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21-day melon cleanse

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Sat Nam, Everyone!


I wanted to let you all know that on the 4th of July I completed 21

days of melon cleansing, along with 21 other folks from the

kundalini studio I attend. It was an amazing experience & I

enthusiastically recommend it to anyone who may be considering it.


I was NOT hungry during the cleanse. My energy level was high each

day -- in fact, I was more physically invigorated than I can ever

remember being. My mind was also very clear & sharp. I didn't

experience any of the spaciness that some folks reported. There

were 2 days (8th & 9th) when I was in bed & asleep by 8:30 pm, but

otherwise I kept to my normal schedule of very early rising, doing

sadhana & yoga, errands, housework, studying, & then working &

exercising 5 days a week. On day 12 (a lemon water day) I was at

the yoga studio for 12 hours, from sadhana all the way through an

afternoon drumming circle, & felt great.


I lost alot of weight, gained alot more flexibility, and felt long-

term pain & stiffness leave my joints as acid was flushed out & my

system became much more alkaline.


My spiritual practice was much more direct & immediate.


I smelled alot of good food during those 3 weeks but was never

tempted to eat any of it!


I am SO grateful to experience all of the benefits of doing this

cleanse! If anyone's thinking about doing it, I say "go for it"!


Nirvair Kaur

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Sat Naam,


That is exciting news! I did the melon cleanse a couple years ago w/

the same results. I did get hungry, but then just ate more melon :)

Thanks for reminding me I am overdue for a fast/cleanse...


Om prem

ranjit kaur


Kundaliniyoga, "nirvairkaur7" <nirvairkaur



> Sat Nam, Everyone!


> I wanted to let you all know that on the 4th of July I completed 21

> days of melon cleansing, along with 21 other folks from the

> kundalini studio I attend. It was an amazing experience & I

> enthusiastically recommend it to anyone who may be considering it.


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how can I get more information on the melon cleanse. can you tell me more about it. what does your body expeiance. thank you Nancy B.


Elle d'Orado ~ Ranjit Kaur <ranjitk (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Sat Naam,


That is exciting news! I did the melon cleanse a couple years ago w/

the same results. I did get hungry, but then just ate more melon :)

Thanks for reminding me I am overdue for a fast/cleanse...


Om prem

ranjit kaur


Kundaliniyoga, "nirvairkaur7" <nirvairkaur



> Sat Nam, Everyone!


> I wanted to let you all know that on the 4th of July I completed 21

> days of melon cleansing, along with 21 other folks from the

> kundalini studio I attend. It was an amazing experience & I

> enthusiastically recommend it to anyone who may be considering it.







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( from the Archives Tue Jul 16, 2002 11:53 am

Kundaliniyoga/message/10458 )


SAT NAM all,


I am currently in the middle of the Melon Diet/cleanse recommended by Yogi

Bhajan, and I am loving it!


This is a summertime fast, as the melons are in season and the heat promotes

detoxing. It thoroughly cleanses the large & sm. intestines, revitalizes the

body and removes poisons.


Day 1: eat only canteloupes which are warming and a good laxative.


Day 2: eat only watermelon which will clean the liver, kidneys, and is



Day 3: eat only papayas which works on the intestines and digestion.


Day 4: drink only water with lemon juice & pure grade B maple syrup which

resolves deficiencies and rids the body of excess mucus.


Day 5: drink only water, but not ice cold water!


Then reverse the diet, day 6 is water, day 7 is the lemon/syrup water, day 8

is papayas, day 9 is watermelon, day 10 is canteloupe.


Take at least 3 more days to come off the fast: day 11 eat only fruit but NO

MELONS :) day 12 eat fruit and yoghurt... day 13 you can add vegetables,

then day 14 add some grains, maybe some nuts. After that you can begin to

get back to your regular diet, but with moderation and mindfulness.


This is a huge commitment -- 2 weeks! and has been challenging for the first

week I can tell you. But my yoga practice has been amazing, I have more

focus and balance and more clear intention. I also have been able to attain

some advanced Hatha postures I wasn't able to do before.


Plus you will lose weight. I already notice a difference in the size of my

arms and my belly :) So if you want to jump-start a weight loss plan I would

recommend it, but (disclaimer!) ONLY if you can commit to the whole diet.

Also if you have any other medical problems, you may want to consult a

nutritionist or doctor before starting a big fast like this!


But I feel absolutely great... I can let you know how it goes as time goes








On 7/10/06, Siri Devta Kaur <siri_devta_kaur > wrote:


> how can I get more information on the melon cleanse. can you tell me

> more about it. what does your body expeiance. thank you Nancy B.


> Elle d'Orado ~ Ranjit Kaur <ranjitk (AT) hotmail (DOT) com <ranjitk%40hotmail.com>>

> wrote: Sat Naam,



> That is exciting news! I did the melon cleanse a couple years ago w/

> the same results. I did get hungry, but then just ate more melon :)

> Thanks for reminding me I am overdue for a fast/cleanse...


> Om prem

> ranjit kaur


> Kundaliniyoga <Kundaliniyoga%40>,

> "nirvairkaur7" <nirvairkaur

> wrote:

> >

> > Sat Nam, Everyone!

> >

> > I wanted to let you all know that on the 4th of July I completed 21

> > days of melon cleansing, along with 21 other folks from the

> > kundalini studio I attend. It was an amazing experience & I

> > enthusiastically recommend it to anyone who may be considering it.

> >




> _


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Another post from the Archives by Ranjit/Elle



Mon Aug 5, 2002 2:00 pm


Sat Nam Krishan Shiva Kaur!

The melon diet was VERY intense! I felt very clear-headed and focused during

it, despite being hungry most of the time. My Hatha yoga practice definitely

went up a level -- my balancing poses were so graceful and easy, and I was

able to do advanced asanas that I had never even thought to try before. Also

Kundalini exercises came easier to me, I could hold my arms up with a little

less strain! :) In daily life, I was a little spacey there for a couple

days, and the day of only water I felt a little ill, but it passed.


Since I started eating again, I am very hyper-aware of what effects

different foods have on me and especially my yoga practice. I am considering

this one of the long-term effects. It is helping me eat a lot healthier...

and when I don't, I really suffer! Interesting to operate on a clean system!

Also I learned that canteloupe is a perfect food for digestive aid.


My only complaint, was that it was so very long! About 12 days! What a

commitment! Whew! :) I had managed to fast/cleanse for only 24 hours at a

time prior to this one. But I am excited to have done it, I definitely feel

a strong sense of accomplishment and have more faith in my discipline. It

definitely jump-started my intentions to make fasting part of my sadhana. I

am going to be doing the 3-day watermelon fast next week, which I read about

it in Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa's book, Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal



So I would recommend it to yogis, but I don't know who else would be

interested... ha ha! But do it now before the melons go out of season!







On 7/10/06, Siri Devta Kaur <siri_devta_kaur > wrote:


> how can I get more information on the melon cleanse. can you tell me

> more about it. what does your body expeiance. thank you Nancy B.


> Elle d'Orado ~ Ranjit Kaur <ranjitk (AT) hotmail (DOT) com <ranjitk%40hotmail.com>>

> wrote: Sat Naam,



> That is exciting news! I did the melon cleanse a couple years ago w/

> the same results. I did get hungry, but then just ate more melon :)

> Thanks for reminding me I am overdue for a fast/cleanse...


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Sat Nam,

Just to clarify:

The 21-day melon cleanse which I just finished is NOT the same as the one detailed here on the list. The cleanse I did is:

3 days of just cantelope

3 days of just watermelon

3 days of just papaya

1 day of lemon water (fresh-squeezed lemon juice only)

1 day of plain water

1 day of lemon water

3 days of just papaya

3 days of just watermelon

3 days of just cantelope

On the fruit days you may eat all of the fruit for that day that you would like, but ONLY the fruit for that day. You are encouraged to drink lots of water throughout the cleanse, but ONLY water, except for the 2 lemon-water days.

Again, for details of this particular version of the cleanse & for answers to FAQs, go to www.shaktakaur.com. Click on "Yogic Lifestyle" & then on "Melon Diet".

Nirvair Kaur

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