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triphala and ashwaghanda

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I actually have two questions.

I've been taking ashwaghanda daily for about 6 mos. My question is, is

it ok to take this on a daily basis as a supplement all the time

without a break? Also is there any contraindications with seizure

medication.(not sure what med it is, friend of mine).


Next, is it also ok to take triphala on a daily basis for interior

cleanse and other things? is it necassary to take enima while taking

triphala? I have started to take triphala about a month ago and it may

be coincidence but i am starting to get small pimples in my scalp. I

look at it as a purge. am i right or should i look deeper into it?

Thank you for any info that you can give me.



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Dear Rick


I have some suplemental comments about this.

It looks like when taking such natural medicines for 1-2 months it is

good to make a beak for 10 days - otherwise the body get used to it

and the effect is not so strong anymore.


Any opinions on that would be welcome.


To my expereince Ashwaganda is composed of Pitta and Kapha. If a

person has a Kapha and Pitta constitution he should be carefull to

take ashwagand regularly as it may increse the inbalance.

Vata constitutions would often benefit a lot when taking ashwandha.


Kind regards


Cristian - Hasta Mudra teacher




ayurveda, "grman53" <grman53 wrote:


> namaste,

> I actually have two questions.

> I've been taking ashwaghanda daily for about 6 mos. My question is,


> it ok to take this on a daily basis as a supplement all the time

> without a break? Also is there any contraindications with seizure

> medication.(not sure what med it is, friend of mine).


> Next, is it also ok to take triphala on a daily basis for interior

> cleanse and other things? is it necassary to take enima while


> triphala? I have started to take triphala about a month ago and it


> be coincidence but i am starting to get small pimples in my scalp.


> look at it as a purge. am i right or should i look deeper into it?

> Thank you for any info that you can give me.


> Rick


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Hello Rick


1. Don't take ashwagnadha all the time (specially in summers) as

ashwagandha is hot. It would be better if you would take it during

winters, as this kind of diet supplements can be easily digested by

our body an the heat part of it would be beneficial for you during


2. Taking Tiphla on daily basis is not harmful, as it is Tri-dosh

shamak. But at the same time it is dry, which results into dryness

in the intestines. so take triphla by mixing it with Desi khand,

which result into no dryness in your intestines.


Take Care & Have a Good Health


D.Pharma in Ayurveda



> I've been taking ashwaghanda daily for about 6 mos. My question

is, is it ok to take this on a daily basis as a supplement .......... > Next, is it also ok to take triphala on a daily basis for interior

> cleanse and other things? ...........

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pooja please log in messenger i am online and chating with u about herbs and ras.



Pooja <pujavats (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Hello Rick


1. Don't take ashwagnadha all the time (specially in summers) as

ashwagandha is hot. <snip>

2. Taking Tiphla on daily basis is not harmful, as it is Tri-dosh

shamak. But at the same time it is dry, which results into dryness

in the intestines. so take triphla by mixing it with Desi khand,

which result into no dryness in your intestines.



[Moderator adds: gunjanji, would you not like other to share your knowledge with other vaidyas?]

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Triphla is not just mixing of harar bahera and amla in equal quantities. Prakriti of the patient need be assesed and accordingly one part harar 2 parts bahera 3 parts amla or any other such ratio is to be decided by ayurvedic practitioner for better results. As far Ashwagandha is concerned I feel it can be consumed year round it is the dose that matters.



1. Don't take ashwagnadha all the time (specially in summers) as

ashwagandha is hot. <snip>

2. Taking Tiphla on daily basis is not harmful, as it is Tri-dosh

shamak. ............

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