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Human slavery worse now than ever recorded

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<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Source: CNN</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD vAlign=top>Published: November 15, 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Anyone want to guess who is behind it all? -->VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Human trafficking, including women forced to become prostitutes or minors forced to do child labor, is worse now than the trade in African slaves of past centuries, a top Vatican official said on Tuesday.


"This trafficking in human beings has intensified, persons put into slavery because they depend on certain criminals who take possession of these human beings," said Cardinal Renato Martino, former longtime Vatican envoy to the United Nations and current head of the Holy See's office concerned with migrant and itinerant peoples.


"It's worse than the slavery of those whose slaves who were taken from Africa and brought to other countries," Martino told a news conference to present Pope Benedict XVI's annual message dealing with the problems of migrants.


The cardinal singled out modern-day forms of slavery -- minors who are sold to do child labor or who are forced to be soldiers, as well as women forced to prostitute themselves -- and challenged countries to combat these problems.


"In a world which proclaims human rights left and right, let's see what it does about the rights of so many human beings which are not respected, but trampled," the cardinal said.


In the papal message, Benedict noted that more women were leaving their homelands in search of a better life. "However, women who end up as victims of trafficking of human beings and of prostitution are not few," the pope said.


In the last decade or so, many women in Eastern Europe have traveled to the West after being promised what appeared to be honest jobs, but upon arrival in the countries were forced to work as prostitute to pay off the cost of their trip.

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<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Source: CNN</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD vAlign=top>Published: November 15, 2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Anyone want to guess who is behind it all? -->VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Human trafficking, including women forced to become prostitutes or minors forced to do child labor, is worse now than the trade in African slaves of past centuries, a top Vatican official said on Tuesday.


"This trafficking in human beings has intensified, persons put into slavery because they depend on certain criminals who take possession of these human beings," said Cardinal Renato Martino, former longtime Vatican envoy to the United Nations and current head of the Holy See's office concerned with migrant and itinerant peoples.


"It's worse than the slavery of those whose slaves who were taken from Africa and brought to other countries," Martino told a news conference to present Pope Benedict XVI's annual message dealing with the problems of migrants.


The cardinal singled out modern-day forms of slavery -- minors who are sold to do child labor or who are forced to be soldiers, as well as women forced to prostitute themselves -- and challenged countries to combat these problems.


"In a world which proclaims human rights left and right, let's see what it does about the rights of so many human beings which are not respected, but trampled," the cardinal said.


In the papal message, Benedict noted that more women were leaving their homelands in search of a better life. "However, women who end up as victims of trafficking of human beings and of prostitution are not few," the pope said.


In the last decade or so, many women in Eastern Europe have traveled to the West after being promised what appeared to be honest jobs, but upon arrival in the countries were forced to work as prostitute to pay off the cost of their trip.



Stuff like that really makes me wish the Kalki-avatar would hurry up and get here. If I had the money I would marry all of those Eastern European women and build them mansions so they could live in luxury and not have to work slave labor.

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Stuff like that really makes me wish the Kalki-avatar would hurry up and get here. If I had the money I would marry all of those Eastern European women and build them mansions so they could live in luxury and not have to work slave labor.


The crazy thing is that on one hand you have those arch-rogues, on the other side all these so called victims, women who actually have the karma to be treated like that. The only thing which could change this vicious circle is to change the karmas of both.

There are in waiting loop contingents of souls with similiar karmas who are recalled to take birth as soon the moral level fits to their particular kind of karma. Or do you see victims and aggressors?

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The crazy thing is that on one hand you have those arch-rogues, on the other side all these so called victims, women who actually have the karma to be treated like that. The only thing which could change this vicious circle is to change the karmas of both.

There are in waiting loop contingents of souls with similiar karmas who are recalled to take birth as soon the moral level fits to their particular kind of karma. Or do you see victims and aggressors?



That's a good question and one I have never fully resolved myself. Either way the Kali-yuga does get tiresome in the sense is all you see is endless needless suffering but I guess it is good in the fact that God is easily realized in this age.

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Or do you see victims and aggressors?


One must always act in accordance with the principles of Dharma. It is not your job to decide who is a victim and who is just experiencing a reaction to their past activities. Your job is to act properly in life. Thus adharmic activities like placing people in slavery or killing them are always condemned.


Yes, action and reaction are intertwined in this world but people obviously DO engage in sinful ACTIONS, and not merely execute REACTIONS of other people's karma.

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One must always act in accordance with the principles of Dharma. It is not your job to decide who is a victim and who is just experiencing a reaction to their past activities. Your job is to act properly in life. Thus adharmic activities like placing people in slavery or killing them are always condemned.


Yes, action and reaction are intertwined in this world but people obviously DO engage in sinful ACTIONS, and not merely execute REACTIONS of other people's karma.



Good point. That sums it up nicely.

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