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Question #1 about goal setting

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Dear Family,




Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!


We have question for the group:


If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does not will it?


Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


with love


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Interesting question!


IMHO, it means that Goddess is testing your resolve to achieve your goal.


Jai Maa!





Tuesday, August 29, 2006 5:43 PM

[www.ShreeMaa.org] Question #1 about goal setting



Dear Family,




Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!


We have question for the group:


If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does not will it?


Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


with love


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Everything that exists is due to God's will, so we can't possibly go

against God's will. (Not that we can't go against our best

self-interest, or against superior principles like Ahimsa, etc.) It is

God's will that a soul rises, and even that it falls.


Without obstacles, we would instantaneously achieve our objective.


The existence of an obstacle confirms the presence of what we call

duality. When the devotee is more or less fused in God, then there is

no sense of an obstacle [regardless of appearances, being an

interpretation of circumstances] ... then we can say, the supreme

goal, of uniting with God, or God Realization, has been reached. Even

that will be the interpretation of an outsider. Words will completely

fail to express the experience.


For a spiritual being, a goal expresses a superior will, or intent. It

is an expression of the desire to transcend our confusion, fear, lack

of focus, lack of heart, lack of realization, etc. This may or may not

yield a resolution towards some specific physical or devotional action

outwardly expressed. Obstacles there will be -- all of this -- the

sense of limitation, the desire to defeat limitation, and the tools

and capacity to make the attempt -- is as God wills.



, "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu wrote:


> Dear Family,


> Namaste!


> Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!


> We have question for the group:


> If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

not will it?


> Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


> with love

> srini


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, "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu



> Dear Family,


> Namaste!


> Thank you for your participation in the online class and



> We have question for the group:


> If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

not will it?


> Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


> with love

> srini



The idea that every goal everytime be achieved without obstacles is

not realistic. If you get to the goal with no obstacles, you take it

as God's grace and keep on. When obstacles arise as they will always

do, it is a test of one's sankalpa or commitment to see it through.


The ability to set a goal, the ability to take action, the abiltiy

to see obstacles, the ability to work around/with/through obstacles

is all the grace of God. If one points only to the obstacle, and

resigns from further attempts at getting to the goal and claims that

is God's will, it's more from indolence and laziness rather than

God's will. Even when obstacles are apparently insurmountable, the

effort one has put in is never wasted!



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Raghu wrote that " The ability to set a goal, the ability to take

action, the abiltiy to see obstacles, the ability to work

around/with/through obstacles is all the grace of God. " Are obstacles

karma? Is it possible to make friends with obstacles?


Thank you,

Karen [:)]

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Dear Karen,


i would say yes to your question which brings to mind the following


(Many thanks to the unknown author) -


"I asked for Strength And God gave me

Difficulties to make me strong.


I asked for Wisdom And God gave me

Problems to solve.


I asked for Prosperity And God gave me

Brains and Brawn to work.


I asked for Courage And God gave me

Danger to overcome.


I asked for Love And God gave me

Troubled people to help.


I asked for Favors And God gave me



I received nothing I wanted.....I received

everything I needed."


I believe that evey "obstacle" placed in our way is a blessing in

disguise. This is Mother's way of testing our faith and commitment,

our love for Her; ... these obstacles always turn our attention

directly to God.


Jai Maa


, "forall10q" <forall10q



> Raghu wrote that " The ability to set a goal, the ability to take

> action, the abiltiy to see obstacles, the ability to work

> around/with/through obstacles is all the grace of God. " Are


> karma? Is it possible to make friends with obstacles?


> Thank you,

> Karen [:)]


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Dear Srini,


Thanks for the question.


I agree with Surya's comments that obstacles are Mother's way of

testing our resolve. This is like the story "The test at the fire"

found in Sahib Sadhu pg 17. The trembling hands and the blisters

could be viewed as obstacles, but Swamiji's goal to light the fire

was achieved through his one-pointed focus on the goal and

unstoppable will to succeed in the assignment his beloved Guru had

given him.


Jai Maa




, "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu



> Dear Family,


> Namaste!


> Thank you for your participation in the online class and



> We have question for the group:


> If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

not will it?


> Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


> with love

> srini


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Perhaps obstacles are the ways in which God helps us to refine and

more clearly define our goals. So that rather than keeping us from

our goals, obstacles are simply part of the path to the realization

of our goal.


Sometimes I think that if a goal is the correct thing for me to be

doing than its manifestation should be easy, and to a cerain extent

this seems true. But those times when I face more challenges on my

path are not necessarily God telling me to go back, She may be saying

that there are other tasks I still need to do, or that I need to

overcome something or other before I am able to step into the

fullness of reaching whatever goal I have set.


OM Shanti



, "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu



> Dear Family,


> Namaste!


> Thank you for your participation in the online class and



> We have question for the group:


> If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

not will it?


> Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


> with love

> srini


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In a message dated 8/29/2006 7:31:54 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,

srini_sadhu writes:


If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does not will



Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


with love





Om srini


Lord Ganesha opens doors and creates obstacles. Goal setting requires a

path and will. Looking at paths, some have rocks, weeds, and other obstacles

and test the individual will to pursue the path. Looking at personal

experience and the lack of knowledge in certain areas of the path could be an obstacle

for the individual, prayer to Ganesha opens intuitive access to the path

and nature of the obstacles and how to proceed with the help of ganas and

devas working with Ganesha.


Goal setting becomes prayer to Ganesha, defining the goal and seeing the



Om Ganesha, Om Siva





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The ant, however huge the obstacles, achieves it's goal. It doesn't

say to itself that God does not will it for it to achieve it's goal.

We can learn a lot from the ant, especially me.




, "amritagita" <amritagita



> , "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Family,

> >

> > Namaste!

> >

> > Thank you for your participation in the online class and

> discussions!

> >

> > We have question for the group:

> >

> > If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God


> not will it?

> >

> > Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!

> >

> > with love

> > srini

> >Namaste:


> The idea that every goal everytime be achieved without obstacles


> not realistic. If you get to the goal with no obstacles, you take


> as God's grace and keep on. When obstacles arise as they will


> do, it is a test of one's sankalpa or commitment to see it



> The ability to set a goal, the ability to take action, the abiltiy

> to see obstacles, the ability to work around/with/through


> is all the grace of God. If one points only to the obstacle, and

> resigns from further attempts at getting to the goal and claims


> is God's will, it's more from indolence and laziness rather than

> God's will. Even when obstacles are apparently insurmountable, the

> effort one has put in is never wasted!


> Raghu


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I think the answer could go either way, Srini.


The important thing is not whether you encounter obstacles, but how

congruent your goal is with your dharma.


Will Divine Mother allow the presence of obstacles in the way of a

goal that is not in harmony with your karma? I think so.


Will Divine Mother remove the obstacles (or most of them) from Her

devotee's path for a goal in line with the highest dharma? I think so.


It is not a simple thing to know. The closer to maya your goal is, I

think, the more important grace is in determining if it is a worthy



Jai Maa!




, "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu wrote:


> Dear Family,


> Namaste!


> Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!


> We have question for the group:


> If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

not will it?


> Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


> with love

> srini


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Dear Srini

Thanks for this good question because in fact sometimes we have this doubt!

But I think in this world we encounter many obstacles in our goals but this does not mean that this is not the will of God.

Love Kalachandra :)

_sadhu <srini_sadhu > escreveu:

Dear Family,




Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!


We have question for the group:


If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does not will it?


Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


with love












Música para ver e ouvir: You're Beautiful, do James Blunt

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Interesting post Steve!


You said:


Everything that exists is due to God's will, so we can't possibly go

> against God's will. (Not that we can't go against our best

> self-interest, or against superior principles like Ahimsa, etc.) It

is God's will that a soul rises, and even that it falls.


I would say that God wants every being to rise to the highest

expression of dharma.


Interestingly, I think both positions are true.


Jai Maa!





, "Steve Connor" <sconnor wrote:


> Everything that exists is due to God's will, so we can't possibly go

> against God's will. (Not that we can't go against our best

> self-interest, or against superior principles like Ahimsa, etc.) It is

> God's will that a soul rises, and even that it falls.


> Without obstacles, we would instantaneously achieve our objective.


> The existence of an obstacle confirms the presence of what we call

> duality. When the devotee is more or less fused in God, then there is

> no sense of an obstacle [regardless of appearances, being an

> interpretation of circumstances] ... then we can say, the supreme

> goal, of uniting with God, or God Realization, has been reached. Even

> that will be the interpretation of an outsider. Words will completely

> fail to express the experience.


> For a spiritual being, a goal expresses a superior will, or intent. It

> is an expression of the desire to transcend our confusion, fear, lack

> of focus, lack of heart, lack of realization, etc. This may or may not

> yield a resolution towards some specific physical or devotional action

> outwardly expressed. Obstacles there will be -- all of this -- the

> sense of limitation, the desire to defeat limitation, and the tools

> and capacity to make the attempt -- is as God wills.



> , "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Family,

> >

> > Namaste!

> >

> > Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!

> >

> > We have question for the group:

> >

> > If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

> not will it?

> >

> > Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!

> >

> > with love

> > srini

> >


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Your post brought to my mind something I had forgotten.


My gurudeva, in stories about him, used to regularly go to his

gurudeva to receive his next practice, after which he would leave to

begin the practice. Usually this involved a specific discipline, often

a specific location, a time limit or minimum number of repititions,

and other restrictions. Anyway, as he often described, there came a

point in the practices where an obstacle would arise. Sometimes these

would be subtle, like an intense emotion, sometimes material, like a

beating, which resulted from another's fear and misidentification,

during a vow of silence. He would refer to these obstacles as "tests",

and the test needed to be passed or the practice would need to be



I think sankalpa shakti is the seat of all the siddhis. Even the evil,

I think, obtain their powers through sankalpa shakti. It is hard for a

devotee, I think, because the tendency is for a strong will to feed

the ego. I wouldn't be surprised if that were part of the reason the

use of siddhis is so dangerous.


Jai Maa!





, "amritagita" <amritagita wrote:


> , "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Family,

> >

> > Namaste!

> >

> > Thank you for your participation in the online class and

> discussions!

> >

> > We have question for the group:

> >

> > If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

> not will it?

> >

> > Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!

> >

> > with love

> > srini

> >Namaste:


> The idea that every goal everytime be achieved without obstacles is

> not realistic. If you get to the goal with no obstacles, you take it

> as God's grace and keep on. When obstacles arise as they will always

> do, it is a test of one's sankalpa or commitment to see it through.


> The ability to set a goal, the ability to take action, the abiltiy

> to see obstacles, the ability to work around/with/through obstacles

> is all the grace of God. If one points only to the obstacle, and

> resigns from further attempts at getting to the goal and claims that

> is God's will, it's more from indolence and laziness rather than

> God's will. Even when obstacles are apparently insurmountable, the

> effort one has put in is never wasted!


> Raghu


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What do you think, Karen?


Jai Maa!




, "forall10q" <forall10q wrote:


> Raghu wrote that " The ability to set a goal, the ability to take

> action, the abiltiy to see obstacles, the ability to work

> around/with/through obstacles is all the grace of God. " Are obstacles

> karma? Is it possible to make friends with obstacles?


> Thank you,

> Karen [:)]


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Dear Kaliananda,


Thank you for sharing both your thoughts and this lovely poem.

Sometimes obstacles are very big, aren't they? I am reminded of the the

Q&A...Q - How do you eat an elephant (not literally)? A - One bite at a

time. When I can't swallow the whole thing/problem/obstacle, I remember

to bite.


Thank you,

Karen [:)]


, "kaliananda_saraswati"

<kaliananda_saraswati wrote:


> Dear Karen,


> i would say yes to your question which brings to mind the following

> poem.

> (Many thanks to the unknown author) -


> "I asked for Strength And God gave me

> Difficulties to make me strong.


> I asked for Wisdom And God gave me

> Problems to solve.


> I asked for Prosperity And God gave me

> Brains and Brawn to work.


> I asked for Courage And God gave me

> Danger to overcome.


> I asked for Love And God gave me

> Troubled people to help.


> I asked for Favors And God gave me

> Opportunities.


> I received nothing I wanted.....I received

> everything I needed."


> I believe that evey "obstacle" placed in our way is a blessing in

> disguise. This is Mother's way of testing our faith and commitment,

> our love for Her; ... these obstacles always turn our attention

> directly to God.


> Jai Maa

> Kalia

> , "forall10q" forall10q@

> wrote:

> >

> > Raghu wrote that " The ability to set a goal, the ability to take

> > action, the abiltiy to see obstacles, the ability to work

> > around/with/through obstacles is all the grace of God. " Are

> obstacles

> > karma? Is it possible to make friends with obstacles?

> >

> > Thank you,

> > Karen [:)]

> >


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I have contemplated this question myself for many years. Sometimes I

seem to see or know where things are to go but far in advance. When I

do not understand the timing and attempt to move forward on the goal

and it does not manifest...then....I have felt confused. Often in

time, things open up. I just got ahead of the game so to speak.


Sometimes I think the barriers are karmas we just have to move

through. Perhaps they reflect our own remaining ego attachments or

doubts, or perhaps resistance from our environment, or parabdha karma.


There are so many examples of teachers and saints moving through

obstacles toward their goals. This leads me to not automatically

believe that God did not will it just because there are obstacles.

Jai Maa


, "srini_sadhu" <srini_sadhu wrote:


> Dear Family,


> Namaste!


> Thank you for your participation in the online class and discussions!


> We have question for the group:


> If you set a goal but encounter obstacles. Does that mean God does

not will it?


> Looking forward to your thoughts and insights!


> with love

> srini


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Wow, Chris, you really hit the nail on the head! I agree with you and find myself "living"

this opinion all the time. It also seems to happen when I get discouraged about a

particular endeavor and start allowing Self-Deprecation to have a say in the matter....those

"nah, it probably won't work anyways" moments. If I just "do it anyways", many times I

find the obstacles were never really there.


Jaaaaaaaaaaaai Maa,




> The important thing is not whether you encounter obstacles, but how

> congruent your goal is with your dharma.


> Will Divine Mother allow the presence of obstacles in the way of a

> goal that is not in harmony with your karma? I think so.


> Will Divine Mother remove the obstacles (or most of them) from Her

> devotee's path for a goal in line with the highest dharma? I think so.


> It is not a simple thing to know. The closer to maya your goal is, I

> think, the more important grace is in determining if it is a worthy

> endeavor.

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