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Im Desparate

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Dear Scholars,


Please interpret this horoscope.


Time of birth: 10:20 AM

Place of birth: SALEM(INDIA)

Date of birth : 13 August 1968


Im in deep trouble and unless you interpret my horoscope I may even end my life!!

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Whatever sort of trouble you are in, don't end your life! Committing suicide is a crime against Bhagwan and nothing good ever comes of it. Do you think that if you kill yourself, the pain will end? NO! Instead, you will have gained even more pain due to the sin of your suicide.


Now listen. It doesn't matter what your horoscope says, you are free to seek the blessings of your Ishta Dev whenever you want. You sound as if you need his/her blessings now, so pray to him/her. Ask for forgiveness for whatever you have done wrong. Ask for guidance so that you may improve yourself. Wherever you live, seek out other devotees and ask for their guidance also. There is no shame in asking for help so ask. If it is possible, find a saadhu or a sant and ask for their advice.


Don't despair, my friend. There is always hope.

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Dear zjj


I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind reply. I will heed your advice. I prayed and prayed but 2006 has proved to be a terrible year for me. I hope the next year will be better. If 2007 is like 2006 then i am doomed!!!

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Bad times come and go, friend. Krishna says in the Gita that we must be unmoved by sorrow or joy.


The Pandavas also lived through sadness and painful events but all the way through their lives, they turned to Shri Krishna for guidance nd that is how they could deal with it. I advise you to read or watch or listen to the Mahabharat and learn from it. Karna lived through terrible pain and loneliness, Bhishma's whole life was full of pain. But we still respect them because even at the worst times of their life, they stayed strong and full of faith. This is the sign of a devotee.


Kunti even prayed to Krishna that he always give her sorrow, because in sorrow she always remembered him. When we're happy, we don't think of god, or of what is right but when we are sad, we think of all of these things.


There is a reason for everything. Examine your life and the things that have happened. It may not seem like it now but good will come out of it, somehow.



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you will attain moksha, don;t worry. Bye.



Thank you Mr Ramachandra for your kind comments. But how can you be so sure??


If it is true then i will be the happiest soul in the world.I want to get out of this wretched 'samsara'

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you will attain moksha, don;t worry. Bye.


Thanks a lot Mr Ramachandramurthy. I am relieved now .Getting out of this vicious circle of Samsara is the best thing that can happen to me or anybody for that matter. Let us all work toward that goal!!

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Dear Sadman,


Yes, we all like to get out of this world. But it takes time and patience. In point of fact, we're getting liberated from moment to moment. Can you understand that? Every minute, you're getting liberated. This is a fascinating fact. Read this mail, particularly the final portion of this message to understand how you can get liberated every minute.


For instance,


#1 When you're naked, are you not liberated from your clothes?


#2 When you're alone, are you not liberated from people?


#3 When you watch TV, are you not liberated from your worries?


Likewise, when














when you go to saligraman, are you not liberated from ekkaduthangal? Think about it, my friend. I am only stating a great and subtle truth.

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