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they never went to the Moon -- the original Big Lie further exposed

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> (A meditation for Vyasa-puja)


> Srila Prabhupada was firm in his determination to uphold the Vedic

> statements even in the face of apparent contradictions due to modern

> scientific research. The Vedas, coming directly from God, are perfect in

> every respect and therefore are not subject to fault, like the statements

> of ordinary, conditioned souls. Although the scientists might try to

> substantiate their claims with impressive "facts," their information would

> always be defective on account of their imperfect senses, liability to

> make mistakes, tendency to become illusioned, and propensity for cheating.

> God is perfect, and whatever He says is similarly perfect. His statements,

> known as the Vedas, are called sruti, and one who repeats exactly what he

> has heard from his spiritual master in disciplic succession from God,

> without any concoction or change, is known as a bona fide guru: srotriyam

> brahma-nistham. Even at the expense of being laughed at as a follower of

> blind superstition, Prabhupada was not going to "sell out" just to please

> some modern, so-called learned men. He had full faith that what he had

> heard from his Guru Maharaja was perfect, and to reproduce it accurately

> was his highest qualification.


> From Servant of the Servant Ch. 8 by TKG.


To follow up on the above posting, here's some latest revelation that

vindicates Srila Prabhupada's statements on the infamous lunar landing



The US government has just admitted that they have lost all their "original

recordings" of the Apollo lunar missions. In other words, more lies from the

same authorities who foisted the original Big Lie on the entire world --

they never went to the Moon, as Srila Prabhupada consistently pointed out.


For those who have firm faith in Srila Prabhupada's statements, the

following news comes as no surprise. But those who actually believed that

the Americans went to the Moon, this news (filed by Reuters yesterday)

should come as a shocker.


That 700 boxes of material recording mankind's greatest "scientific

achievement" have been "misplaced" by the same government who proudly

claimed credit for that "scientific achievement". Read "misplaced" as

missing, quite certainly, permanently.


At a time when more and more people, even within America, are beginning to

question the authenticity of the Moon landing, especially in the light of

conspiracy theories and documentaries on the subject being highlighted by

the media in recent years, the US government would certainly find it

convenient to have their "original recordings" go missing.


At least now they have a simple answer to probing questions: "Sorry, we have

lost the original tapes."



Your servant,

Goloka Candra dasa


World Updates

August 15, 2006

NASA can't find original tape of moon landing


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government has misplaced the original

recording of the first moon landing, including astronaut Neil Armstrong's

famous "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," a NASA

spokesman said on Monday.


Armstrong's famous space walk, seen by millions of viewers on July 20, 1969,

is among transmissions that NASA has failed to turn up in a year of

searching, spokesman Grey Hautaloma said.


"We haven't seen them for quite a while. We've been looking for over a year

and they haven't turned up," Hautaloma said.


The tapes also contain data about the health of the astronauts and the

condition of the spacecraft. In all, some 700 boxes of transmissions from

the Apollo lunar missions are missing, he said.


"I wouldn't say we're worried -- we've got all the data. Everything on the

tapes we have in one form or another," Hautaloma said.


NASA has retained copies of the television broadcasts and offers several

clips on its Web site.


But those images are of lower quality than the originals stored on the

missing magnetic tapes.


Because NASA's equipment was not compatible with TV technology of the day,

the original transmissions had to be displayed on a monitor and re-shot by a

TV camera for broadcast.


Hautaloma said it is possible the tapes will be unplayable even if they are

found, because they have degraded significantly over the years -- a problem

common to magnetic tape and other types of recordable media.


The material was held by the National Archives but returned to NASA sometime

in the late 1970s, he said.


"We're looking for paperwork to see where they last were," he said.



2005 Reuters

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  • 2 years later...

Stop being arrogent and blinded by 'so called faith' It's a fact man walked on Moon!! But could not enter the subtle heavenly ethreal atmosphere there in their gross biological body (vessel) and it's material extentions (Apollo 11-16)



Fortunately the Soviets didn't think of the gag first. They could have filmed their own fake Moon landings and really embarrassed the free world.


faking a Moon rock well enough to hoodwink an international army of scientists might be more difficult than the Manhattan Project. "It would be easier to just go to the Moon and get one," he quipped.


And therein lies an original idea: Did NASA go to the Moon to collect props for a staged Moon landing? It's an interesting twist on the conspiracy theory that TV producers might consider for their next episode of the Moon Hoax.


"I have here in my office a 10-foot high stack of scientific books full of papers about the Apollo Moon rocks," added McKay. "Researchers in thousands of labs have examined Apollo Moon samples -- not a single paper challenges their origin! And these aren't all NASA employees, either. We've loaned samples to scientists in dozens of countries [who have no reason to cooperate in any hoax]."


Even Dr. Robert Park, Director of the Washington office of the American Physical Society and a noted critic of NASA's human space flight program, agrees with the space agency on this issue. "The body of physical evidence that humans did walk on the Moon is simply overwhelming."

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:smash: TV's 'Mythbusters' Prove The Claim The Moon Landing was a Hoax as nonsense

For those who don't know, ISKCON members foolishly believe man did not go to the moon








default.jpg MythBusters: Moon Landing Hoax Myth


default.jpg pixel-vfl73.gif Moon hoax - Wire Supports (Mythbusters)


default.jpg pixel-vfl73.gif Mythbusters Moonwalk hoax


default.jpg pixel-vfl73.gifMythbusters Moon flag waving hoax




I have sent a email to Mythbusters to tackle ISKCON's claim the Moon is further away from Earth than the Sun:rolleyes:


Srila Prabupada said many times that the Moon is further away than Sun in the linear sense, using that as his argument that lunar mission was a hoax. That is a fact.

Even with a naked eye one can see (by observing the shadow pattern on the Moon when Sun and Moon are visible together) that this is not the case, let alone using any other calculation method known even to the ancient astronomers. Iskcon still does not dare to contradict Prabhupada on that issue, even as they attempt to build a Vedic planetarium. Srimad Bhagavatam does not say that Sun is closer to Earth than Moon in the linear sense. That was SP interpretation. Even the writings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta (which give correct distances to Sun and Moon) were not considered authoritative enough to reject Sp's statements in that regard.

As to the flat world or Earth that is another misunderstanding and over-simplification. Many good devotees left the movement when these issues became public, mainly because of the dogmatic way in which they were presented. There was no room for argument to the contrary. To this very day many devotees do not dare to question such things and repeat the same misconstrued version.


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This is the paradox:


1--Find a University/Goverment/Orbiting Space Station Telescope "PHOTOGRAPH" of the discarded remenets of the Apollo Moon Landings [show me a photo of the American Flag that is on the moon as taken by the "Strongest/Most Technologically advanced" telescope].


2--The Correct term is, "Empirical Evidence" [**See Below Definition of Empirical]


3--The Challenge is there for the world leaders! Not for the common man, but the leaders & Intelligensia, who themselves charge taxes for the honor of supplying of the basic necessities of life to the common man! This challenge is put forth by a Jagat-guru [not me nor any Cult leader].

This challenge has been announced by a incomparable spiritual Master of the Highest Calibre.


4--Allow me to re-iterate the concept of "empirical evidence" via the following example:

"How can a normal/average child know their real Father is?" --shall I, for a fee, check with University authorities? The Scientific Community? The Editors of the New York Times Advert Fees Department?




"How can I tell if my spouse is of the opposite gender?" --Shall I ask my childhood friends to check for me?

Check with Medical Association Authorities?

The Military Industrial Scientific Community?

The Goverment Tax Collectors Administration?


Oh they don't know nor care?

But some one cares don't they?

Is everyone a self-interested liar?


empirical evidence by anyother word is still empirical evidence.


Show me the evidence-- not the perpetuated probabilities.


'Maybe the world was governed by aliens in antiquity as far back as 1 Milliom BC'.

OK, but where's the 'empirical evidence'




'Maybe we went to the moon 35 years ago--yet, where's the empirical evidence NOW'?


** empirical evidence per Wikipedia:


A central concept in science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are observable by the senses. Empirical data are data that are produced by experiment or observation. It is usually differentiated from the philosophic usage of empiricism by the use of the adjective "empirical" or the adverb "empirically.Empirical" as an adjective or adverb is used in conjunction with both the natural and social sciences, and refers to the use of working hypotheses that are testable using observation or experiment. In this sense of the word, scientific statements are subject to and derived from our experiences or observations.

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"Moon Rocks" are genuine??


Compared to what?


BTW, How does an astro-phyicist pad his resume when he seeks another employer? How does a Human-Resources Manager verify a Physicist's credentials?


Oh silly me. How does an Audarya forum reader verify what a 'Physicist' is?

Check Wikipedia?


All Swamijis issue the same challenge:


"The proof of the efficacy of Yoga is proven only to the ##bonefide practitioner"


[##Proving something as 'Bonefide' requires the use of the "Scientific Method" as applied to ones own self. Which is easier than believing the results of the Captains of Industry and their Scientific Researchers--that would require much logistical preparation]




Moon Shadows?

Many times I've seen a Half or Quarter Moon in Broad Daylight!

If the sun is up and Shining un-abated and then I can see a full, Half or Quarter Moon in the Sky blue sky ---what has caused the partial shadowing of the moons whole face?

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Stop being arrogent and blinded by 'so called faith' It's a fact man walked on Moon!! But could not enter the subtle heavenly ethreal atmosphere there in their gross biological body (vessel) and it's material extentions (Apollo 11-16)



Fortunately the Soviets didn't think of the gag first. They could have filmed their own fake Moon landings and really embarrassed the free world.


faking a Moon rock well enough to hoodwink an international army of scientists might be more difficult than the Manhattan Project. "It would be easier to just go to the Moon and get one,"


Explained here is the evidence and facts that man went to the moon and clearly proves Srila Prabhupada's understanding was based on misinformation





<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>

Srila Prabupada said many times that the Moon is further away than Sun in the linear sense, using that as his argument that lunar mission was a hoax. That is a fact.

Even with a naked eye one can see (by observing the shadow pattern on the Moon when Sun and Moon are visible together) that this is not the case, let alone using any other calculation method known even to the ancient astronomers.


Iskcon still does not dare to contradict Prabhupada on that issue, even as they attempt to build a Vedic planetarium.


Srimad Bhagavatam does not say that Sun is closer to Earth than Moon in the linear sense. That was SP interpretation.


Even the writings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta (which give correct distances to Sun and Moon) were not considered authoritative enough to reject Sp's statements in that regard.

As to the flat world or Earth that is another misunderstanding and over-simplification. Many good devotees left the movement when these issues became public, mainly because of the dogmatic way in which they were presented.


There was no room for argument to the contrary. To this very day many devotees, out of fear of being pschologically bullied, do not dare to question such things and repeat the same misconstrued version.




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Forget Srila Prabhupada's ascertions:


There is no way to prove it yourself first hand!


The Communists scientists should be believed?


Oh better yet, We the people, believe in 'whatever' --on our way to the lemming race--under penalty of World Banking Institutional Collapse By-Laws;

and deficit-Taxation for Space-exploration necessites for underpriviledged whiz-kids;

"Innocent until proven Guilty" --said the Chief of the Incas.


Real scholars search out the frontiers themselves first hand.

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Moon Shadows?

Many times I've seen a Half or Quarter Moon in Broad Daylight!

If the sun is up and Shining un-abated and then I can see a full, Half or Quarter Moon in the Sky blue sky ---what has caused the partial shadowing of the moons whole face?


Anybody with a $200 telescope can look at the surface of the Moon in the light-to-shadow transition zone and observe how the sunlight interacts with the Moon's mountains and craters.


If the Moon was further away than Sun, it's side visible from Earth would always be fully (or almost fully) illuminated by the Sun, i.e the Moon would always be full. You can make a very simple observation using a lightbulb (Sun) and a ball (Moon). This exercise should be mandatory for all Iskcon devotees.


The object of this discussion is not to destroy anybody's faith in their guru, but to put that faith into a proper context.


Srila Prabhupada was a perfect guru because he gave his disciples Krsna, and because he was fully surrendered to Krsna's service - not because everything he said was infallible. He was infallible in his devotion to Krsna.

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Kulapavana, Build a model for the world to see (or find one 'on-line') --Take a Picture of it and post it. Like a school project model. So to judge rather than follow blindly yet another salespitch asking me for donations of alligence. Or does that request seem to trivial?


Why are these "Geo-spacial" terratories & orbital paths of the celetrial plantes & the earth's place in the milky-Way not easily mapped out on a comprehesible wall map that even a smart third grader can give me a tour of.


2,000 years to map a path to India's spices and basmati --but no decent scaled map of the cosmos and our spacial location in-relation to alpha-centouri or the north star --unless we surrender to the faithful pronouncements of hidden wizards.



Look, I'm not naive. So, I simply apply the same rule of proof to the more tangible things in life that we accept on faith without the foggiest idea as how to prove yea or nay or fraud --without personally verifying on our own recognisance.

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they never went to the Moon -- the original Big Lie further exposed


This is a really bad mistake in choosing words. A mistake is not the same as a lie.


A lie points to a conscious deception. Neither the author(s?) of the Bhagavatam or Srila Prabhupada are trying to deceive anyone.

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