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Bird of a feather flocks together.

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Dear Dhirendra Pal

It is a good way to start a conversation by trusting

in that your partner is aware of real self,

it shows respect.

>> Perhaps, I can say then you are looking for people like your self.

"Bird of a feather flocks together."

Yes, that is the Perfect expression.

>> Once you have found them then what is your intent?

Explaining the universal "i"... to the universal "i".

to explain "myself" to "myself".


>> The concept of "I" is everywhere is very know to myself.

Are we speaking of the same "I" ?

Is your ideal of the universal "I" the same as mine ?

Beside, I agree "to know" and "to understand what we know" is sometimes different.

>> Do you understand the ideal of the universal "i" ?

> can you imagine to be at various places simultaneously?


>> Any place any time. If its all me.. then there is nothing else.

>> Then there is nothing to imagine. "IT IS ALL ME". But then I think that is easy.

>> How about we make it bit complex. Instead of "imagine" can you be there

>> "really"? Will wait for your answer on that.

Can I be where you are really ? ... can you be where i am really ?...

can i think your thoughts really...

can i see out of your eyes really... can you look out of mine really ... ?

if it's really that easy, ... if it is all you... and if you are everything and everywhere... than who's composing this message... ....if not you ?

is there more than one you, is there maybe a different you, is there a you which you have never heared of ? A you which you have never seen ? If this is all really you...

... than who is this you, who you are talking to...

.... a you in a different dimension,

....a you in a different time,

.... a you in a different body,

... is it the real you or is it a false you that you are talking to ?

If all is really you, how can you be sure this you is really you, ... ?

If this all is really you, how can you be sure which one of all this you is the real you ?

> can you imagine writing yourself a message from a simultaneous place?


>> Again lets move up the stakes. Instead of "imagine", make it "real". Can



>>> Can I write a message from a simultaneous self ?

Am I your simultaneous self, am i writing you this message from a simultaneous place ? If your answer is yes, i am, than you will know that i can, if your answer is no, i still can but you may ignore that i am.


you are at so many infinite places, in so many different times and in so many countless bodies, how is it possible that you know all this places and times and bodies ? i am in most of these places and times and bodies without knowing that i am there, i am there unknowingly, when i am there i'm ignorant, for example this rock, i am in this rock, but when i am the rock, i don' know that i am the rock, i simply am....

> the universal "i" is difficult to explain ...


>> I would disagree with you on that. It is very easy. If everything is me or

>> "i" , then if I can explain myself I can explain universal "i" too. They

>> both will be equal.

that's right, you're not missing the point, if i can explain myself, i can explain the universal "i", but explaining myself is as difficult as explaining the universal "i", that's why i'm looking for people like me and myself.

Bird of a feather floks together.

Kind Regards,


[The force is feminine in nature]




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, Lulu Dong <lulu.dong




> Dear Dhirendra Pal



> It is a good way to start a conversation by trusting

> in that your partner is aware of real self,

> it shows respect.


> >

> >

> > :) well thanks, that's already a start, but I'm not looking for


> > i have found myself years ago,



> It has been really long since someone made that claim.. i.e. "they


> found them self". I will assume for now that you know what you are



> i am "the mirror" yes, but i'm not looking for myself, i'm looking

for other




There is one modern misinterpretaion of eastern spirituality that i

find especially problematic and that is that new agers or

pagans or magicians whoever name them , are claiming advanced states

of consciousness, that in the East are traditionally

credited to only very few outstanding enlightened individuals and are

traditionally acquired only by dedicated individuals against

all odds and often times by braving hardships in remote places

(Ramana Maharisha or Buddha both nearly died finding that

truth) and are usually the result of long sadhana and tapas and

vairagya and sometimes coupled with an immense depth ofscholarship

passed on through generations of highly educated practicioners.


Westerners claiming darshan of Siddhas, achievement of states like

Brahma Jnana , atmavidya, self realisation, samadhi or

Moksha, raise of Kundalini by the millions is a common phenomena,

everybody connected with the spiritual or pagan scene is

claiming something like that, while they rarely think one must

invest more then reading some books, visiting some seminars or

doing some leisure time meditation to achieve these results, that the

situation is viewed differently amongst most sadhakas of

the east is not generally known in the west.Of course there are

also fake indian new age "Gurus" claiming to be avatars or

enlightened masters that provide those who are shopping with all

their new age needs.


Curiously in the west nobody is challenging the validity of anyones

spiritual claims, everybody is joining in, until one is topping

the other with even wilder claims and more important visions.


That was the past


Men have left their own country, their fathers and mothers, their

households and kinsmen and families, and have journeyed from Hind to

Sind, making boots of iron till they wore out to shreds, haply to

encounter a man having the fragrance of the other world. Howmany men

have died of this sorrow, not succeeding in encountering such a One!"

Jallaludin Rumi


Now it has come to that:


"It is a good way to start a conversation by trustingin that your

partner is aware of real self,it shows respect."

Lulu Dong



Compare this with hundreds of thousands of dedicated and learned

upasakas and sadhakas and sadhus investing many hours


of daily practice for decades while not claiming any higher

experiences being fully satisfied to be able to pass on the


knowledge they received to the next generation, while they discuss

their achivements only with their preceptor thus preventing


hybris and seeking correction and guidance by the age old

transpersonal authorithy of the shastras and the Guru Guidance.


Now are these westerner spiritual "sahibs" and those many (do it

your) self realised so much more advanced than the poor


indian practicioners, so that they get their instant enlightment

while the poor uneducated indian sadhakas seems to be trodding


on an an endless path without any kundalini rising up and down all

the time?


Or is there a misunderstanding about the path and the result?


Do both define their terms differently?


Or Is the average western spiritual seeker a serious asshole

deluded by self love and forced by peer pressure to join in the


chorus of the enlightened and top the stories told by all of his

friends meeting at that espresso bar on sundays?



May those who are capable of discussing and debating about Energy and

the Almighty indulge in such activities. May those who are capable of

churning the ocean called the Vedas indulge in that activity. Let us

leave them alone and immerse ourselves in the limitless power of

bliss produced by the immensely appealing and benevolent smile of

Lord Dattatreya.


Make your heart in the manner of a tree Bear no animosity to those

who chop you Though they break you, though they grind you

The axe falls on you, whimper not Do not feel the pain, do not

remember the sorrow Those who burn themselves and reduce to ashes

In the end, it is they on whom the light shines.

--Shah Latif

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agreed, there is a bunch of guru's who teach half realisation and propagate that to be the ultimate truth.

to clarify ...

in my ideal of understanding universal oneness, not only self realised people are part of "universal oneness",

in my ideal of understanding universal oneness all beings belong to this oneness...

including those who teach half realisations, those who preach the exact opposit and those who completely fail to understand and ignore the meaning of the ideal understanding of universal oneness... and ...

in my ideal of universal oneness EVERYTHING, the ignorant, the false, the stupid and wrong, all belong to it, my oneness, there is no exception....

...I am everyone, thus all of these, the ignorant, the false, the stupid and the wrong. So it is in no way my intention to speak about universal oneness only to the self realised and those who have already realised it, for i myself am ignorant, false, stupid and wrong in the various bodies of my oneness.

thus, i can only speak from my personal experience,

to me, the mirror and it's ways have answered ancient mysteries,

have formulated real identities.

The Mirror's potential to elevate is infinite,

but the higher you rise, the higher your fall,

if what you have learned does ever perish.





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Lulu Dong wrote: Bird of the same feather flocks together.



Well you see we have many birds species here, all with different

feathers and for some mystical reason, we are all flock here in this

cyber space called Shakti Sadhana. I myself have been here long, that

I forgot which bird species I belong and how my actualy feathers look

like. But it didnt matter actually because somehow as the all this

didnt matter. What matters is we are here, and we forgot that

sometimes we are birds. We like to believe we are GOD.

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"What matters is we are here, and we forgot that

sometimes we are birds. We like to believe we are GOD."

I can agree with this,

it is a natural tendency to forget who we are,

as soon as we realise who we are.

we realise that we are all,

but we forget that all didn't realise us.

we realise the birds, but the birds didn't realise us ...

It is most important to remain aware,

that whatever it is we imagine or believe to know,

is only a temporal highlight,

and after our life is over,

we return to the ignorance from where we derived...

hence, we become the bird who didn't realise us ...

we become all, which didn't realise us.

and we start learning again

from a new point of view

with a new identity..

imagining new knowledge.

if we than stumble across a path from the all ancient past ...

it's not important to me,

to remember who i am...

wheter i am this or that,

is not important to me,

that others realise who they are,

that is important to me,

because one wing, doesn't fly very far.

so let's get back to the source,

where dark are the eyes of the goddess...

when i came here i was looking for similar people with similar realisations,

now i am attrackted to the goddess, since obviously she has the same realisation,

so i can talk to the goddess, but who will reply ?

or i can talk to you...

but i am not a teacher ... i am not a guru ...

i just know who i am.

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Wei! xie siow mei mei, xie xie


"when i came here i was looking for similar people with similar

realisations, now i am attrackted to the goddess, since obviously

she has the same realisation"



We do not claim to be realized nor we admit being one. Some of us

are drunkards here. We are a bunch of rude people and I myself have

told one member : go eat your shit! My dear mei mei, you have come

to the wrong group. You will be very dissappointd and will leave us

with disillusion. I believe you said the same to or almost the same

tone in several buddhist group.


Before we have one young man who somehow said he discover us. He

went back to his Guru and exclaimed : Guruji I have discovered this

group of Devi Bhaktas. They are people full of knowledge. And the

Guru asked : do they know all the answers abt Devi. And he

replied "yes! they have all the answer abt Devi". His guru

responded : then asked this knowledgeable people whether the Goddess

come menses. Several people responded, quite interesting discussion

we have, and then he goes missing in action.


I wonder what happen to that young man.


SS have been in a stage of Amenorrhea for a long time.

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, "NMadasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy wrote:


> Lulu Dong wrote: Bird of the same feather flocks together.



> Well you see we have many birds species here, all with different

> feathers and for some mystical reason, we are all flock here in this

> cyber space called Shakti Sadhana. I myself have been here long, that

> I forgot which bird species I belong and how my actualy feathers look

> like. But it didnt matter actually because somehow as the all this

> didnt matter. What matters is we are here, and we forgot that

> sometimes we are birds. We like to believe we are GOD.



This may seem a little disconnected to the topic of this thread, but

you but your words, made me look beyond this SS List at the real world,

not the virtual reality it reminded me of what happened, or could have

happened last Tuesday in Sweden not very far from where i live, i was

reminded that whether you belief you are god or whether you belief you

insignificant may have nothing to do with whether you may wield godlike

powers or not

There is always a big difference between what you are, what you think

you are and what others belief you are, one should have this in mind


Why is it possible that i sit here and chat instead of being sick and

maybe dying ? My friends and my also family dying and sick? Together

with many million of other europeans all dying and sick?

Some godmen? No!

Because of one rather insignificant person who managed, defying the

security rules, to turn on the cooling aggregates of a defective

nuclear reactor 3 minutes before core meltdown. which would have turned

my home and a big part of europe into a radiation desert.

This person has wielded godlike powers, by preventing that catastrophe,

but one should also be reminded that nowadays such catastrophes that

can destroy whole nations can only happen because other deluded

scientists think they are godlike and suffer from the delusion they can

control the powers and mess with creation and split the atom.


One should not mix up the ego and god, that is what the stories in the

Puranas about the devas vs the asuras are all about.

If the devas offer themselves in the chitagnikunda is there something

left that is not offered? Would that work, if the kept self realisation

and offered everything else? Would Lalita Mahatripurasundari appear

´restore and save them?

I don´t know about that....but what i know is that today i am very

thankful that i can go outside and look at the sky and stand in the

rain and that i do not live in a radiation desert, listening to the TV

and radio with warnings to stay in the house and eat only canned food,

while i notice that my jata falling off my head because of radiation

sickness trying to make my son understand that his life will now end.





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, "mahahradanatha"

<mahahradanatha wrote:


> , Lulu Dong <lulu.dong@>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Dhirendra Pal

> >

> >

> > It is a good way to start a conversation by trusting

> > in that your partner is aware of real self,

> > it shows respect.

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > :) well thanks, that's already a start, but I'm not looking


> myself,

> > > i have found myself years ago,

> >

> >

> > It has been really long since someone made that claim..

i.e. "they

> have

> > found them self". I will assume for now that you know what you


> saying.

> >

> > i am "the mirror" yes, but i'm not looking for myself, i'm


> for other




> There is one modern misinterpretaion of eastern spirituality that


> find especially problematic and that is that new agers or

> pagans or magicians whoever name them , are claiming advanced


> of consciousness, that in the East are traditionally

> credited to only very few outstanding enlightened individuals and


> traditionally acquired only by dedicated individuals against

> all odds and often times by braving hardships in remote places

> (Ramana Maharisha or Buddha both nearly died finding that

> truth) and are usually the result of long sadhana and tapas and

> vairagya and sometimes coupled with an immense depth ofscholarship

> passed on through generations of highly educated practicioners.


I claim nothing but that I am no liar. I relate my experiences and

thoughts; from time to time, I attempt to relay these notions in

terms which I hope convey understanding. What purpose does it serve

to explain in depth a framework which has been so beautifully

detailed by others in the past?


There *are* some in the West who are enlightened. And yes, facing

death is something I think we Westerners also can relate to. Where

do you think "enlightenment" comes from? Where did the most ancient

receive their knowledge and understanding from? Before lineages,

before divisions, what was there but the Godz? Think you the Godz

no longer speak directly to us, too?




> Westerners claiming darshan of Siddhas, achievement of states like

> Brahma Jnana , atmavidya, self realisation, samadhi or

> Moksha, raise of Kundalini by the millions is a common phenomena,

> everybody connected with the spiritual or pagan scene is

> claiming something like that, while they rarely think one must

> invest more then reading some books, visiting some seminars or

> doing some leisure time meditation to achieve these results, that


> situation is viewed differently amongst most sadhakas of

> the east is not generally known in the west.Of course there are

> also fake indian new age "Gurus" claiming to be avatars or

> enlightened masters that provide those who are shopping with all

> their new age needs.


When you wish to speak of your experiences of supernatural and non-

corporal communion, what do you choose to call it? I find your

comments very insulting as a generalization. Sorry for venting,

here, but I cannot let this go without saying.


I have met and conversed with so many these past few years who are

of an entirely different ilk from the fake and watered down,

incredible psychic talents and many of them are very young, in their

20s that are more than capable of these "siddhis" that so many seem

obsessed with as if this were some sort of accomplishment to be

proud of. Godz given talents are exactly that - not some sort of

prize to be pinned above the fireplace mantle.



> Curiously in the west nobody is challenging the validity of


> spiritual claims, everybody is joining in, until one is topping

> the other with even wilder claims and more important visions.


Another gross generalization which is untrue. In fact, chaos mages

specialize in the destruction of artifice, and I would avow that

this is entirely a Western phenomenon.


> That was the past


> Men have left their own country, their fathers and mothers, their

> households and kinsmen and families, and have journeyed from Hind


> Sind, making boots of iron till they wore out to shreds, haply to

> encounter a man having the fragrance of the other world. Howmany


> have died of this sorrow, not succeeding in encountering such a


> Jallaludin Rumi


Indeed, this is true. However, they could have chosen to find

this "man having the fragrance of the other world" in a closer

locale, in my opinion!



> Now it has come to that:


> "It is a good way to start a conversation by trustingin that your

> partner is aware of real self,it shows respect."

> Lulu Dong


"I'm other you" .. this is the literal translation of the Gaelic

version of "I love you".




> Compare this with hundreds of thousands of dedicated and learned

> upasakas and sadhakas and sadhus investing many hours


> of daily practice for decades while not claiming any higher

> experiences being fully satisfied to be able to pass on the


> knowledge they received to the next generation, while they discuss

> their achivements only with their preceptor thus preventing


> hybris and seeking correction and guidance by the age old

> transpersonal authorithy of the shastras and the Guru Guidance.


> Now are these westerner spiritual "sahibs" and those many (do it

> your) self realised so much more advanced than the poor


> indian practicioners, so that they get their instant enlightment

> while the poor uneducated indian sadhakas seems to be trodding


> on an an endless path without any kundalini rising up and down


> the time?


Shiva is not Shiva without Shakti. Sometimes the simplest things

are the most difficult to understand.




> > Or is there a misunderstanding about the path and the result?



Apparently so. The Christians seem to have the same problem! :P




> Do both define their terms differently?



> Or Is the average western spiritual seeker a serious asshole

> deluded by self love and forced by peer pressure to join in the


> chorus of the enlightened and top the stories told by all of his

> friends meeting at that espresso bar on sundays?


It is comments like this which inspire me to respond to this post!


How easy it is to generalize and to place blame, when one only need

to "look in the mirror"! It is said in Western occult lore, that to

cross the Abyss, to make the leap of consciousness which leaves

behind the physical illusion, one must confront the demon Chorozon,

who appears as a image of oneSelf. Oh, sorry, that's only coffee

shop gossip ;)






> May those who are capable of discussing and debating about Energy


> the Almighty indulge in such activities. May those who are capable


> churning the ocean called the Vedas indulge in that activity. Let


> leave them alone and immerse ourselves in the limitless power of

> bliss produced by the immensely appealing and benevolent smile of

> Lord Dattatreya.


> Make your heart in the manner of a tree Bear no animosity to


> who chop you Though they break you, though they grind you

> The axe falls on you, whimper not Do not feel the pain, do not

> remember the sorrow Those who burn themselves and reduce to ashes

> In the end, it is they on whom the light shines.

> --Shah Latif


Indeed. A sword does not cut water. Love never dies.








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"then asked this knowledgeable people whether the Goddess

come menses. Several people responded, quite interesting discussion

we have, and then he goes missing in action.


come menses ?

do you recommend reading this threat ?

what does "he goes missing in action mean" ?

Beside, my guru is my mirror.


I wonder what happen to that young man.


SS have been in a stage of Amenorrhea for a long time. ???



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"We do not claim to be realized nor we admit being one. Some of us

are drunkards here. We are a bunch of rude people and I myself have

told one member : go eat your shit! My dear mei mei, you have come

to the wrong group. You will be very dissappointd and will leave us

with disillusion. I believe you said the same to or almost the same

tone in several buddhist group".

Is there at least the common goal to serve Mahakali, is there interest among you to realise the self and eventually explain self realisation to new members who arrive in the group ?







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Hmmmm, Shakthas do not realize the "SELF" as you mean.....but realize

HER in the self. It is more of letting go of self rather than holding

to it.


May be that is why you might find the references to narcissm and self

consciousness to the "Mirror" (as it is seen by people here) not your

cup of tea.


After going through your postings, which were rather confusing at

first, now I realize that you are expressing a similar sadhana. From

your perspective, you identify yourself with everything in this

Universe - which is rather a corollary of Shaktham - where

practitioners identify everything with HER without discerning the self

from HER.


Serving Mahakali is not a common goal here, except to serve HER in

whatever form SHE wishes to be served as.


And you mentioned in one of your poems that you are not a

teacher/Guru. Neither are we (of course there might be a "legitimate"

Guru or two among the silent observers here). We are nothing but a

group of travellers/practitioners/nutcases/drunkards as we might have

been known to others.


If someone needs some guidance, we just suggest to them to follow a

path - east, west, north or south or any direction in between.

Whatever they do is between them and HER. If SHE wishes to grab their

noses and point them firmly in a particular direction, SHE will do it

one way or the other - not necessarily through this group.


(Self) Realization to one will not be the same to the other. (Self)

Realization to a Guru might (only MIGHT) be the same for the disciple.

In better words, a Guru might be able to sense/recognize the

phenomenon in his/her student, understand and guide it through a less

confusing path. At a suitable juncture in the practice, the student

might come to understand the same as it happened to his/her Guru.


Until one arrives at that bridge, why worry about it? Keep walking

along the path, enjoying the scenary. When the need to cross the

bridge arises, SHE will guide the child, hold the hand and help the

child to cross the bridge.





, Lulu Dong <lulu.dong wrote:

> Is there at least the common goal to serve Mahakali, is there

interest among you to realise the self and eventually explain self

realisation to new members who arrive in the group ?


> Lulu








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> It is comments like this which inspire me to respond to this post!


> How easy it is to generalize and to place blame, when one only need

> to "look in the mirror"! It is said in Western occult lore, that

to cross the Abyss, to make the leap of consciousness which leaves

> behind the physical illusion, one must confront the demon Chorozon,

> who appears as a image of oneSelf. Oh, sorry, that's only coffee

> shop gossip ;)


What is crossing the abyss? This is roughly equivalent to "Moksha"

in India, the western magickian who has crossed the abyss correspond

roughly to the avadhuta. So i guess you only feel embarressed because

you yourself have very high claims and have reached them without

investing much effort.


I like to clarify i am following a very simple spiritual tradition,

which mainly consists in burning stuff in a small fire. and causing

huge amounts of ash to appear over time. I only have to observe that

strictly that no other duties are to be followed, so all is leisure

time. Things like self realisation are of course grabbed the moment

they appear and consignend to the fire.

Now sometimes by mistake of course i grab stuff that apparently

belongs to other people that come to near and burn that too,

sometimes just to hear them whine, but then this meditation is

called hugging my inner asshole.


But i cannot help it is all fate. I tell you how it was at the time

before i was born. Shiva was bored so he started taking souls that

lay in a heap somewhere near him, and started playing ball with

those souls, they had the form of black eggs and red eggs and golden

eggs,because itwas immediately after Pralaya, he was throwing all

these souls to earth trying to aim at the best places and time for

each of them, all went well for awhile and everybody was pleased

also shiva was happy too, of course by his divine sight he he found

the right places for everybody without any error. But when he

grabbed mine he tried to aim somewhere in the jungle near the

nepalese indian border, where there was only a smouldering dhuni and

some naked tribal people and some rhinos and elephants and a lot of

trees of course, but than devi came from the back and playfully

closed his eyes from behind with her hands , so he missed that shot

and cosequently i was born in a big city in sweta dvipa near the

north poleamong the aryans.


He got angry and said to her, damm it ,now you see i nearly threw

that nice pitch black one into the great northern sea (mahaHrada) but

he was supposed to match that dhuni, there at the river south of

kailash, it is your fault, look at that poor guy, instead of naked in

the jungle he is shivering in the ice and cold, 1500 years too late

now you go down there and take care will ya and show him how to

operate that computer he is completly helpless, and pronto!


Ok she did what he said, so i am not completly helpless here but

still the only shakta far and wide, what a barbarian country! (of

course she is a shaiva) what else did you expect from parvati? but

did you hear me complain? No never.



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, "mahahradanatha"

<mahahradanatha wrote:


> What is crossing the abyss? This is roughly equivalent to "Moksha"

> in India, the western magickian who has crossed the abyss correspond

> roughly to the avadhuta. So i guess you only feel embarressed


> you yourself have very high claims and have reached them without

> investing much effort.



Indeed. I also have felt guilty, cursed, blessed and confused.


I remember things it seems many have forgotten and to me seem obvious;

I do not seek knowledge or "enlightenment". For many years, I tried

actively to forget.


A few years ago, I was commanded to make myself known, and I have.


Sorry if that offends you.









> I like to clarify i am following a very simple spiritual tradition,

> which mainly consists in burning stuff in a small fire. and causing

> huge amounts of ash to appear over time.



Heh, living is a good thing, yes, but oxidation is a bitch.

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Excellent, from my perspective, everything is self, yes, everything is Shaktam, Kali, Darpana the name doesn't matter since from my perspective everything is self, i call self whatever self calls self.

As you say, I identify Shaktam with everything in this universe, including the self, so is my intention to make everything in this universe identify with Shaktam, including the self.

If we use the word mirror this makes maybe even sense, I identify the Mirror with everything in this universe, including the self, so is my intention to make everything in this universe identify with the Mirror, including the self, ...

... one way or another,

And if the internet might not be the perfect place to cross the bridge,

many here have helped me to find ways to better express my self,

so thank you for that and everything else.


"From your perspective, you identify yourself with everything in this

Universe - which is rather a corollary of Shaktham - where

practitioners identify everything with HER without discerning the self

from HER.

If SHE wishes to grab their noses and point them firmly in a particular direction,

SHE will do it one way or the other - not necessarily through this group."




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Hmmmm, now that i found my new identity, I see this:

Shakthas do not realize the "SELF" as you mean.....but realize

HER in the self. It is more of letting go of self rather than holding

to it.

One hand washes the other, if you realise your self in the mirror,

the mirror realises herself into you.





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, "znanna93" <ninahill



> , "mahahradanatha"

> <mahahradanatha@> wrote:

> >

> > What is crossing the abyss? This is roughly equivalent

to "Moksha"

> > in India, the western magickian who has crossed the abyss


> > roughly to the avadhuta. So i guess you only feel embarressed

> because

> > you yourself have very high claims and have reached them without

> > investing much effort.



> Indeed. I also have felt guilty, cursed, blessed and confused.


> I remember things it seems many have forgotten and to me seem


> I do not seek knowledge or "enlightenment". For many years, I


> actively to forget.


> A few years ago, I was commanded to make myself known, and I have.


> Sorry if that offends you.





> I am not responsible for the global warming not responsible for

your feelings of confusion guilt or blessing or have anything to do

with what commanded you.


Especially the global warming, that was not me, that was Parvati

because she said it is that dammend freezing cold here at the pole,

Shiva, you have to do something.....but that is an altogether

different story :)


I never said that you have no subtle experiences, also not in our

offlist conversation, i only said that you are using indic terms out

of their original context, which makes it impossible to discuss your



I would never trust "entities" that command me to do things, if that

is your cup of tea of course, obey, it is your choice you will find

responses for everything, the cyberworld is huge, you can find people

for all sort of stuff.


Even people who do nothing else but constantly and endlessly talk

about mirrors and are hung up on one experience to the exclusion of

everything else, find an audience...


Why should i be offende if you are looking for people that have an

interest in what you have to say or do.

It is just not me that is interesteted at least as long as you don´t

change your terms.

And if you are interested in what i have to say of the kundalini

expierences that happen without preparation and disciplinend

sadhana, it is very simple that is not what was intended and it

doesn´t happen that way it is the result of a long and ardous

training that demands a lot of purificatory work in the subtle body

and the material body and also mental purity it does not happen just

like that as many authors suggest.

There is a difference between Laya Yoga and some life energy moving

somewhere in the body by chance, or because of spirit possesion,

inducing some feelings in the "victim".

Kundalini is a very difficult subtle process that needs preparation

in all levels of the human being a gradual change or lift of

consciousness which can happen without the person even noticing any

strong feelings at all.

My Gurus Guru used to give advice if people told him about Kundalini

snake mowing in the Belly :Go and better see a doctor and get some

tapeworm medicine!



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, "mahahradanatha"

<mahahradanatha wrote:

> Why should i be offende if you are looking for people that have an

> interest in what you have to say or do.

> It is just not me that is interesteted at least as long as you


> change your terms.

> And if you are interested in what i have to say of the kundalini

> expierences that happen without preparation and disciplinend

> sadhana, it is very simple that is not what was intended and it

> doesn´t happen that way it is the result of a long and ardous

> training that demands a lot of purificatory work in the subtle


> and the material body and also mental purity it does not happen


> like that as many authors suggest.


With all due respect, you have no idea of what my practice has been

and is. However I am no fluffy bunny dilletante, as you seem to me

to imply. "Always on purpose" is the standard to which I am held,

and I have spent many thousands of hours in meditation ... which is

where I have learned to dance without losing my balance.




> There is a difference between Laya Yoga and some life energy


> somewhere in the body by chance, or because of spirit possesion,

> inducing some feelings in the "victim".




> Kundalini is a very difficult subtle process that needs


> in all levels of the human being a gradual change or lift of

> consciousness which can happen without the person even noticing


> strong feelings at all.


Kundalini is my Mistress, and to me SHe is not subtle at all.


> My Gurus Guru used to give advice if people told him about


> snake mowing in the Belly :Go and better see a doctor and get


> tapeworm medicine!



> Mahahradanatha





(not a liar and what doesn't kill me makes me stronger)


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