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Are beings reborn in the next universal cycle?

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Reading a book written by J. C. Chatterji in 1931, reprinted several times, including by Theosophical Publishing House, WISDOM OF THE VEDAS. He said in the cycle of universes, it is possible for one to die at a certain stage of (high) perfection, and be reborn in the next universe at the same level of perfection. This is true of Gods is it also of lesser beings? I don't have much access to Vedas, so I can't really follow his exposition on the subject, hoping for input from my bros and sis. The fact that the Theosophy people reprinted the book just makes me question whether that idea is "mainstream" Hinduism or some deviation they wanted to concretize in their view of things.



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I am not sure, but would be interested to know as well. I believe, what you are asking is after a pralaya, when jivas who are not-liberated 'awaken' from their dormant state, are they still at the same level they were before the pralaya? with all the same karma, vasanas, and samskaras. In other words, will they be able to continue their evolution from where they left off?

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I am not sure, but would be interested to know as well. I believe, what you are asking is after a pralaya, when jivas who are not-liberated 'awaken' from their dormant state, are they still at the same level they were before the pralaya? with all the same karma, vasanas, and samskaras. In other words, will they be able to continue their evolution from where they left off?


In other words, yes, and much better put. This is what I am asking. This version may invite more interest and response. Thanks.

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Namaste Shaktidevi,


Here is a quote I found on Shakta study:


"Tantra sastras are of the view that Purusa part of Siva-Sakti is chronicler and purveyor of karma, while Sakti part provides liberation from karmic bonds. When Pralaya sweeps the universe, residual Karma remains in a latent and non-reactive form in Brahman-Devi who goes into state of bliss during the resting phase between creations, and upon launching of round of creation of universe and beings, Karma germinates like a seed and puts the individual soul in appropriate body for the latter to expend the residual Prarabdha Karma in the world of Samsara."


there is a lot more in this study:


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"Prarabdha is that portion of the past karma which is responsible for the present body. That portion of the sanchita karma which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts. prarabdha karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the sanchita karma."


- "All About Hinduism" by Sri Swami Sivananda

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This explains to me why the first recorded human thoughts are so profound that they have not ever been superceded: that the rishis and sages were reborn from the previous universe into this one at the dawn of the human race, and gave these teachings, which have never needed to be upgraded, just bhashya (if I understand this correctly).

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