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Consider Alternative to Eating Barbecued Animals

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Consider Alternative to Eating Barbecued Animals






Jul 4, USA (SUN) —
Every year on the Fourth of July, Americans celebrate their independence from colonial Britain. Many do so by dining on the slain bodies of factory-farmed animals that have never known freedom or had the opportunity to live out their lives without deprivation and suffering.



In intensive agribusiness, animals live miserable lives to satisfy the tastes of flesh-eating consumers. As vegetarians we object to the unnecessary killing of animals for food, but also to the modern methods of raising them by the thousands in huge shed confinement, which causes severe physical and psychological suffering.



A meat-centered diet also contributes to world hunger, because the feeding of high-protein crops to animals is an inefficient use of food resources. There are also the issues of deforestation, heavy water usage, and soil erosion from waste run-off.



As Americans become more health conscious, many are taking the advice of contemporary medical professionals and holistic practitioners who advocate cessation of meat consumption.



Humans can also become immune to antibiotics since they are highly used to combat the stress animals endure under intensive confinement. There are now also the issues surrounding avian flu.


Eating barbecued animals on the Fourth of July violates the spirit of the holiday, which celebrates the preservation of life and survival in the face of hardship. Consider the many available healthy alternatives. Contact



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