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panchayatan pooja

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Om Namo Narayana.

I have a simple question. In a recent posting in response to Guptaji's

questions, Sundarji referred to articles from the archives. This led to my

reading of the article on "Panchayatan pooja". In the arrangment of Gods for

worship, Surya bhagwan also occurs. We have photos/forms of all other

Gods--Vishnu, Devi, Shiva, Ganesha. Is there a separate photo/form for Surya

Bhagwan or is that just a sankalpa?Someone I remember in my prayers but who

is actually not conceived in a specific form? And actually I have one more

question: the Gayatri is a powerful prayer to the Sun God. But there are

varied opinions of whether women can chant it. What other prayers do we have

for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my mind. I remember from my

reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama chanted before using

his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun God?


The articles in the archives are beautiful; especially the dialogue on "fate

and free-will" and one on the characters of "the Ramayana in Vedantic

terms". Thanks.







Sarvam ShreeKrishnaayaSamarpayami.

Om Namo Narayanaya...!!

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The aditya hrdaya stotram is indeed one of the most

beautiful and poetic prayers ever.


It relates a stotra taught by Sage Agastya to Lord

Rama when Bhagwan Rama was despondent in the

battlefield in the face of the might of Ravana.


This stotra seemingly revives his spirits and the rest

is of course history.


It thus conveys a wonderful symbolism to us that we

too as we tacke our internal Ravanas of kaama and

krodha can and should revitalize ourselves by means of

this wonderful prayer until the enemy has been

annihilated completely (i.e. the ego with countless

heads is destroyed).


Interestingly Bhagwan Surya is the only deity with two

gayatris - the famous Gayatri of course but also the

Surya Gayathri


Om Bhaskaraya vidhmahe

Divakaraya dhimahi

Tanno Suryah prachodayaat


May we realise Bhaskara, the shining one. Let us

meditate on that Divakara, the presiding deity over

the day, and may that Surya, the sun god, illumine us.


I am not aware of any rules against women chanting

this but more learned members such as Sastri-ji or

Subbu-ji may have more information.


Another favorite Sun prayer for me personally is the

Surya Upanishad, and this is a wonderful prayer for

meditation, as even quite literally in the case of our

solar system the Sun verily is the cause of birth,

maintenance and death of every blessed thing in



Best wishes



--- Veena Nair <nairvee > wrote:


> Om Namo Narayana.

> I have a simple question. In a recent posting in

> response to Guptaji's

> questions, Sundarji referred to articles from the

> archives. This led to my

> reading of the article on "Panchayatan pooja". In

> the arrangment of Gods for

> worship, Surya bhagwan also occurs. We have

> photos/forms of all other

> Gods--Vishnu, Devi, Shiva, Ganesha. Is there a

> separate photo/form for Surya

> Bhagwan or is that just a sankalpa?Someone I

> remember in my prayers but who

> is actually not conceived in a specific form? And

> actually I have one more

> question: the Gayatri is a powerful prayer to the

> Sun God. But there are

> varied opinions of whether women can chant it. What

> other prayers do we have

> for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my

> mind. I remember from my

> reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama

> chanted before using

> his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun

> God?


> The articles in the archives are beautiful;

> especially the dialogue on "fate

> and free-will" and one on the characters of "the

> Ramayana in Vedantic

> terms". Thanks.


> Pranams.

> Veena.



> --

> Sarvam ShreeKrishnaayaSamarpayami.

> Om Namo Narayanaya...!!



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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Sadar Pranaams !


Please allow me also to add a few lines to the *illuminating* post

on Surya , the Sun God by Dr. Shyam.


The Rig Veda says " All that exists was born from Surya, the God of



In fact, in the Rig veda itself there are hymns dedicated to the

Sun God.


Here is one


Surya, may we live long and look upon thee still, O Far-

seeing One, bringing the glorious light,

The radiant God, the spring of joy to every eye, as thou art

mounting up o'er the high shining flood.


Thou by whose lustre all the world of life comes forth, and by

thy beams again returns unto its rest,

O Surya with the golden hair, ascend for us day after day, still

bringing purer innocence.



Bless us with shine, bless us with perfect daylight, bless us with

cold, with fervent heat and lustre.

Bestow on us, O Surya, varied riches, to bless us in our home

and when we travel.

-- Rig-Veda, X--XXXVII--8, 9, 10



(Hymns of the Rig-Veda, Vol. I

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith)


Veena-ji, you can also reade more hyms to the Sun God at the

follwing web site




Also, the following verse in Isha Upanishad is addressed to Sun GOD


" O Nourisher, lone Traveller of the sky! Controller! O Sun,

Offspring of Prajapati! Gather Your rays; withdraw Your light. I

would see, through Your grace, that form of Yours which is the

fairest. I am indeed He, that Purusha, who dwells there." 16




The Sun is also used as a 'metaphor' in several scriptural texts

such as VIvekachudamani !


May the divine Light shine in all of us!





advaitin, Shyam <shyam_md wrote:


> Pranams

> The aditya hrdaya stotram is indeed one of the most

> beautiful and poetic prayers ever.



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advaitin, Shyam <shyam_md wrote:


> Pranams

>> I am not aware of any rules against women chanting

> this but more learned members such as Sastri-ji or

> Subbu-ji may have more information.



Srigurubhyo NamaH




The orthodox view of Hinduism is that women should not chant any

vedic mantras.


Regarding the photo of Surya Bhagavan, some months ago, the Home Page

of this List had this photo. Maybe Shri Sundar Hattangadi ji will be

able to retrieve it for Smt. Veena Nair.


There is another stotram for Surya Bhagavan which i think is not a

vedic mantra and can be freely chanted by all:


NamaH savitre jagadeka-chakshushe


trayee-mayAya triguNaatma-dhAriNe



dhyeyaH sadA savitru-mandala-madhya-vartii

nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sannivishTaH


keyUravAn makara-kunDalavAn kiriiTi

hArI hiranmayavapur-dhruta-shankha-chakraH


shanka-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

govinda punDarIkAksha raksha maam sharaNAgatam


(In the above we have a prayer for Surya Bhagawan and it integrates

Lord Narayana as well. What is more, it has a heavy Vedantic import

as well)




Om Tat Sat

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advaitin, "subrahmanian_v"

<subrahmanian_v wrote:



> Regarding the photo of Surya Bhagavan, some months ago, the Home


> of this List had this photo.


> There is another stotram for Surya Bhagavan which i think is not a

> vedic mantra and can be freely chanted by all:


> namaH savitre jagadeka-chakShuShe

> jagat-prasuuti-sthiti-nAsha-hetave

> trayii-mAyayA triguNaatma-dhAriNe

> viri~nchi-nArAyaNa-sha~Nkaraatmane


> dhyeyaH sadA savitRRi-maNDala-madhya-vartii

> nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sanniviShTaH


> keyUravAn makara-kuNDalavAn kiriiTii

> hArI hiraNmayavapur-dhRRita-sha~Nkha-chakraH


> sha~Nkha-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

> govinda puNDarIkAkSha rakSha maam sharaNAgatam




The photo may be viewd in the Photo Section (Surya2.jpg) at:



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Thank you subbuji !


You write :


NamaH savitre jagadeka-chakshushe


trayee-mayAya triguNaatma-dhAriNe





Salutation to the god SUN, who is the eyes of the world, the cause

of the birth, sustenance and the death; the essence of the Vedas and

three gunas and who is nothing but Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.


Subbuji, could you please translate the rest of the verses for our

non-sanskrit speaking audience ? Thank you !


( dhyeyaH sadA savitru-mandala-madhya-vartii

nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sannivishTaH


keyUravAn makara-kunDalavAn kiriiTi

hArI hiranmayavapur-dhruta-shankha-chakraH


shanka-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

govinda punDarIkAksha raksha maam sharaNAgatam )




on another note , is this Sloka NOT part of a Sandhyavandanam

ritual ? Do women do Sandhyavandanam ?


My honest opinion is as Advaitins we should not believe in

distinctions of gender , caste etc. True, in the distant past, women

were not allowed to chant the 'gayatri' mantra etc... For that

matter even , men who were not initisated into it ( who do not wear

the Sacred thread via the upanayanayan ceremony) were allowed to

chant !


However, we are notw living in different times and a different era.


may i share this soulful poem of Nobel Laurette Rabindranath

Tagore ?


The sun of the first day

Put the question

To the new manifestation of life-

Who are you?

There was no answer.

Years passed by.


The last sun of the last day

Uttered the question

on the shore of the western sea

In the hush of evening-

Who are you?

No answer came again.


Let the *sunshine' of Love shine on both cheeks !



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advaitin, "subrahmanian_v"

<subrahmanian_v wrote:



> Regarding the photo of Surya Bhagavan, some months ago, the Home


> of this List had this photo.


> There is another stotram for Surya Bhagavan which i think is not a

> vedic mantra and can be freely chanted by all:


> namaH savitre jagadeka-chakShuShe

> jagat-prasuuti-sthiti-nAsha-hetave

> trayii-mayAya triguNaatma-dhAriNe

> viri~nchi-nArAyaNa-sha~Nkaraatmane


> dhyeyaH sadA savitRRi-maNDala-madhya-vartii

> nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sanniviShTaH


> keyUravAn makara-kuNDalavAn kiriiTii

> hArI hiraNmayavapur-dhRRita-sha~Nkha-chakraH


> sha~Nkha-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

> govinda puNDarIkAkSha rakSha maam sharaNAgatam




The photo may be viewd in the Photo Section (Surya2.jpg) at:



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Nameaste Veena Nairji.


The Aditya Hridayam in original Valmiki Ramayana is quite long.

Here is the concluding portion of the Hridayam from "AdyAtma

RAmAyaNa" of SrI Thunchaththezuththachchan in Malayalam. It is a

prayer in itself, full Sanskrit, easy to remember and chant every

morning looking at the glory of the morning sky:


santApanAshakarAya namOnamaH

andhakArantakarAya namOnamaH

cintAmaNE citAnandAya tE namaH

nIhAranAshakarAya namOnamaH

mOhavinAshakarAya namOnamaH

shAntAya raudrAya saumyAyah ghOrAya

kAntimatAM kAntirUpAya tE namaH

stAvarajamgamAcArya tE namaH

dEvaya vishwaika sAkSiNE tE namaH

satwapradhAnAya tatwAya tE namaH

satyaswarUpAya nityaM namOnamaH


I grew up listening to my father's elder sister chanting this every

morning and have a special nostalitgic affinity for it.


This is also promise fulfilled as I had committed to posting this

prayer here last year during our Adi Shakti-led discussion on

advaita and bhakti.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "Veena Nair" <nairvee wrote:


What other prayers do we have

> for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my mind. I remember

from my

> reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama chanted

before using

> his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun God?


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Nameaste Veena Nairji.


The Aditya Hridayam in original Valmiki Ramayana is quite long.

Here is the concluding portion of the Hridayam from "AdyAtma

RAmAyaNa" of SrI Thunchaththezuththachchan in Malayalam. It is a

prayer in itself, full Sanskrit, easy to remember and chant every

morning looking at the glory of the morning sky:


santApanAshakarAya namOnamaH

andhakArantakarAya namOnamaH

cintAmaNE citAnandAya tE namaH

nIhAranAshakarAya namOnamaH

mOhavinAshakarAya namOnamaH

shAntAya raudrAya saumyAyah ghOrAya

kAntimatAM kAntirUpAya tE namaH

stAvarajamgamAcArya tE namaH

dEvaya vishwaika sAkSiNE tE namaH

satwapradhAnAya tatwAya tE namaH

satyaswarUpAya nityaM namOnamaH


I grew up listening to my father's elder sister chanting this every

morning and have a special nostalitgic affinity for it.


This is also promise fulfilled as I had committed to posting this

prayer here last year during our Adi Shakti-led discussion on

advaita and bhakti.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "Veena Nair" <nairvee wrote:


What other prayers do we have

> for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my mind. I remember

from my

> reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama chanted

before using

> his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun God?


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Nameaste Veena Nairji.


The Aditya Hridayam in original Valmiki Ramayana is quite long.

Here is the concluding portion of the Hridayam from "AdyAtma

RAmAyaNa" of SrI Thunchaththezuththachchan in Malayalam. It is a

prayer in itself, full Sanskrit, easy to remember and chant every

morning looking at the glory of the morning sky:


santApanAshakarAya namOnamaH

andhakArantakarAya namOnamaH

cintAmaNE citAnandAya tE namaH

nIhAranAshakarAya namOnamaH

mOhavinAshakarAya namOnamaH

shAntAya raudrAya saumyAyah ghOrAya

kAntimatAM kAntirUpAya tE namaH

stAvarajamgamAcArya tE namaH

dEvaya vishwaika sAkSiNE tE namaH

satwapradhAnAya tatwAya tE namaH

satyaswarUpAya nityaM namOnamaH


I grew up listening to my father's elder sister chanting this every

morning and have a special nostalitgic affinity for it.


This is also promise fulfilled as I had committed to posting this

prayer here last year during our Adi Shakti-led discussion on

advaita and bhakti.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "Veena Nair" <nairvee wrote:


What other prayers do we have

> for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my mind. I remember

from my

> reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama chanted

before using

> his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun God?


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Nameaste Veena Nairji.


The Aditya Hridayam in original Valmiki Ramayana is quite long.

Here is the concluding portion of the Hridayam from "AdyAtma

RAmAyaNa" of SrI Thunchaththezuththachchan in Malayalam. It is a

prayer in itself, full Sanskrit, easy to remember and chant every

morning looking at the glory of the morning sky:


santApanAshakarAya namOnamaH

andhakArantakarAya namOnamaH

cintAmaNE citAnandAya tE namaH

nIhAranAshakarAya namOnamaH

mOhavinAshakarAya namOnamaH

shAntAya raudrAya saumyAyah ghOrAya

kAntimatAM kAntirUpAya tE namaH

stAvarajamgamAcArya tE namaH

dEvaya vishwaika sAkSiNE tE namaH

satwapradhAnAya tatwAya tE namaH

satyaswarUpAya nityaM namOnamaH


I grew up listening to my father's elder sister chanting this every

morning and have a special nostalitgic affinity for it.


This is also promise fulfilled as I had committed to posting this

prayer here last year during our Adi Shakti-led discussion on

advaita and bhakti.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "Veena Nair" <nairvee wrote:


What other prayers do we have

> for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my mind. I remember

from my

> reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama chanted

before using

> his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun God?


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advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair wrote:


> Nameaste Veena Nairji.


> The Aditya Hridayam in original Valmiki Ramayana is quite long.

> Here is the concluding portioAditya Hrudayam Stotra

Dear Advaitis, The following is Aditya Hridayam with English



Tato yuddhaparishraantam samare chinmayaa sthitam.

raavanam chaagrato drushtva yuddhaaya samupasthitam.1

Rama, exhausted and about to face Ravana ready for a fresh battle was

lost deep in contemplation.


Daivataishcha samaagamya drashhtumabhyaagato ranam..

upaagamyaa braviidraama magastyo bhagavaan rishhi.. 2

The all knowing sage Agastya who had joined the Gods to witness the

battle spoke to Rama thus


Raama Raama mahaabaaho shrnu guhyam sanaatanam .

yena sarvaanariinvatsa samare vijayishhyasi .. 3

Oh Rama, mighty-armed Rama, listen to this eternal secret, which will

help you destroy all your enemies in battle


Aaditya hrudayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam .

Jayaavaham japennityam akshayyam paramam shivam 4

This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun deity will result in destroying

all enemies and bring you victory and never ending supreme bliss.


Sarvamangalamaangalyam sarvapaapapranaashanam .

Chintaashokaprashamanam aayurvardhanamuttamam .. 5

This hymn is supreme and is a guarantee of complete prosperity and is

the destroyer of sin, anxiety, anguish and is the bestower of



Rashmimantam samudyantam devaasuranamaskritam .

Puujayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram.. 6

Worship the One, possessed of rays when he has completely risen, held

in reverence by the devas and asuras, and who is the Lord of the

universe by whose efflugence all else brighten.


Sarvadevaatmako hyeshha tejasvii rashmibhaavanah .

Eshha devaasuraganaa.nllokaan paati gabhastibhi      .. 7

He indeed represent the totality of all celestial beings. He is self-

luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes

the inhabitants of all the worlds and the race of Devas and Asuras.


Eshhah brahmaa cha vishhnushcha shivah skandah prajaapati .

Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamah somo hyapaam patim .. 8  

He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skands, Prajapati. He is also Mahendra,

kubera, kala, yama, soma and varuna.




Pitaro vasavah saadhyaa hyashvinau maruto manuh .

Vaayurvanhih prajaapraana ritukartaa prabhaakarah .. 9

He is the pitrs, vasus, sadhyas, aswini devas, maruts, manu, vayu,

agni, prana and, being the source of all energy and light, is the

maker of all the six seasons.


Aadityah savitaa suuryah khagah puushhaa gabhastimaan .

Suvarnasadrsho bhaanu rvishvaretaa divaakarah .. 10

He is the son of Aditi, creator of the universe, inspirer of action,

transverser of the heavens. He is the sustainer, illumination of all

directions, the golden hued brilliance and is the maker of the day. 


Haridashvah sahasraarchih saptasaptirmariichimaan..

Timironmathanah shambhustvashhtaa maartandam anshumaan 11

He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with countless rays. He is

the power behind the seven sense organs, the dispeller of darkness,

bestower of happiness and prosperity, the remover of misfortunes and

is the infuser of life.  


Hiranyagarbhah shishirastapano bhaaskaro ravih .

Agnigarbhoaditeh putrah shankha shishiranaashanah 12

He is the primordial being manifesting as the Trinity. He ushers in

the Day and is the teacher (of Hiranyagarbha), the fire-wombed, the

son of Aditi, and has a vast and supreme felicity.


Vyomanaatha stamobhedii rig yajuh saama paaragah .

Ghana vrishhti rapaam mitro vindhya viithii plavangamah .. 13

He is the remover of intellectual dull-headedness. He is the Lord of

the firmament, dispeller of darkness. Master of all the vedas, he is

a friend of the waters and causes rain. HE has crossed the vindya

range and sports in the Brahma Nadi.


Aatapii mandalii mrityuh pingalah sarvataapanah .

Kavirvishvo mahaatejaa raktah sarva bhavod hbhavah .. 14

He, whose form is circular and is colored yellow, is intensely

absorbed and inflicts death. He is the destroyer of all and is the

Omniscient one being exceedingly energetic sustains the universe and

all action. 


Nakshatra grahataaraanaam adhipo vishva bhaavanah .

Tejasaamapi tejasvii dvaadashaatman namostute .. 15

He is the lord of stars, planets and all constellations. He is the

origin of everything in the universe and is the cause of the lustre

of even the brilliant ones. Salutations to Thee who is the One being

manifest in the twelve forms of the Sun. 


Namah puurvaaya giraye pashchimaayaadraye namah .

Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinadhipataye namah .. 16

Salutations to the Eastern and western mountain, Salutations to the

Lord of the stellar bodies and the Lord of the Day. 


Jayaaya jayabhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namah .

Namo namah sahasraa.nsha aadityaaya namo namah .. 17

Salutations to the One who ordains victory and the prosperity that

follows. Salutations to the one possessed of yellow steeds and to the

thousand rayed Lord, and to Aditya. 


Namah ugraaya viiraaya saarangaaya namo namah .

Namah padma prabodhaaya maartandaaya namo namah .. 18

Salutations to the Terrible one, the hero, the one that travels fast.

Salutations to the one whose emergence makes the lotus blossom and to

the fierce and omnipotent one.


Brahmeshaana achyuteshaaya suuryaayaadityavarchase .

Bhaasvate sarvabhakshaaya raudraaya vapushhe namah .. 19

Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta, salutations to

the powerful and to the effulgence in the Sun that is both the

illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like



Tamoghnaaya himagnaaya shatrughnaaya amitaatmane .

Kritaghnahanaaya devaaya jyotishhaam pataye namah .. 20

Salutations to he transcendental atman that dispels darkness, drives

away all fear, and destroys all foes. Salutations also to the

annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar



Tapta chaamiika raabhaaya haraye vishvakarmane .

Namastamo.abhinighnaaya ruchaye lokasaakshine .. 21

Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, to the

transcendental fire, the fire of supreme knowledge, the architect of

the universe, destroyer of darkness and salutations again to the

effulgence that is the Cosmic witness.


Naashayatyeshha vai bhuutam tadeva srijati prabhuuH .

Paayatyeshha tapatyeshha varshhatyeshha gabhastibhih .. 22

Salutations to the Lord who destroys everything and creates them

again. Salutations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats

them up and sends them down as rain.


Eshha supteshhu jaagarti bhuuteshhu parinishhthitah .

Eshha evaagnihotramcha phalam chaivaagnihotrinaamh .. 23

Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping

awake when they are asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the

fruit enjoyed by the worshippers.


Vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratuunaam phalameva cha .

Yaani krityaani lokeshhu sarva eshha ravih prabhuh .. 24

The Sun is verily the Lord of all action in this universe. He is

verily the vedas, the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits

obtained by performing the sacrifices.



Phala stuti


Enamaapatsu krichchhreshhu kaantaareshhu bhayeshhu cha .

kiirttayanh purushhah kashchin naavasiidati raaghava .. 25

Raghava, one who recites this hymn in times of danger, during an

affliction or when lost in the wilderness and having fear, he will

not lose heart (and become brave). 


Puujayasvainamekaagro devadevam jagathpatimh .

Etat.h trigunitam japtvaa yuddheshhu vijayishhyasi .. 26

Raghava, worship this Lord of all Gods and the Universe with one-

pointed devotion. Recite this hymn thrice and you will win this



Nasminkshane mahaabaaho raavanam tvam vadhishhyasi .

Evamuktavaa tadaa.agastyo jagaamh cha yathaagatamh .. 27

O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment.

Having spoken this, Agastya returned his original place. Raghava

became free from worry after hearing this.


Etachchhritvaa mahaatejaa nashhtashoko abhavattadaa .

Dhaarayaamaasa supriito raaghavah prayataatmavaanh .. 28

He was greatly pleased and became brave and energetic.


Aaadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshhamavaaptavaanh .

Triraachamya shuchirbhuutvaa dhanuraadaaya viiryavaanh .. 29

Gazing at the sun with devotion, He recited this hymn thrice and

experienced bliss.


Rraavanam prekshya hrushhtaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamath .

Sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhritoabhavath .. 30

Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with

His mighty arms. Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his

effort with a determination to destroy Ravana.


Atha ravi ravadanam nirikshyam raama

Muditamanaah paramam prahrishhyamaanah .

Nishicharapatisa nkshayam viditvaa

Suragan amadhyagato vachastvareti .. 31

Then knowing that the destruction of the lord of prowlers at night

(Ravana) was near, Aditya, who was at the center of the assembly of

the Gods, looked at Rama and exclaimed 'Hurry up' with great delight.

Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with

His mighty arms. Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his

effort with a determination to destroy Ravana. 

n of the Hridayam from "AdyAtma

> RAmAyaNa" of SrI Thunchaththezuththachchan in Malayalam. It is a

> prayer in itself, full Sanskrit, easy to remember and chant every

> morning looking at the glory of the morning sky:


> santApanAshakarAya namOnamaH

> andhakArantakarAya namOnamaH

> cintAmaNE citAnandAya tE namaH

> nIhAranAshakarAya namOnamaH

> mOhavinAshakarAya namOnamaH

> shAntAya raudrAya saumyAyah ghOrAya

> kAntimatAM kAntirUpAya tE namaH

> stAvarajamgamAcArya tE namaH

> dEvaya vishwaika sAkSiNE tE namaH

> satwapradhAnAya tatwAya tE namaH

> satyaswarUpAya nityaM namOnamaH


> I grew up listening to my father's elder sister chanting this every

> morning and have a special nostalitgic affinity for it.


> This is also promise fulfilled as I had committed to posting this

> prayer here last year during our Adi Shakti-led discussion on

> advaita and bhakti.


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair

> _________________


> advaitin, "Veena Nair" <nairvee@> wrote:

> >

> What other prayers do we have

> > for the Sun God? The Aditya hridayam comes to my mind. I remember

> from my

> > reading of the Ramayana that it is a prayer Sri Rama chanted

> before using

> > his weapons. Is that a regular prayer to the Sun God?

> >


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I have come across

Cakshushopanishad.....( Cakshushividya)

To recite it gives a wonderful feeling of comfort..

Though the word to word meaning is known, a detailed explanation i am yet to read. Wonder if it is available in any site..


Madathil Rajendran Nair <madathilnair > wrote:

Nameaste Veena Nairji.


The Aditya Hridayam in original Valmiki Ramayana is quite long.




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advaitin, "dhyanasaraswati"

<dhyanasaraswati wrote:

> Subbuji, could you please translate the rest of the verses for our

> non-sanskrit speaking audience ? Thank you !




Srigurubhyo NamaH




Here is an attempt to translate the above, based on a Tamil

translation i have:



> ( dhyeyaH sadA savitru-mandala-madhya-vartii

> nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sannivishTaH


That NArAyaNa who abides in the centre of the Solar constellation,

seated in PadmAsana (lotus) posture, is to be meditated upon always.


> keyUravAn makara-kunDalavAn kiriiTi

> hArI hiranmayavapur-dhruta-shankha-chakraH


Adorned with ornaments like the armlet, ear-rings, crown, necklace,

He is of a golden-hued body, holding the conch and disc. These

descriptions are to aid one to picture the Lord in the mind and



> shanka-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

> govinda punDarIkAksha raksha maam sharaNAgatam )


Now, is a prayer to the Lord: Oh Dweller at Dwaraka, O, Thou ever

take care that Thy devotee does not slip (a-chyuta), Thou that are

holding the conch, the disc and mace, O Govinda (Protector of the

entire universe), The One with Lotus-shaped eyes ! I have taken

refuge in You, please protect me.


These verses are chanted as a part of the Sandhyaa-vandanam.




Om Tat Sat

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Thank you to all members who responded to my questions on Surya Bhagwan and

prayers to Him. Reading the translation rendered by Subbuji (see below last

sloka), the thought came to my mind that all prayers finally lead only to

that one Ultimate Power, shankha-chakrah-gadaah-pushpa--dhari.


Wishing all members a Happy Navrathri, the nine day worship of MahaaKaali,

MahaaLakshmi, and MahaaSaraswati.

Here is a prayer I read and liked from the Mananam series (The Divine Mother

) of the Chinmaya mission; it states the source as the PuraaNam:


"She is the one celebrated in all the four Vedas and the ancillary

literature pertaining to them --- May She, the nondual power of Brahman,

Saraswati, protect me....


It is Saraswati and Saraswati alone that evolves Herself as letters, words,

sentences, and their import; yet She remains forever the beginningless and

endless Infinitude --- May She, Goddess Saraswati, protect me....


May Saraswati, the Mistress of All, who is the spirit and form of all

deities, and who dwells right at the heart of all Existence as the inmost

Self, evolving the entire Universe of manifestation and giving them their

respective designations --- May She, Goddess Sarawati, protect me...


Having merged the entire universe, consisting but of name and form, in Her,

they meditate upon Her as Brahman, the One Existence --- May She, the Mother

of Wisdom, Goddess Saraswati, protect me"



Om Namo Narayanaya.



On 9/23/06, subrahmanian_v <subrahmanian_v > wrote:


> advaitin <advaitin%40>,

> "dhyanasaraswati"

> <dhyanasaraswati wrote:

> > Subbuji, could you please translate the rest of the verses for our

> > non-sanskrit speaking audience ? Thank you !


> Srigurubhyo NamaH


> Namaste,


> Here is an attempt to translate the above, based on a Tamil

> translation i have:


> > ( dhyeyaH sadA savitru-mandala-madhya-vartii

> > nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sannivishTaH


> That NArAyaNa who abides in the centre of the Solar constellation,

> seated in PadmAsana (lotus) posture, is to be meditated upon always.


> > keyUravAn makara-kunDalavAn kiriiTi

> > hArI hiranmayavapur-dhruta-shankha-chakraH


> Adorned with ornaments like the armlet, ear-rings, crown, necklace,

> He is of a golden-hued body, holding the conch and disc. These

> descriptions are to aid one to picture the Lord in the mind and

> meditate.


> > shanka-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

> > govinda punDarIkAksha raksha maam sharaNAgatam )


> Now, is a prayer to the Lord: Oh Dweller at Dwaraka, O, Thou ever

> take care that Thy devotee does not slip (a-chyuta), Thou that are

> holding the conch, the disc and mace, O Govinda (Protector of the

> entire universe), The One with Lotus-shaped eyes ! I have taken

> refuge in You, please protect me.


> These verses are chanted as a part of the Sandhyaa-vandanam.


> Regards,

> subbu

> Om Tat Sat









Sarvam ShreeKrishnaayaSamarpayami.

Om Namo Narayanaya...!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Respected Sir/Madam,


I am new to this forum with aboslute no knowledge of Aaditya Stotra and happy to learn about it here. one of the Astrologer has suggested me to chant Aaditya Hridaya Stotra and now i seek your kind advise on how and which part do i need to recite?


I am going thru very bad phase of my life.......My wife was with me just for 66 Days!! now since 1 Yr no communication she and her mother are very adamant and have no value for customs and traditions!!


My DOB: 10th Feb 1975 10:47 AM

Makara Rashi:

Mesha Lagna:

SUN/MOON/MERCURY in 10th House

MARS is in 9th House

SATURN is in 3rd House.


My Wife's details:

DOB 31st August 1980 2:45 AM

Mesha Rashi

Mitun Lagna

Venus is in 3rd House


I request all the respected members to guide me..









Thank you to all members who responded to my questions on Surya Bhagwan and

prayers to Him. Reading the translation rendered by Subbuji (see below last

sloka), the thought came to my mind that all prayers finally lead only to

that one Ultimate Power, shankha-chakrah-gadaah-pushpa--dhari.


Wishing all members a Happy Navrathri, the nine day worship of MahaaKaali,

MahaaLakshmi, and MahaaSaraswati.

Here is a prayer I read and liked from the Mananam series (The Divine Mother

) of the Chinmaya mission; it states the source as the PuraaNam:


"She is the one celebrated in all the four Vedas and the ancillary

literature pertaining to them --- May She, the nondual power of Brahman,

Saraswati, protect me....


It is Saraswati and Saraswati alone that evolves Herself as letters, words,

sentences, and their import; yet She remains forever the beginningless and

endless Infinitude --- May She, Goddess Saraswati, protect me....


May Saraswati, the Mistress of All, who is the spirit and form of all

deities, and who dwells right at the heart of all Existence as the inmost

Self, evolving the entire Universe of manifestation and giving them their

respective designations --- May She, Goddess Sarawati, protect me...


Having merged the entire universe, consisting but of name and form, in Her,

they meditate upon Her as Brahman, the One Existence --- May She, the Mother

of Wisdom, Goddess Saraswati, protect me"



Om Namo Narayanaya.



On 9/23/06, subrahmanian_v <subrahmanian_v > wrote:


> advaitin <advaitin%40>,

> "dhyanasaraswati"

> <dhyanasaraswati wrote:

> > Subbuji, could you please translate the rest of the verses for our

> > non-sanskrit speaking audience ? Thank you !


> Srigurubhyo NamaH


> Namaste,


> Here is an attempt to translate the above, based on a Tamil

> translation i have:


> > ( dhyeyaH sadA savitru-mandala-madhya-vartii

> > nAraayaNaH sarasijAsana-sannivishTaH


> That NArAyaNa who abides in the centre of the Solar constellation,

> seated in PadmAsana (lotus) posture, is to be meditated upon always.


> > keyUravAn makara-kunDalavAn kiriiTi

> > hArI hiranmayavapur-dhruta-shankha-chakraH


> Adorned with ornaments like the armlet, ear-rings, crown, necklace,

> He is of a golden-hued body, holding the conch and disc. These

> descriptions are to aid one to picture the Lord in the mind and

> meditate.


> > shanka-chakra-gadA-pANe dwaarakA-nilaya-achyuta

> > govinda punDarIkAksha raksha maam sharaNAgatam )


> Now, is a prayer to the Lord: Oh Dweller at Dwaraka, O, Thou ever

> take care that Thy devotee does not slip (a-chyuta), Thou that are

> holding the conch, the disc and mace, O Govinda (Protector of the

> entire universe), The One with Lotus-shaped eyes ! I have taken

> refuge in You, please protect me.


> These verses are chanted as a part of the Sandhyaa-vandanam.


> Regards,

> subbu

> Om Tat Sat









Sarvam ShreeKrishnaayaSamarpayami.

Om Namo Narayanaya...!!

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