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Vaguely aware. I experienced moments and tiny glimpses of this phenomenon sometimes when taking pyschedelic drugs in the 60's. Always in the form of music being sensed as colorful visions. I heard many other cases where people spoke of expeiriencing similar things when on LSD especially. I can't imagine what having full blown synethesia must be like. What a trip that must be although the experiencer would probably just experience that as his reality without a second thought. Which says alot about our acceptance of our present state of material sense perception as absolute.


Fascinating subject. I did a quick google and found a good web site for basic info. on synethesia. http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/syne.html.


bija, do you experience this?

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I have never been diagnosed with synesthesia. But around five years ago I started experiencing visual phenomenon that were intermittent in their frequency. Over the last two and a half years these experiences are almost constant, or at least experienced everyday.


Initially I thought I was going a little bit crazy and was somewhat distressed about it, an information overload; and wondered if anyone else saw such things. I have not met anyone yet who does. And do not feel any doctors where I live would give correct diagnosis. So I just keep this experience to myself.


Last week I was watching a science show on tv about synesthesia and I thought it sounded close to what I have been experiencing. But there seems to be a wide range of synesthesia types, so I have not found exactly what I experience browsing on the net.


It is a personal experience really so I do not talk about it often, and when I do no one understands, or I get strange looks.


I have analysed the experience over the last two years, and basically what is going on is this:


My brain seems to be processing in such a way, that when I see peoples faces or presence, I see flows of energy, either clear wave like formations, or dense formations, or even sometimes rarely, colors, around their heads and not so often their bodies. These patterns seem to corrolate to the persons subtle mental states. Sometimes I even see these patterns when the person is concealing their mental state. After analyzing for some years the flow of patterns, the patterns seem to corrolate with the persons mental state, but not thoughts as such. So this seems to not be hallucination, as hallucination is of an unreal nature. But these visualizations have a grounding in the reality around me. I am fairly sure it is some form of synesthesia. It seems to be that my brain unconsciously processes data(subtle mental states), without my conscious awareness, and presents it in the form of these visuals.


At one stage I thought it may be yoga siddhi, as I have been absorbed in thinking of spiritual matters for years. But these days I think it is more a phenomenon in my brain wiring. As I said, possibly some form of synesthesia.


I asked my Gurudeva about the phenomenon, and he advised I not get caught up in impersonal lights etc, but to try and see GaurangaKrsna everywhere. Even though, because of such perceptions, it has led me to understanding how profoundly mysterious life is, still such things seem to be an obstacle on the path to suddha-bhakti. Attachment to jnana and yoga seems to have a foundation within me, but by some good fortune I have been graced by the association of a pure devotee.



I will have a look at the site you put in the link. Thanks.


Well now the fellowship will surely think I am strange. ;)

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My brain seems to be processing in such a way, that when I see peoples faces or presence, I see flows of energy, either clear wave like formations, or dense formations, or even sometimes rarely, colors, around their heads and not so often their bodies. These patterns seem to corrolate to the persons subtle mental states. Sometimes I even see these patterns when the person is concealing their mental state. After analyzing for some years the flow of patterns, the patterns seem to corrolate with the persons mental state, but not thoughts as such. So this seems to not be hallucination, as hallucination is of an unreal nature. But these visualizations have a grounding in the reality around me. I am fairly sure it is some form of synesthesia. It seems to be that my brain unconsciously processes data(subtle mental states), without my conscious awareness, and presents it in the form of these visuals.


At one stage I thought it may be yoga siddhi, as I have been absorbed in thinking of spiritual matters for years. But these days I think it is more a phenomenon in my brain wiring. As I said, possibly some form of synesthesia.


I hardly think you are strange bija. From the quote above it sounds exactly like you are glimpsing peoples auras. Not fully or it would be obvious. Thoughts have forms and colors according to their nature as they proceed from the mind. A loving God conscious person will emit thoughts of beautiful colors and forms whereas an evil person's thoughts will be the opposite.


It is interesting to note that the quality of our thinking will draw like minded beings to us from the subtle side. Our thoughts and thinking patterns will resonate in corresponding realms. Beings in those subtle realms will recognize our thinking patterns and may be drawn to help us. The same principle works for ghosts seeking victims in the earthly embodied plane. They look for the drugged, mad and depressed individuals so as to possess their minds for their own gains. They actually possess the persons mind and not the body directly. When the mind is possessed the body just follows along. Our auras are quite visible to those who live in those subtle realms. What they see are the developed and full versions of what you are sometimes glimpsing. You are not halluinating IMO.


I would suggest not to try and develop this or to try and stop it's development if it increases in intensity. Consiously leave that in the hands of Supersoul. By developing an awareness of these realms there is the danger of becoming sidetracked from direct spiritual life; Bhakti. Also by fighting this awareness if it is coming naturally you will be sidetarcked by unnecessary aversion.

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