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DWARKA---Lord Krsnas Kingdom---

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Do you think ASI take reference from the Vedas and or other shashtras as a guide?  

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  1. 1. Do you think ASI take reference from the Vedas and or other shashtras as a guide?

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Can the ruins of "Dwarka" be located beneath the Arabian sea near Gujrat?


All I can say is that ASI (Archaelogical Survey of India) had done & is doing very little in order to preserve and find ruins of "Dwarka". All the ruins that are found relating to this city are either on the mainland or near the cost. No, marine excavating team has ever searched the bottom of the Arabian sea.


Either people has very little believe in the "Mahabharata" or some of them don't want their western masters to be displeased with new findings which will change their "Aryan vs Dravidian" theory.




p.s : Please paankaja daasa don't blame this also on Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj.

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Does the ASI have the neccessary technology and funds needed for a project of this stature to work and be successful???


If they do, then they should set out to find it, as this would probably be one of the most major if not THE major archeological find in India since 1920. But also much of secular politics does swerve towards unearthing Indian history rather than following up on Hindu possibilities.


Unforuntaley, our country believs that 'avoiding Hinduism' is a good way of being secular. Like i have said before, a good secularism is not the one that avoids any aspect, but rather embraces all and still remains firm in its secular stance.

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Since its inception the UAW is actively engaged in conducting underwater archaeological studies in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.

The UAW is engaged in –


  • <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; tab-stops: list .5in; mso-list: l14 level1 lfo1">Documentation of underwater sites and ancient shipwrecks <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; tab-stops: list .5in; mso-list: l14 level1 lfo1">Training of professional archaeologists, young researchers and students <LI class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; tab-stops: list .5in; mso-list: l14 level1 lfo1">Conduct of seminars to discuss various aspects and to bring awareness
  • Protection of underwater cultural heritage

UAW collaborates with other government organizations for the study and protection of underwater cultural heritage. Collaboration with India Navy (IN) has been a success.

Protection of underwater cultural heritage and regulation of underwater activities aimed towards the cultural heritage is one of the main concerns of the UAW. Adoption of “Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage” by UNESCO in 2001 displays the global concern about the protection and management of underwater cultural heritage. UAW has initiated steps for the protection and presrvation of the underwater cultural heritage.


All this information justifies that ASI gets a fund which is enough to carry out such excavations.


The Archaeological Survey of India is the premier organization so far as the archaeological research, data based study on scientific analysis, excavation of archaeological sites, conservation/preservation of centrally protected monuments, maintenance of site museums and overall regulation of antiquities and art objects are concerned.

It is an attached office under the Ministry of Culture, which is headed by the Union Minister for Culture. The Ministry of Culture has a Secretary level officer, who looks after various attached and subordinate offices in the Department.

Being an attached office, the Archaeological Survey of India has its own head designated as Director General. An Additional Director General, two Joint Director general and a group of Directors assist the Director General, inturn. At present there are 17 Directors assisting the Director General in performing his duties.

For administrative convenience and research purposes, the ASI is divided into 24 Circles headed by a Superintending Archaeologist (S.A.), who is further assisted by Deputy Superintending Archaeologist (Dy.S.A.), Deputy Superintending Archaeological Engineer (Dy.S.A.E.), Assistant Superintending Archaeologist (A.S.A.), Assistant Superintending Archaeological Engineer (A.S.A.E.), Assistant Arcaeologists (A.As.) & Conservation Assistants (C.As.). There are 6 Excavation Branches, 1 Prehistory Branch, 1 Building Survey Project, 2 Temple Survey Projects, 2 Epigraphy Branches, 1 Science Branch and Underwater Archaeology Wing functioning in the Archaeological Survey of India on different field and research projects.


All the posts mentioned above are dominated by hindus and they are not interested in their own "Religion"....politics seems to have very little effects on their activities since international organizations takes keen interest in their works.:)


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