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Will Radhanath Swami follow Srila Bhakti-Tirtha Swami & become another ISKCON martyr?

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Radhanath Maharaj’s Health



<!-- the main section of the post goes here -->Hhrm_news.jpgDear Prabhus,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On the request of many devotees, we are writing this letter to inform you of the recent developments regarding the health of HH Radhanath Swami,

To take you a little back in time, please understand that Maharaj’s health was always a matter of concern for god brothers, disciples and well wishers. Due to his enthusiasm to preach and his deep love and affection for our spiritual lives, his intense schedule gave him very little focus on this vital aspect. Although, recently, he has taken some brief periods away from his schedule to recuperate, the time spent would always be woefully inadequate.

The last few years saw a more abrupt decline in Maharaj’s overall health. Nevertheless, he continued with his heavy schedule in India and his extensive touring in the US as well as in Europe. He has been having several chronic diseases over the years and while in the US this past summer he lost his voice. Since he was unable to do any programmes etc. devotees brought him to a throat doctor who diagnosed his throat infection as acute chronic laryngitis. At that time he requested for a colonoscopy. This colonoscopy revealed that there was a growth (tumour) in the colon. Investigations appeared to reveal the tumour to be benign. Unfortunately the doctors could not do biopsy since the tumour was beyond the reach, and hence they could not confirm the tumour to be benign.

Doctors advised him to wait and watch and again re-check after every six months or a year. When he came to Mumbai Dr. Sitaram Alva, one of the senior members of our congregation and a very senior doctor, looked at Maharaj’s case and took it very seriously. Immediately he brought Maharaja to one of the senior-most gastroenterologists of India, Dr Sharad Shah. After scrutinizingly reading the report of Maharaj, he gave his strong opinion that surgery is advised as early as possible and also stated emphatically that in case prompt action is not taken there are much chances of this type of tumour turning malignant. .

Meanwhile the Brahmachari leaders were researching for alternative treatments before a surgery would happen, and they found in Kerala, Dr Z Jacob, an Ayurvedic doctor, who is specialised in treating problems related with cancer. Their research revealed that the doctor had successfully cured many people of clinically diagnosed cancer including some of our devotees. The Brahmacharis insisted Maharaj to go and see the doctor. Maharaj agreed to go for 2-3 days. Maharaj was brought to Kerala without further delay.

After carefully examining Maharaja and the diagnostic reports, Doctor Jacob stated emphatically that Maharaj has come at the right time because he feels, according to his years of research and experience, that due to Maharajas overall health condition, the tumour would have turned within a year into a fast growing cancer.

Some comments by the doctor after reading Maharaj’s reports:

” His entire system is weak and is on the verge of falling apart.

” Change in life style is compulsory at least for the next one year.

” Reduction in stress to the bare minimum.

He further said that Maharaj’s present condition is like the proverbial calm before a Tsunami. He feels that if Maharaj does not take care of this immediately it will become very serious possibly malignant in the near future.

Hearing this, the devotees accompanying Maharaj insisted that Maharaj should stay in Calicut, Kerala for the entire period of three weeks and complete the treatment. Maharaj agreed.

At present Maharaj is undergoing treatment at Dr. Jacob’s clinic in Kerala for three weeks and depending upon the need the treatment may extend. His god brothers and well wishers had also requested Maharaja to take time out from his hectic schedule and take complete rest for at least 6 months to one year.

At this point of time, HH Radhanath Swami is willing to co-operate with all of us in the treatment.

But knowing Maharajas love to serve and please the devotees it is difficult for him to say no to requests. Therefore, we earnestly and humbly request all the devotees and well wishers to allow Maharaj to have his needed rest for recuperation of his health,

We hope and pray that Krsna grants him long and healthy life so that he can continue to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission for many years to come.

Your servants, Krsna Chandra Das, Govinda Das, Radha Gopinath Das, Sanat Kumar Das, Shyamanand Das, Gauranga Das, Murari Gupta Das, Radha Vallabh Das, Vasudev Das, Krsnanaam das

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...that Maharaj takes care of his health. He is such an amazing dev. We need him to stay around much longer to be of increased service to Srila Prabhupada's Iskcon....Krsna willing. I hope that he will just take the year off as the doctor suggests. Juice fasts have proven to help conditions such as his. We pray for his recovery.

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I'm glad someone else sees it that way as well.



Yes H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami was a staunch devotee but the use of the word "martyr" is a bit inappropriate.
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Yes H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami was a staunch devotee but the use of the word "martyr" is a bit inappropriate.


Historically, a martyr is a person who dies for their convictions or religious faith, such as during the persecution of early Christians in the Roman Empire. Sometimes the term is applied to those who use violence, such as dying for a nation's glory during wartime (usually known under other names such as "fallen warriors"). The death of a martyr is called martyrdom.:pray:

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1 : a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and

refusing to renounce a religion

2 : a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle

While someone could argue over legitimacy of using the second sense of the word here, I am under the impression that the word is not used for deaths that one could have avoided without compromising the principle -- such as here by basic lifestyle adjustments. I have never seen the word used for someone who has contracted a disease (such as Bhakti-tirtha Swami) and died of it. Dying doesn't make you a martyr, dying because of uncompromising fortitude in upholding a principle makes you one.


A Gaudiya Vaisnava example is Haridas Thakur, who was beaten in twenty marketplaces by the Muslims for not forsaking the chanting of Hari's names in favor of Allah. Had he died, he would have been a martyr beyond doubt; even without, many would think of him as such, for no ordinary mortal could have withstood such treatment.

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*cos they are special in their abilities to spirirtually affect the lives of others

*cos they have understood the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu which is very rare, so having this rare ability in Kali yuga they should try for as long as possible to spread the mission

*they are so selfless and have dedicated mind body and words to Guru and Krsna hence they should look after the body since it is now the property of Sri Krishna

*they are trained in a unique way , having had personal lessons from Srila Prabhupada and need to pass that on to the subsequent generations

* In taking care of their bodies they can now become more absorbed in personal sadhana and health needs and train the next generation of devotees, ie. the grand disciples of Srila Prabhupada.

*trained soldiers are rare in this battle against maya - so staying around for a little longer - Krsna willing (said out of love and not selfishness) is what could benefit younger Vaisnavas

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