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Al-Qaeda link to Mumbai blasts

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Al-Qaeda link to Mumbai blasts

New York - Indian intelligence officials have named a suspect they believe may be linked to the Mumbai rail blasts, according to a report on CNBC on Tuesday.


Officials quoted in the report say Dawood Ibrahim, an Indian Muslim with ties to al-Qaeda, was considered a suspect in the attacks.


The US treasury department designated Ibrahim as a terrorist as part of its international sanctions programme, CNBC said.


The seven bombings killed at least 135 people and injured over 300.

No one has claimed responsibility for the bombings.


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Al-Qaeda link to Mumbai blasts

New York - Indian intelligence officials have named a suspect they believe may be linked to the Mumbai rail blasts, according to a report on CNBC on Tuesday.


Officials quoted in the report say Dawood Ibrahim, an Indian Muslim with ties to al-Qaeda, was considered a suspect in the attacks.


The US treasury department designated Ibrahim as a terrorist as part of its international sanctions programme, CNBC said.


The seven bombings killed at least 135 people and injured over 300.

No one has claimed responsibility for the bombings.



So one then has to wonder - was al-Qaeda behind the August 16 Manipur attack as well? Why is al-Qaeda attacking in India? I hope that some of the 'do nothing about it' devotees understand this....

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I don't have a clue why they are doing it. What do they have against India? What do crazy people have against anybody? They will pick something and go from their..


It's all a part of their bloody Islamic revolution and at some point anyone who is not with them shall be targeted by them. Sad isn't it. That we would have such a thing to contend with in the so-called modern age? What's worse is that ignorance on all sides makes the ground fertile for this sort of thing to go on. But God has a plan no doubt...



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It's all a part of their bloody Islamic revolution and at some point anyone who is not with them shall be targeted by them. Sad isn't it. That we would have such a thing to contend with in the so-called modern age? What's worse is that ignorance on all sides makes the ground fertile for this sort of thing to go on. But God has a plan no doubt...




Yep amazing.. Only thing we can do is pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva. And hope we Vaishnavas can at least get along. If not we have no chance.

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There you go again, Bhakta Don, using every chance to attack Islam and Muslims. Everything happens by way of karma, so if Indians/Hindus are attacked, it's because they've attacked someone earlier. There's no other explanation, or else, karma theory would have no value. Instead of blaming Muslims, one should accept every calamity as a blessing from Krishna. We're all going to die someday, let's not waste our time on finding out why terrorism takes place etc. etc., instead think of Krishna at all times.

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There you go again, Bhakta Don, using every chance to attack Islam and Muslims. Everything happens by way of karma, so if Indians/Hindus are attacked, it's because they've attacked someone earlier. There's no other explanation, or else, karma theory would have no value. Instead of blaming Muslims, one should accept every calamity as a blessing from Krishna. We're all going to die someday, let's not waste our time on finding out why terrorism takes place etc. etc., instead think of Krishna at all times.



Yer back again - did you answer the postings I directed to you - under the thread you've opened? Cannot defend the false doctrine about Jesus being the messiah?


You're not a Krishna devotee - at least from your other postings - one might gather that.


Also - don't pretend that you understand karma or that you respect muslims because it is obvious that you do not.


I'm NOT attacking islam nor muslims and anyone with half a clue might see that - it is extremists that i'm denouncing - of course I think you've a difficulty understanding the difference...

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