam along with Nyasas,dhyanam and Laghupuja(lamityaadi mental puja).

The Vajra Kavacha is available in our group files section as a word document, those desirous of read it can read it.

The Uttara Bhagam is known as the Phalashurthi and some who dont have time omit it.

One who does this Vajra Kavacha--once per day gets all-round protection

Twice a day--Gets mental peace and good health

Thrice a Day--enjoys bliss after some weeks of sincere and faithful practice.

One who does the chanting daily 28 times for 49 days gets a vision of Lord Dattatreya in the end.

I will reel more on this later...

Yours in Datta

Shreeram Balijepalli





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Tyagi bhogi, Maha Yogi Dattatreyo digambara,


My Guru Nakhate Maharaj blessed me with some abilities many years ago.

The Dattatreya Vajra Kavacha is a spreme kavacha which basically needs


Then Dhyanam

Then mala mantra japa of Dattatreya Beeja 108 times

Then kavacha

Thiskavacha last is done 1, 11, 21, 108, 1008, 10008, 1000008 and so many times to obtain visions o Dattatreya.


This stotras specific potency is believed to be in alleviating disease and graha troubles.


Kind Regards

Dr. Manish pandit

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