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Hijacking Hinduism

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After years of failing to gain substantial converts by degrading

Hinduism and labeled it as "devil worship" and "heathen idolatry,

Christian evangelists have invented a new tactic: hijacking Hinduism.


Evangelists use existing elements of Hinduism to misguide followers

into converting to Christianity. Recently Christian zealots have

begun claiming that various Vedic Sanskrit slogans were in praise of

Jesus and not Hindu Gods. Christian propaganda pamphlets and

booklets in circulation especially in and around Madurai district in

Tamil Nadu also make the ludicrous suggestion that the revered Swami

Vivekananda had asked the people to worship Jesus. The pamphlets,

which have been put in circulation by the Madurai-based Infant Jesus

Hospital (headed by Rev Fr. Caleb), also fraudulently invoke verses

from the holiest Hindu scripture, the Bhagawad Gita, saying that

they preach against idol worship. In fact, the pamphlets go as far

as to decree that 'people should not follow any other faith other

than Christianity'. The highly inflammatory pamphlets, delivered by

Christian converts (primarily women), have been appearing at nearly

in Southern districts of Tamil Nadu in the hopes of misleading a few

gullible souls.

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After years of failing to gain substantial converts by degrading

Hinduism and labeled it as "devil worship" and "heathen idolatry,

Christian evangelists have invented a new tactic: hijacking Hinduism.


Evangelists use existing elements of Hinduism to misguide followers

into converting to Christianity. Recently Christian zealots have

begun claiming that various Vedic Sanskrit slogans were in praise of

Jesus and not Hindu Gods. Christian propaganda pamphlets and

booklets in circulation especially in and around Madurai district in

Tamil Nadu also make the ludicrous suggestion that the revered Swami

Vivekananda had asked the people to worship Jesus. The pamphlets,

which have been put in circulation by the Madurai-based Infant Jesus

Hospital (headed by Rev Fr. Caleb), also fraudulently invoke verses

from the holiest Hindu scripture, the Bhagawad Gita, saying that

they preach against idol worship. In fact, the pamphlets go as far

as to decree that 'people should not follow any other faith other

than Christianity'. The highly inflammatory pamphlets, delivered by

Christian converts (primarily women), have been appearing at nearly

in Southern districts of Tamil Nadu in the hopes of misleading a few

gullible souls.


Ain't you are slow one. :eek4:

There had been "hijacking" done for years but only know you have noticed it?


For years, Indian movies fashioned to insult Hindusm and promote Christianity and you people have been watching it and loving it for years. In films like Anbe Shivam (one example only) - you can see how the movie riddicules the religion while potraying Christianity with its nuns, priests and such as great saviors and loving humans.


Why don't you sit down and watch more movies to see just how many example exists in such manner?


As for hijacking the Slokas and such, it is not new news. When Gita first came to the West, it was believed that it was written AFTER the Bible was written in the West and many Westerners thought that the Hindus have hijacked the Bible into their own scriptures (same way Al Quran was fashioned)


In late 1990s, Muslims done it first by claiming that Muhammad was kalki. Nowadays, they (Muslims and Christians) simply claim that Hindusm is part of their belief but somewhat corrupted, which is the reason why Hindus should leave it and join them.

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The main problem why this "forces" can hijack Hindusm so easily is because :


1. There is no clear defination of what Hindusm is.


2. Too many groups break apart from mainstream Hindusm and claim theirs is the correct one (eg Vaishnavists). This leads to disunity among Hindus.


3. Hindus are too egoistic for their own good.

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2. Too many groups break apart from mainstream Hindusm and claim theirs is the correct one (eg Vaishnavists). This leads to disunity among Hindus.


Really. Yet in Judaism we have orthodox jews doing the same.


I do not think this is a problem among Hindus at all as there are no Hindus killing each other. The real problem is majority Hindus are uninformed and disinterested in the welfare of their religion and society.

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Really. Yet in Judaism we have orthodox jews doing the same.


I do not think this is a problem among Hindus at all as there are no Hindus killing each other. The real problem is majority Hindus are uninformed and disinterested in the welfare of their religion and society.


Sorry, incorrect.


In Judaism, ONLY Elders of the Community and THEY will decide which is to follow and which is not. They are like Brahmins in Hindusm.


You know, your statement that Hindus not killing each other means that there is no problem is LAUGHABLE. Fact remain that there is NO UNITY among Hindus.


And how to get them interested in Hindusm when some group like Vaishnavists could come, claim anyone who belief what they believe will get Moksha while the rest will continue to suffer?


"God is One but Sages calls Him by different Name" - THIS is teaching of Hindusm. What Vaishnavists follow is just a mixture of Christian egoism and Secular Hindus belief. :eek4:

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Sorry, incorrect.


In Judaism, ONLY Elders of the Community and THEY will decide which is to follow and which is not. They are like Brahmins in Hindusm.

In Hinduism, we do not follow what Brahmins say, but what Vedas say. If the so called Brahmins do not follow Vedas, we will reject them.


As for Judaism, there were(pharisees, sadducees, essene etc.) and there are(hasidic, reform, orthodox etc.) so many sects with their own interpretation of texts similar to Hinduism.



You know, your statement that Hindus not killing each other means that there is no problem is LAUGHABLE. Fact remain that there is NO UNITY among Hindus.

What makes you think so ? Without Hindu unity, we could not have survived as one country after being invaded for over 1400 years. We are still one country for ony one reason ie. Hindu unity. I do not understand what is laughable here. Atleast we were still holding on to our country unlike jews who lost their country for about 2000 years.



And how to get them interested in Hindusm when some group like Vaishnavists could come, claim anyone who belief what they believe will get Moksha while the rest will continue to suffer?

For your information, that is what our scriptures say. It does not mean we Hindus will not help each other during crisis times or even happier times. Infact all schools of Hinduism belonging to diametrically opposing schools cooperate even today when Hindu society is attacked as it had before. We Hindus are not fools.


The actual problem is lack of information and disinformation by anti Hindus. Hindus will wake up then.



"God is One but Sages calls Him by different Name" - THIS is teaching of Hindusm. What Vaishnavists follow is just a mixture of Christian egoism and Secular Hindus belief. :eek4:

You do not even know where the alleged verse incorectly quoted by you is given. Given that you are an unbeliever in Vedas I would not even bother to correct you. But for the benefit of other Hindu readers, the vedic verse does not state that. It means that all the names of Devatas(such as Indra, Rudra, Brahma etc.) actually refer to the one supreme Lord, ie. Narayana. If one reads the verses in context, then it becomes clear.


As for what Vaishnavites say, they are right. Since you do not know an iota of Hinduism, you should desist from making utterly ridiculous statements about the position of Vaishnavites. These statements only betrays your ignorance of issues here.


It is better for you to go and learn your religion well. What is Jewish guys interest in Hindus and Hinduism here anyway ?:confused:


Go home and teach Judaism to Jews, instead of telling us what Hinduism teaches.

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Yes, but Hindu teachers, preachers and yogis in the west are doing the same regularly calling Christ a yogi (or a Vaishnava), quoting the Bible and explaining it as it suits them etc in the attempt to attract Christians to them.



Some even taking some Christian symbols and ways of expression of religious beliefs (Yogananda was one of the first).

It might be a genuine believe or an conscious manipulation or something else but it seems to me that Indians actually were the first to use this methods.

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Yes, but Hindu teachers, preachers and yogis in the west are doing the same regularly calling Christ a yogi (or a Vaishnava), quoting the Bible and explaining it as it suits them etc in the attempt to attract Christians to them.



Some even taking some Christian symbols and ways of expression of religious beliefs (Yogananda was one of the first).

It might be a genuine believe or an conscious manipulation or something else but it seems to me that Indians actually were the first to use this methods.


This are foolish people who lost in illusion which is Christianity. :rolleyes:


Just to bring in Christians into their fold, they go and twist their own beliefs to suit Christianity. By doing this, they place Christianity above Hindusm, live as Secular and forever in illusion and delusion.

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This is not new!

Way back, in Madurai Robert di Nobli( (1577- 1656 ) feigned as a hindu Sanyasi and wrote the "Fifth Veda" . He called himself a Roman Brahmin -


Further going still backwards into history - the first hijack was "Sunday" - Worship on Sunday - The institution of Christmas on 25th, December and Easter .


Its worth reading:



Sacred Days in Christianity




Walter Woodburn Hyde,
Paganism to Christianity in the Roman Empire,
p. 60. Copyright 1946 by University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia

"Remains of the struggle are found in two institutions adopted from its rival by Christianity in the fourth century, the two Mithraic sacred days, December twenty-fifth,
dies natalis solis
[birthday of the sun], as the birthday of Jesus, and Sunday, "the venerable day of the Sun," as Constantine called it in his
edict of 321



Hijacking was authorised by edicts of the Kings !!!! Now it will be by the Pope!!!



People will realise the truth, and Christ would become just one more incarnation after a long,long time - we need to only keep them informed.







Sunday and Pagan Sun Worship




Source: William L. Gildea, "Paschale Gaudium,"
The Catholic World,
58 (March, 1894), 809. [FRS No. 100.]



The church took the pagan philosophy and made it the buckler of faith against the heathen. She took the pagan, Roman Pantheon, temple of all the gods, and made it sacred to all the martyrs; so it stands to this day. She took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday. She took the pagan Easter and made it the feast we celebrate during this season."


The justification is also given- read on


The Sun was a foremost god with heathendom. Balder the beautiful, the White God, the old Scandinavians called him. The sun has worshippers at this hour in Persia and other lands. "Some of you," says Carlyle, "may remember that fancy of Plato’s. A man is kept in some dark, underground cave from childhood till maturity; then suddenly is carried to the upper airs. For the first time he sees the sun shining in its splendor overhead. He must fall down, says Plato, and adore it." There is, in truth, something royal, kingly about the sun, making it a fit emblem of Jesus, the Sun of Justice. Hence the church in these countries would seem to have said, "Keep that old, pagan name. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified." And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday, sacred to Jesus. The sun is a fitting emblem of Jesus. The Fathers often compared Jesus to the sun; as they compared Mary to the moon, the beautiful moon, the beautiful Mary, shedding her mild, beneficent light on the darkness and night of this world—not light of her own; no Catholic says this; but—light reflected from the sun, Jesus. Unquote


We can expect this hijacking to carry on - having hijacked the Pagen beliefs and festivals of the people who lived in and around rome upto the time of constantine - having taken the control over the whole of Europe in respect of Religion and lordship over the kings, the eyes turned further East- It is the Muslims that held them under Control.


The soft targets aret the Hindus , should one go by population numbers. A in the Past Hijacking and absorbtion will be one of their main wepons,


As people become wiser thy will lose faith and the converted would turn back to their roots.



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