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Thread 10: Proposal -Sri Rama Prabhu.

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Krsna-kirtana wrote previously to Janesvara Prabhu:


> Thank you for your strong and sharp words. We are fond of your arguments,

> but have just recently been convinced to wait patiently for another year

> and see. So we'll do that for now.

> But please, do not stay too far in case we are perfectly ignored once

> again. If such a situation would occur I think we would need your

> alternative method to remedy ISKCON leadership's high level of

> carelessness and their disregard for Srila Prabhupada's instructions.

> We do agree with your vision.


Janesvara Prabhu replied:


Dear Krsna Kirtana devi dasi:

Namaste. Jaya Prabhupada!

You have written many kind words to me and have offered valuable comments to

these conferences. Thank you very much.

You ask me to remain patient. I have remained patient for more than 20

years. I can remain patient for another year. I could never accomplish my

goals alone. I approached many of the "major" senior disciples of Prabhupada

with my enthusiasm for varnasrama-dharma beginning in 1974 after

Prabhupada's mandate to begin varnasrama colleges in EVERY center of his

movement. I hounded the GBC of my region in 1975 until I was let out to seek

a suitable farm property to begin our quest for varnasrama's shelter. I

started the gita-nagari farm as the result. It seemed like an auspicious

beginning. Its recent history is shameful.


Prabhupada again reiterated these orders in 1977 just before leaving us.

They have never been implemented by the inheritors of his movement. The

results are obvious.


My suffering has been minimal because I chose early to abandon bad leaders.

Prabhupada told me and my godbrothers we were fools for following a bad,

cheating GBC/sannyasi in 1976. I will never forget that. But many, many have

suffered some of the worst kind of abuse possible to human beings and cows

as the direct result of policies and the overall (mis)management paradigm of

ISKCON's leaders over the past 20 years. This cannot be denied nor will they

escape the sinful reactions which are now fructifying.


You ask for one year. Don't ask me. Ask those that are suffering NOW.

Suffering for want of varnasrama-dharma in their life. To feel a natural

part of Krsna's perfect, divine institution where ALL are welcome and given

opportunity to fulfill their natural dharma and become lovers of the Lord.


I will continue my arguments as I have for more than 25 years. I have been

condemned and criticized by the likes of Ramesvara, Bali Mardan, Tamal

krsna, Hridayananda and others, so a few more on these conferences cannot

sway me. I have also been encouraged by humble sincere devotees like

yourself and others to continue. I try to avoid offensiveness and will

improve gradually. Patience has been a long row to hoe for me. I will

continue to worship my Lord everyday while here all alone from ISKCON for

the last 18 years and continue to read Prabhupada's books every morning and

evening. My hair actually stands on end every once and awhile when I read

his books or chant my chosen prayers of Sri Arjuna. I am not a sadhu or a

saint nor even a Vaisnava. But I think the Lord gives me a little hint every

now and then to keep me endeavoring while in the midst of so much material



There is nothing more I want than to see Prabhupada's vision of

varnasrama-dharma and Vedic culture inaugurated in this world. Someday I

will be able dedicate one hundred percent of my time towards this goal. It

may not be with ISKCON. I hope it is.


Thank you very much for your kind consideration of this old warrior. I beg

your tolerance and forgiveness for any offenses I may have committed to you

or the other members of these conferences. Through daiva varnasrama-dharma I

am gradually becoming cleansed.


Hari! Hari!

Your humble servant,

Janesvara dasa

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