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Demoralising the Sanatan Dharma

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The first evidence of the above fact is the personal secret suggestion of Jones (along with a derogative essay) of 1784 to Warren Hastings, Governor General of India, where he explains his plan of how to destroy the religious faith of the Hindus of India which is deep rooted in their hearts by: (1) Fabricating a false Sanskrit scripture that would show all the greatness of Jesus. (2) Translating a gospel and Isaiah into Sanskrit in the style of a Hindu scripture with (false) ancient predictions about Jesus being a great Divine person, and then (3) carefully distributing these (false and fabricated) books in our educated society to withdraw their mind from the Vedic religion and to divert it towards Christianity. See for yourself.

Evidence of their malicious intentions

(to produce fabricated Sanskrit scriptures).

Sir William Jones, 1784 (from Asiatic Researches Vol. 1. Published 1979, pages 234-235. First published 1788).

“As to the general extension of our pure faith in Hindustan there are at present many sad obstacles to it… We may assure ourselves, that… Hindus will never be converted by any mission from the church of Rome, or from any other church; and the only human mode, perhaps, of causing so great a revolution, will be to translate into Sanscrit… such chapters of the Prophets, particularly of ISAIAH, as are indisputably evangelical, together with one of the gospels, and a plain prefatory discourse, containing full evidence of the very distant ages, in which the predictions themselves, and the history of the Divine Person (Jesus) predicted, were severally made public; and then quietly to disperse the work among the well-educated natives.”

Such a plot was launched against India with two main objectives: (1) To destroy the Bhartiya religion, and (2) to mutilate its history. One can imagine the depth of their bad intentions of which Jones was the main implementer.

We are giving a few more passages from the same essay “On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India” by Jones, President of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta), written in 1784. This is a long essay of 47 pages in which Jones had tried to demean all the forms of the Hindu God and Goddess in a very humiliating manner and tried to condemn Their Divine greatness by all means.

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The first evidence of the above fact is the personal secret suggestion of Jones (along with a derogative essay) of 1784 to Warren Hastings, Governor General of India, where he explains his plan of how to destroy the religious faith of the Hindus of India which is deep rooted in their hearts by: (1) Fabricating a false Sanskrit scripture that would show all the greatness of Jesus. (2) Translating a gospel and Isaiah into Sanskrit in the style of a Hindu scripture with (false) ancient predictions about Jesus being a great Divine person, and then (3) carefully distributing these (false and fabricated) books in our educated society to withdraw their mind from the Vedic religion and to divert it towards Christianity. See for yourself.

Evidence of their malicious intentions

(to produce fabricated Sanskrit scriptures).

Sir William Jones, 1784 (from Asiatic Researches Vol. 1. Published 1979, pages 234-235. First published 1788).

“As to the general extension of our pure faith in Hindustan there are at present many sad obstacles to it… We may assure ourselves, that… Hindus will never be converted by any mission from the church of Rome, or from any other church; and the only human mode, perhaps, of causing so great a revolution, will be to translate into Sanscrit… such chapters of the Prophets, particularly of ISAIAH, as are indisputably evangelical, together with one of the gospels, and a plain prefatory discourse, containing full evidence of the very distant ages, in which the predictions themselves, and the history of the Divine Person (Jesus) predicted, were severally made public; and then quietly to disperse the work among the well-educated natives.”

Such a plot was launched against India with two main objectives: (1) To destroy the Bhartiya religion, and (2) to mutilate its history. One can imagine the depth of their bad intentions of which Jones was the main implementer.

We are giving a few more passages from the same essay “On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India” by Jones, President of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta), written in 1784. This is a long essay of 47 pages in which Jones had tried to demean all the forms of the Hindu God and Goddess in a very humiliating manner and tried to condemn Their Divine greatness by all means.


So y havent these so called Great Hindu Gods with all the powers able to teach a lesson to people who have been trying to demoralise?

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So y havent these so called Great Hindu Gods with all the powers able to teach a lesson to people who have been trying to demoralise?

I don't know how old r u but here is my question...do u have any chilren of ur own? if use bad lingo or just kick u.would u kill them or hurt them? u r a human u will rather scold the kid...but they are gods they show complete mercy....

I can explain the why not? I can tell a similar questioned asked by a..well..about such a thing.....but u ain't gonna listen now would u? I know u ain't a big fan of Sanatan Dharm....so pls...

This post is only for Indians not for the ones who wants to establish their brutal regime and teach ....u know....peace...

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