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Hrimati (dd) ACBSP (Mayapur - IN


> I need a good design and picture of a training yoke. I also need the best

> yoke designs that you may recommend that serves the Oxen comfort.



Dear Prabhus,


Can anyone help with this. Hrimati prabhu is located in Mayapur and any

knowledge on this could also help with the training of bullocks in Mayapur. The

one on the ISCOWP web page is primarily for western breeds without humps and

Hrimati says it is expensive to make there. She needs something more suitable

for India cows. I have included the following information but if anyone has

somthing else to offer please do.



Baritya Cattle Resource Developemnt Foundation

Ahimsa Bhawan F-15, lado Sanai, New Delhi-110 030


Tel 6533248-50

Fax 6445455

E-mail shkahar (AT) vsnl (DOT) net

(I haven't been getting quick replies from the e-mail address)


We have been corresponding with Laxmi Narain Modi of the Baritya Cattle

Foundaton and he has just developed a bullock drawn tractor with a 'new"

design yoke "which has increased contact area of yoke with bullocks (necks

and humps) thereby decreasing the chances of 'wound formation' and inceasing

their efficiency by 20-25%." There is information on the web page about it.


Your servant,


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