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Birth dosha

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Dear Sh. Pandav,

Thanks for your kind views.

I am posting your reply on the thread of Vishti Karna dosha on the list so that all may be benefitted. I request all other scholars to guide me on this topic, how is it related to the past karmas and what should be done to alleviate it.


It would be nice of someone, if the Vishti Karna shanti pooja is elaborated. Any shanti mantras, or specific stutis/stotras etc may also be indicated for the benefit of all.



Vijay Kumar



Shri Pandav wrote :


hi dear mr vijay kumar,


Read your views, and really feel happy, that u had

mentioned about VISHTI karan topic.

I too find the Vishti karan persons have faced lot of

problem in their life suddenly, without any reason,

either healthwise, married life or career.

My views on remedies to vishti karan, is doing vishti

karan shanti pooja, and chanting of mahamrutunjay japa


I would be happy to know what r ur suggestion for

vishti karan remedy.

Also wish to know about u, from which city u r and

what do u do.

Myself, ajay pandav, i am doing job as personal

secretary and doing job in maharashtra, aurangabad

city, and student of astrology subject, did graduation

and using krishna murthy four step theory

With best wishes,

Ajay Pandav


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