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Don't Hear From One Who is Disobeying His Gurudeva

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but, when you are no longer a child your father will not tell you not to run around the house with scissors, because he knows that you are now expert and intelligent enough to run with scissors without hurting yourself or somebody else.

Running with scissors is only prohibited from children.

Adults can run with scissors because they know how to be careful when running with scissors.


hold the scissors over your head with the pointed edge pointing up.

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Once a senior Vaishnava from India was speaking hari-katha; he said that

Lord Chaitanya was Krsna.


However, in his opinion, Radha's mood, activities, realizations, and behavior such as laughing, joking, singing, debating, speaking, playing, dancing, and even playing of the flute were all superior to Krsna.


In every competition She defeated Him, in every activity, Even in love, She was one-pointed in Her devotion to Him, whereas He could not be one-pointed to Her.


In every instance and every possible circumstance Radhika's mood was superior. So perhaps also we find this in Chaitanya Lila: Mahaprabhu starts

running with scissors after just having told someone, "Our way is not to run with scissors".


Meanwhile, what was Supreme Goddess doing and Her many, many expansions? Sri Gadadhar was crying His eyes out, being very steadfast in devotion, faithfully worshipping Prabhuji, and no doubt, praying for Lord Chaitanya the entire time.


Other expansions of Goddess were saying things like, "All right: If you are gonna run with scissors, hold them in Your palms with the pointy part down."


Another expansion of Goddess was saying, "And WALK!!! Don't run!!! For crying out loud, WALK if you are going to carry scissors in your hands."


So in this way we can reconcile "Do what I say, not what I do," from God.

When your dad starts running with scissors, look over at your mother and see what kind of a look she has on her face. She is probably rolling her eyes.

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Is this what is called Krishna-katha?


What did Narayana Maharaja say that your're all jumping up and down?


This letter was private for DEVOTEES WHO HAVE FAITH IN NARAYANA

MAHARAJA. Anybody else reading with some motive will.. well..

The letter was not private. It was posted on that sanga's official and public website. People who are not even vaishnavas have full access to it.

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The letter was not private. It was posted on that sanga's official and public website. People who are not even vaishnavas have full access to it.



I thought that was Tripurari Maharaja's outfit?


Did you mean the PUREBHAKTI web site?

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I'll complain about this again: all these anonymous guests are really hard to address, like disembodied voices.


Guest/Ghost should show up as the author instead of just Guest.


Someone happening by wanting to speak to something no problem. But after three such posts the guest option should ernd IMO.



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