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TCP Update

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Hare Krishna,


Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


This is a general information update on the HK Website "The Complete

Picture" at http://www.algonet.se/~krishna/index.html.


* Essays were added to various sections of the site. The following

additional topics are covered:


- abortion

- apasampradayas

- appearance of devotees

- chanting the maha-mantra

- equality of man and woman

- falldown

- women in Krishna consciousness


Get quick access to these sections through the "What's New" page

and the Navigation Center.


* Updated the sections on Krishna Consciousness at Home and ISKCON

Goals, Definitions and Standpoints.


* Address listing updated.


* Added FAQ and Profiles sections to the Talk To Us page. Also, the

setup of the TTU page has changed slightly to facilitate faster

response time, more topics and participation by more devotees.


If you have an email account, answer your mail *asap* and like to

preach to the Web community in this way, please contact

webmaster.TCP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se.


* Completely revised text-only version up and running at:




Feedback welcome.


* New mirrors up and running:






For now this is an exact copy of the English version, but in due

course it will be translated into Polish. A big thank-you to Patri

prabhu for providing the Web space and arranging the translations.


**NOTE** --> This URL is for testing only. There may still be a

server change!







Yes, believe it or not, but we have a mirror in the States on a T1

connection in California. This means a big change in speed for

those visiting TCP from the U.S., Canada, and South America.


Thanks to Bhuta-bhavana prabhu for providing the space.



Also here a server change is coming up soon and the URL may change,

so please do not use it in fixed links yet.



We would like to have mirrors of TCP on at least all the major

continents, and if possible more than one. Ideal would be additional

mirrors in Australia, South America, Africa, Russia and Middle

Europe. If you have an Inet account that includes 10 megabytes of

Webspace and would like to support the TCP mirror project, please

contact webmaster.TCP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se. Accounts should be stable!


* ISKCON has a registered IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel on the

Undernet called #along_the_edge. It is meant as a meeting place for

devotees from all over the world that have Inet access and as an

opportunity to preach. Please advertise this channel on your



For now the channel is manned from 19:00-20:00 Swedish time (GMT +1).

But there are people on IRC 24 hours a day from all over the globe.

It would be nice if devotees could spend some time there every now

and then. All you need is some time and an IRC client (like mIRC).

For more information please contact webmaster.TCP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se.


* The full Bhagavad-gita As It Is has also been available on TCP for

already quite some time. Find it at:








(Keep in mind that the last 2 addresses may still change.)


* Manu prabhu and Mukunda Maharaja have initiated an "ISKCON Approved"

logo project. The goal of this project is to show the Web audience

that there is a difference between the numerous Hare Krishna pages

available on the WWW. Quite some of them have little or nothing to do

with ISKCON, and some of them are simply against ISKCON or claim to

represent ISKCON, but with deviating philosophies.


The idea is that bonafide ISKCON Web sites carry a logo that links to

an ISKCON approval statement. Click on the main logo of the TCP

homepage for more information, or go to it directly at:




There you will also find a list of bonafide HK sites. The maintainers

of these sites are kindly requested to contact me

(webmaster.TCP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se) so that I can send them the logo and

Approval Statement. Please indicate the background color of the page

the logo will appear on (light/dark). Alternately they could also

capture the logo and HTML source of the statement page directly from

the site.


Maintainers of sites not listed can submit an approval request at:

http://www.algonet.se/~krishna/approved/app-list.htm or write to me

directly at webmaster.TCP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se.


Your servant,


Varnadi das

Webmaster TCP


Korsn„s G†rd

14792 Gr”dinge


Tel : +46 853029369

Fax : +46 853025062

E-mail: varnadi.HKS (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se

webmaster.TCP (AT) com (DOT) bbt.se

Web : http://www.algonet.se/~krishna/index.html

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