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Acts of Tolerance

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Some have asked why Don and myself ( guest ) speak out against the anti-Israel posts. It is simple, articles like the ones some here have chosen to post do nothing more than spread hate. Here is a nice sample of how anti-Israel people act, and why I will till my dying breath, stand with my friends in Israel and the world.




"BRUSSELS (EJP)--- The Brussels Jewish Memorial for Holocaust victims has been vandalized, in an attack described as "devastating" by the head of a Belgian Jewish association.


The gate of the Memorial’s crypt was pulled out, documents were destroyed, windows broken and an urn containing ashes from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp was desecrated and emptied.


Condoms and excrements were also found on the floor of the Memorial which is located in Anderlecht, a Brussels district with an important Arab population."


So I guess they brought it on themselves huh ?

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I would ask why you and Don get all wound up over such perishable events, better you focus your attention on worshipping Sri Krishna rather than waste your precious time propagating ephemeral political standpoints. All the time you have spent thinking and posting about the conflict in the middle-east is time lost, just realize that that time is forever lost, and that long after you and I have left our bodies, there will still be conflict and political struggles, if not in the middle-east then somewhere else, so what is the point in focusing on it? Better one doesn't even waste a single breath on any political subject, let alone one's dying breath, which is the single most pivotal breath you will ever make in your current body. If you are really so concerned to make this blazing forest fire of the material world a better place to live in then simply worship Nandanandana Sri Krishna.



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I would ask why you and Don get all wound up over such perishable events, better you focus your attention on worshipping Sri Krishna rather than waste your precious time propagating ephemeral political standpoints. All the time you have spent thinking and posting about the conflict in the middle-east is time lost, just realize that that time is forever lost, and that long after you and I have left our bodies, there will still be conflict and political struggles, if not in the middle-east then somewhere else, so what is the point in focusing on it? Better one doesn't even waste a single breath on any political subject, let alone one's dying breath, which is the single most pivotal breath you will ever make in your current body. If you are really so concerned to make this blazing forest fire of the material world a better place to live in then simply worship Nandanandana Sri Krishna.




Like in the days of Hiranyakasipu - things are greatly disturbed by demoniac people - at some point these radical demons - unchecked - are going to interrupt everything - including your sadhana - at what point shall you see that - while conflicts in this present time may just be a continuation of past times - things are out of step - in terms of the significant advent of terrorists and their bent plans to destroy Israel and plundge the earth into another dark ages.


I know that there are those that think we are over reacting or otherwise reacting with bias toward Israel - but - isn't it strange how so easily people start to blame jews and israel etc., just like a plague - it spreads. I shall not be silent about this - ever.


Indeed I worship Lord Krishna and - in that light - I see what is really going on in this world...



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Some have asked why Don and myself ( guest ) speak out against the anti-Israel posts. It is simple, articles like the ones some here have chosen to post do nothing more than spread hate. Here is a nice sample of how anti-Israel people act, and why I will till my dying breath, stand with my friends in Israel and the world.



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Haribol. A person who is against the political policies of a secular nation can be so opposed without being against the persons involved. This is the problem of kali yuga and the horrendous wars nations perform.


I can be against the stance of Israel the Nation without being anti-semetic. I personally resent this about the political Israel folks who use this anti-semetic card just as certainly as OJ's attourneys used the race card. It is blatantly false, yet they will never listen to the opposition because they have already framed them with such nonsense.


We have three false ideas here, and they are false because of violating all rules of warfare done as karma yoga, as described by Krsna to Arjuna at the brink of the greatest war of all time. The falsity is all these groups, christian, jew, and muslim, hate their enemies. Arjuna sent two arrows of obiesancies to his enemy. King Yudhisthira approached the two great leaders of his enemy, the kurus (Drona and Bhisma), and asked permission to engage in warfare against them. The Pandavas fought viciously against folks they loved as much as their very selves. These are combatants, not innocent bystanders or brainwashed minions so mercilessly slaughtered in kali-yuga warfare.


False doctrines have infected Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All think (those who are not at all conversant in spiritual science of bhakti yoga) that only their tribes have God-sponsorship. All three have revisionist ideas of great saviors demolishing all vestages of other religious systems and placing them in charge. The jews expect the messiah, the christians expect jesus in the sky coming again, the muslims expect the madhi, and all have accepted false doctrines that battlegrounds must be prepared prior to such nonsense arrivals.


The jews to secular zionism, the christians to manifest destiny, and the muslims to jihad, and none can succeed without the utter annihilation of the other two.


The globalist humanists love this situation where most of the world population will be done in by the armageddonists.


Okay, enough, wrong topic. I just wrote to tell you where to get off. Your chant of "anti'semetism" against those who oppose the brutal activitiesd of the state of Israel are not open to debate, so this is why you cannot discuss any issue properly. As long as one identifies the body and the mind as the self, there is no dialogue of any issue.


Anti-semetic! The same can be said against the government of Israel, because Palestinians, lebanese, syrians, arabs, these are all semetic tribes as well. Israel kills ten for every one of theirs that is killed for the last forty years. The Islamist is emabarassing to humanity for their actions, and the AMERIKKKAN draem is a nightmare, just ask my forebear, Chief Joseph, and sitting bull what he thinks of manifest destiny, the greatest racism and brutal genocide ever devised.



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Haribol. A person who is against the political policies of a secular nation can be so opposed without being against the persons involved. This is the problem of kali yuga and the horrendous wars nations perform.


I can be against the stance of Israel the Nation without being anti-semetic. I personally resent this about the political Israel folks who use this anti-semetic card just as certainly as OJ's attourneys used the race card. It is blatantly false, yet they will never listen to the opposition because they have already framed them with such nonsense.


We have three false ideas here, and they are false because of violating all rules of warfare done as karma yoga, as described by Krsna to Arjuna at the brink of the greatest war of all time. The falsity is all these groups, christian, jew, and muslim, hate their enemies. Arjuna sent two arrows of obiesancies to his enemy. King Yudhisthira approached the two great leaders of his enemy, the kurus (Drona and Bhisma), and asked permission to engage in warfare against them. The Pandavas fought viciously against folks they loved as much as their very selves. These are combatants, not innocent bystanders or brainwashed minions so mercilessly slaughtered in kali-yuga warfare.


False doctrines have infected Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All think (those who are not at all conversant in spiritual science of bhakti yoga) that only their tribes have God-sponsorship. All three have revisionist ideas of great saviors demolishing all vestages of other religious systems and placing them in charge. The jews expect the messiah, the christians expect jesus in the sky coming again, the muslims expect the madhi, and all have accepted false doctrines that battlegrounds must be prepared prior to such nonsense arrivals.


The jews to secular zionism, the christians to manifest destiny, and the muslims to jihad, and none can succeed without the utter annihilation of the other two.


The globalist humanists love this situation where most of the world population will be done in by the armageddonists.


Okay, enough, wrong topic. I just wrote to tell you where to get off. Your chant of "anti'semetism" against those who oppose the brutal activitiesd of the state of Israel are not open to debate, so this is why you cannot discuss any issue properly. As long as one identifies the body and the mind as the self, there is no dialogue of any issue.


Anti-semetic! The same can be said against the government of Israel, because Palestinians, lebanese, syrians, arabs, these are all semetic tribes as well. Israel kills ten for every one of theirs that is killed for the last forty years. The Islamist is emabarassing to humanity for their actions, and the AMERIKKKAN draem is a nightmare, just ask my forebear, Chief Joseph, and sitting bull what he thinks of manifest destiny, the greatest racism and brutal genocide ever devised.




You're throwing the good apples out with the bad...



Please don't compare the present circumstances to those of five thousand years ago.


Sure things are quite different - original rules are out the window [long ago] but does that make 'a case' for those who wish to imprint the islamic revolution on a global scale? That is the point of the fighting - that has hijacked the Palestinian people and their conflict - gone from 'yes they can live with a two state settlement - but - not now - no - there is the growing desire and movements [like electing Hamas] to completely wipe out the state of Israel!


Without a doubt - I don't think one may be called anti-semite for having a position against the state of Israel - but that is not exactly the issue in these discussions.


The issue that underlies this is that too many people feel that the state of Israel is illegitimate [they feel this due to the hard work of propagandists] and that there was [and is] a global jewish conspiracy behind it and - much more.


In my postings - for years [and not just here] I admonished Israel for how it was handling the conflict - that material is there for all to see - and of course that did not make me an anti-semite!


Now - had i had a position of thinking that the state was ill created by a global jewish conspiracy then that might have made me ignorant enough to be prone to anti-semitic understandings of history.


In fact many people who are not anti-semite do actually ascribe to anti-semitic understandings.


For example - these discussions have usually turned to critical bashing of Hebrew texts and - out-of-context of course!


I have shown in my postings many points - including - how the Hebrew texts use the same word for soul when describing humans and animals - I have also shown that the sacrifical practices are not really Hebrew in origin and how in the messianic age it shall be a time of no meat eating - even for wild cats like lions.


Of course - in the Hebrew prophesies about the messianic age there are clear descriptions of a multi-faith and multi-national world - not some Jewish world order! :confused:


Facts must be complete don't you think?


Hari Bolo!

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Like in the days of Hiranyakasipu - things are greatly disturbed by demoniac people - at some point these radical demons - unchecked - are going to interrupt everything - including your sadhana - at what point shall you see that - while conflicts in this present time may just be a continuation of past times - things are out of step - in terms of the significant advent of terrorists and their bent plans to destroy Israel and plundge the earth into another dark ages.


I know that there are those that think we are over reacting or otherwise reacting with bias toward Israel - but - isn't it strange how so easily people start to blame jews and israel etc., just like a plague - it spreads. I shall not be silent about this - ever.


Indeed I worship Lord Krishna and - in that light - I see what is really going on in this world...




...and just like in the days of Hiranyakasipu there is nothing you or I can do about it. Remember that it took the Lord Himself to come defeat Hiranyakasipu. Now at present there isn't even one huge demon like that, rather there are countless mini demons all quarreling nicely together, fighting for scraps. This is Kali yuga, the way things are is the way it's supposed to be. Nothing moves without the will of the Lord, not even a blade of grass, so that means things are going according to plan. The Lord as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Has given us a fastpass out of here not too long ago but still we continue to bother ourselves with this fleeting business.


Since written history have things been out of step, and just like the weather, sometimes there's sun sometimes there's rain. So similarly we will in perpetual alternation see years of war and years of peace, but in the end, because this is the nature of the material world, these are all ephemeral occurences so any attempt to correct them is futile to begin with. We had a Satya Yuga, but now it's Kali Yuga and in about 432.000 years again it will be Satya Yuga so why bother with that?


Just tell me what have political events and activities really achieved after all these years? The United Nations?

Prabupada had a funny but true comment on the UN, he said that they have simply gathered all the dogs and now they are barking nicely together in one room, but will they achieve anything at all? No. Just barking that's all, because they have no Krishna consciousness, no God consciousness. They don't actually place God in the centre so how can there be a good result? For show, they simply use God as a tool to stir up their own material motives.Similarly, this tiresome conflict between Israel and the surrounding nations has nothing to do with God, like dogs they are just fighting for territory without good result.


There is no good side to this conflict. I neither sympathize with Muslims or suicide bombers nor do I feel more sympathy towards the Jewish people because of their holocaust history (To be honest I'm quite fed up of getting slapped in the face with the apologetic holocaust everytime someone points a critical finger at the Israelis. There's no point in having an obligatory empathy for something that happened to a people in the past.).

Simply put, the one labelling himself a Jew is a soul who falsely identifies hisself with his human outfit, and one calling himself a Palestinian is a soul who falsely identifies himself with his human outfit, there is no difference, they are both ignorant parties.

I neither side with a US president who lies for a living and who needs a walk-in closet for all the skeletons he keeps in there, nor do I side with say North Korean president Kim Jong-Il or whatever president from this alleged "axis of evil".


The point is, all of these quarrels are utterly useless to occupy your mind with. Simply be aloof from all these sides and all these petty quarrels and worship Krishna in whatever circumstance.

We should aspire to become as bold as queen Kunti who prayed for all the calamities that took place to happen again and again, because they give us the drive to remember Krishna and to pray to Him. Here is Queen Kunti's prayer to Krishna:


Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.25:



"vipadaḥ santu tāḥ śaśvat

tatra tatra jagad-guro

bhavato darśanaḿ yat syād

apunar bhava-darśanam"



"I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths."



Prabhupada comments on this verse:



How does a devotee receive dangers? There must be dangers because this material world is full of dangers. But foolish people who do not know this try to avoid the dangers. Thus they struggle for existence. Everyone is trying to become happy and avoid danger. This is our material business.






The material world is full of dangers. For example, if one is on the ocean one may have a very strong ship, but that ship can never be safe, because one is at sea, and at any time there may be dangers. The Titanic was safe, but on it's first voyage it sank, and many important men lost their lives. So danger there must be, because we are in a dangerous position. This material world itself is dangerous.

Therefore, our business now should be to cross over this sea of danger as soon as possible. As long as we are at sea we are in a dangerous position, however strong our ship may be. That's a fact. But we should not be disturbed by the sea waves; instead we should just try to cross over the sea to get to the other side. That should be our business.

As long as we are in this material world, there must be calamities because this is a place of calamity. But even with calamities our business should be to develop our Krsna consciousness, so that after giving up this body we may go back home, back to Krsna.



Bhagavat Gita 2.14:



"matra-sparsas tu kaunteya


agamapayino 'nityas

tams titikshasva bharata"


"O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed."





Hare Krishna Bhakta Don Muntean!:pray:

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...and just like in the days of Hiranyakasipu there is nothing you or I can do about it. Remember that it took the Lord Himself to come defeat Hiranyakasipu. Now at present there isn't even one huge demon like that, rather there are countless mini demons all quarreling nicely together, fighting for scraps. This is Kali yuga, the way things are is the way it's supposed to be. Nothing moves without the will of the Lord, not even a blade of grass, so that means things are going according to plan. The Lord as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Has given us a fastpass out of here not too long ago but still we continue to bother ourselves with this fleeting business.


Since written history have things been out of step, and just like the weather, sometimes there's sun sometimes there's rain. So similarly we will in perpetual alternation see years of war and years of peace, but in the end, because this is the nature of the material world, these are all ephemeral occurences so any attempt to correct them is futile to begin with. We had a Satya Yuga, but now it's Kali Yuga and in about 432.000 years again it will be Satya Yuga so why bother with that?


Just tell me what have political events and activities really achieved after all these years? The United Nations?

Prabupada had a funny but true comment on the UN, he said that they have simply gathered all the dogs and now they are barking nicely together in one room, but will they achieve anything at all? No. Just barking that's all, because they have no Krishna consciousness, no God consciousness. They don't actually place God in the centre so how can there be a good result? For show, they simply use God as a tool to stir up their own material motives.Similarly, this tiresome conflict between Israel and the surrounding nations has nothing to do with God, like dogs they are just fighting for territory without good result.


There is no good side to this conflict. I neither sympathize with Muslims or suicide bombers nor do I feel more sympathy towards the Jewish people because of their holocaust history (To be honest I'm quite fed up of getting slapped in the face with the apologetic holocaust everytime someone points a critical finger at the Israelis. There's no point in having an obligatory empathy for something that happened to a people in the past.).

Simply put, the one labelling himself a Jew is a soul who falsely identifies hisself with his human outfit, and one calling himself a Palestinian is a soul who falsely identifies himself with his human outfit, there is no difference, they are both ignorant parties.

I neither side with a US president who lies for a living and who needs a walk-in closet for all the skeletons he keeps in there, nor do I side with say North Korean president Kim Jong-Il or whatever president from this alleged "axis of evil".


The point is, all of these quarrels are utterly useless to occupy your mind with. Simply be aloof from all these sides and all these petty quarrels and worship Krishna in whatever circumstance.

We should aspire to become as bold as queen Kunti who prayed for all the calamities that took place to happen again and again, because they give us the drive to remember Krishna and to pray to Him. Here is Queen Kunti's prayer to Krishna:


Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.25:



"vipadaḥ santu tāḥ śaśvat

tatra tatra jagad-guro

bhavato darśanaḿ yat syād

apunar bhava-darśanam"



"I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths."



Prabhupada comments on this verse:



How does a devotee receive dangers? There must be dangers because this material world is full of dangers. But foolish people who do not know this try to avoid the dangers. Thus they struggle for existence. Everyone is trying to become happy and avoid danger. This is our material business.






The material world is full of dangers. For example, if one is on the ocean one may have a very strong ship, but that ship can never be safe, because one is at sea, and at any time there may be dangers. The Titanic was safe, but on it's first voyage it sank, and many important men lost their lives. So danger there must be, because we are in a dangerous position. This material world itself is dangerous.

Therefore, our business now should be to cross over this sea of danger as soon as possible. As long as we are at sea we are in a dangerous position, however strong our ship may be. That's a fact. But we should not be disturbed by the sea waves; instead we should just try to cross over the sea to get to the other side. That should be our business.

As long as we are in this material world, there must be calamities because this is a place of calamity. But even with calamities our business should be to develop our Krsna consciousness, so that after giving up this body we may go back home, back to Krsna.



Bhagavat Gita 2.14:



"matra-sparsas tu kaunteya


agamapayino 'nityas

tams titikshasva bharata"


"O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed."





Hare Krishna Bhakta Don Muntean!:pray:


Hare Krishna!


So you seem to make a good case but - I think you've missed the point...


"To be honest I'm quite fed up of getting slapped in the face with the apologetic holocaust everytime someone points a critical finger at the Israelis."


Well that doesn't happen in these discussions - so why would that matter here to you?


One could say that there are those of us who are 'quite fed up of getting slapped in the face' with zionist this and zionist that - everytime we express a broader perspective of the facts of this [and the broader] conflict.


Can you deny that there so many people who won't even listen to the truth because they have become convinced of that all that - "the Jews control the world" garbage?


I'm quite sick of seeing that there are still millions of people in North America [what to speak of the rest of the world] that seem to think that the extermination of Jews by nazis was a sham or - is now otherwise 'over-hyped' - it really is sad you know.


The reason that memory of this cannot go away is because the world is still persecuting Jews [or souls in Jewish bodies if you like:rolleyes:] - maybe with words at this time - but - can it turn worse again?


So not to intend any disrespect to you but I think that having the mindset that you do about the Nazi pogrom isn't a very mature nor realistic position for a devotee of Vishnu.


"...and just like in the days of Hiranyakasipu there is nothing you or I can do about it."


But there is - and educating as many people as possible with facts [however temporal they may be] prevents ignorance from spreading and - it is ignorance that is the fertile ground in which things are growing out of control.


Here is what Prabhupada says about it:


This age of Kali will certainly be full of all activities of Kali, but this does not mean that the leaders of society, the executive heads, the learned and intelligent men, or above all the devotees of the Lord should sit down tightly and become callous to the reactions of the age of Kali. In the rainy season certainly there will be profuse rainfalls, but that does not mean that men should not take means to protect themselves from the rains. It is the duty of the executive heads of state and others to take all necessary actions against the activities of Kali or the persons influenced by the age of Kali [sB 1.17.28, purport]


So Prabhupada seems to think that - the leaders of society, the executive heads, the learned and intelligent men, or above all the devotees of the Lord - can do something about these problems.


You say they are all bad guys and that simply isn't true either.


All a matter of perspective?


Hare Krishna!

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..why I will till my dying breath, stand with my friends in Israel and the world...


yes, and then you will die and be born as an Arab, who is the enemy of Israel, so that you may get another chance to get rid of such materialistic mentality.

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Dear Bhakta Don,



Hare Krishna!


So you seem to make a good case but - I think you've missed the point...


"To be honest I'm quite fed up of getting slapped in the face with the apologetic holocaust everytime someone points a critical finger at the Israelis."


Well that doesn't happen in these discussions - so why would that matter here to you?

I wasn't particularly referring to this discussions, but outside of this messageboard, of the silk glove treatment when anyone mentions Jews.





One could say that there are those of us who are 'quite fed up of getting slapped in the face' with zionist this and zionist that - everytime we express a broader perspective of the facts of this [and the broader] conflict.


Can you deny that there so many people who won't even listen to the truth because they have become convinced of that all that - "the Jews control the world" garbage?

How exactly have you ascertained that the information you have is the actual truth? You lay it down as if your version of truth is the undisputable truth at which hand any opposing party has to admit it's defeat, but for all anyone knows your acquired truths are just as shaky as the truths of that so-called "jews control the world" party.



I'm quite sick of seeing that there are still millions of people in North America [what to speak of the rest of the world] that seem to think that the extermination of Jews by nazis was a sham or - is now otherwise 'over-hyped' - it really is sad you know.

Again, bringing up the past serves no purpose because it's a done deal. Nobody today is mourning the mass-extermination of the native American population or even any post-WWII genocides that have occured since, but somehow we do keep hearing about the Jewish holocaust so naturally it is prone to raise a few eyebrows as to why the continued focus on that particular moment in history and not on the countless other abominable moments in history, and that is really not because people are still persecuting Jews:rolleyes:, at least when speaking for myself and all the people I have ever known.



The reason that memory of this cannot go away is because the world is still persecuting Jews [or souls in Jewish bodies if you like:rolleyes:] - maybe with words at this time - but - can it turn worse again?

This is simply your assertion, and all your answers thusfar have revealed that you are not equipoised in this matter and are therefore unable to view this subject matter from a neutral point of view. Which is why I think it is you who has missed the point, namely that it's better that we first try to become equipoised by dint of being firmly rooted in Krishna consciousness and realize our real constitutional position as eternal servants of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, so we can see everything correctly as it is, and see everyone as equal, birds bees,trees, dogs, humans etc. so we can give actual help instead of a patch of bandaid.



So not to intend any disrespect to you but I think that having the mindset that you do about the Nazi pogrom isn't a very mature nor realistic position for a devotee of Vishnu.

No disrespect taken for I am completely at a loss here. Having a mindset about the Nazi program? Where did that come from?:confused:



"...and just like in the days of Hiranyakasipu there is nothing you or I can do about it."


But there is - and educating as many people as possible with facts [however temporal they may be] prevents ignorance from spreading and - it is ignorance that is the fertile ground in which things are growing out of control.

As is evident by our discussion at present, no resolution is achieved by wasting our precious time discussing these matters, I am not convincing you and you are not convincing me. So because there is no undeniable truth to judge this conflict by there can be no proper education of it. The real root of ignorance will never be uprooted by spreading mundane facts, ignorance can only be removed by spreading God consciousness. One may have studied to become a big nuclear physicist, but if that person leaves God out of the picture his or her knowledge is spoiled, a big waste of time. So it comes highly recommended to instead spend your time educating people in Krishna consciousness. That is the point.



Here is what Prabhupada says about it:


This age of Kali will certainly be full of all activities of Kali, but this does not mean that the leaders of society, the executive heads, the learned and intelligent men, or above all the devotees of the Lord should sit down tightly and become callous to the reactions of the age of Kali. In the rainy season certainly there will be profuse rainfalls, but that does not mean that men should not take means to protect themselves from the rains. It is the duty of the executive heads of state and others to take all necessary actions against the activities of Kali or the persons influenced by the age of Kali [sB 1.17.28, purport]


So Prabhupada seems to think that - the leaders of society, the executive heads, the learned and intelligent men, or above all the devotees of the Lord - can do something about these problems.


It's true that we should not be uncaring towards the suffering of the ensnared jiva's, but rather we should be actively engaging ourselves to re-awaken the lost relationship of the suffering jiva with Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. This is how the problem is actually solved, perpetually. Here is one example of rain where he means to tell us one should not sit idly by while being oppressed for example, then we should defend ourselves.

So similarly regarding the subject of this purport, Maharaj Pariksit was in a direct position to act on it, and also he was in the correct understanding of things. This is a very clearcut example,very black and white, where Kali personified was mutilating the bull and mother cow, and Maharaj Pariksit, who was properly situated in the religious principles, was about to exact swift judgment on him according to his dharma.

So if one is in a position to do something about it you should act according to one's means. However if one is not situated in proper understanding of the problem then what good shall any interference do?

So if you want to make a real difference just become an examplary devotee of Lord Krishna, keep increasing your bhajan and then propagate this Krishna consciousness so you can make actual lasting changes to other jivas.

So you see the point is forget all these temporary designations and just worship Sri Krishna. Bothering with this conflict is like polishing the bird cage when we should start taking care of the bird inside of it instead.


Wishing you all the best and a happy Janmastami,


Hare Krishna!:pray:

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So what is your program to reach the islamists with krishna consciousness?


LOL! as if YOUR program was interested in that!


your "practical" program: "lets kill them all, and the good Lord will sort them out"


the islamofascists and the israeli fascists deserve one another. too bad these demons make life a living nightmare for millions of innocent people all over the world.

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LOL! as if YOUR program was interested in that!


your "practical" program: "lets kill them all, and the good Lord will sort them out"


the islamofascists and the israeli fascists deserve one another. too bad these demons make life a living nightmare for millions of innocent people all over the world.

You're a joke! Why didn't you present an answer to my question?

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