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Do GHQers get credibility on their own?

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> What millenium? Of the birth of Jesus Christ? :)


> According to vedic culture & history there is no millenium.


> Wake up. Or convert to Christianity! :-)


Or wait for 487 years. That's when our millenium event will arrive according

to ISKCON calendar (we are in Gaurabda 513 now).


Your servant,

Goloka Candra dasa

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> Well, well... then how come your opinions are diametrically opposed to

> Srila Prabhupada's statements & teachings?


> Oh, pardon me for asking! :-) My dear "Dr. Frog"!


First answer us wether Srila Prabhupada did say women can

be TPs or did he not. Can you answer?


Otherwise, I am actually reflecting the present policy of

the GBC that Srila Prabhupada established as the ISCKON

authority. You can be ridiculing me as "Dr. Frog" for my

position on the issue of women to be allowed into menagerial

positions like TP and GBC. Unfortunatelly you seem to be of

such short vision that you are unaware of your ridiculing not

one Mahanidhi das, an insignificant member of ISCKON, but

you are ridiculing our authorities, the GBC, and you are indeed

ridiculing Srila Prabhupada who put these authorities

(the GBC) in charge of the movement.


Keep ridiculing, but as such you are worthy of ridicule yourself,






> > Then we move further, did it happen in the time of Prabhupada

> > or not, if not why not, and so on. But please, step by step.

> > Are you able do that, prabhuji? Please, let us know.


> I think you think that you alone are only capable of doing anything... you

> are probably writing this too, just to prove that, right?


Did Srila Prabhupada say woman can be TPs or did he not?


If you can't answer, then can keep calling me any bad name

you want. It will help you just nothing.




- Mahanidhi das

(or "Dr. Frog" for those who are in sick

need for such a way to feel themselves as a "Vaisnava")

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> Very interesting, Srila Prabhupada, er, Mahanidhi Prabhu, (er, as I have

> now learned, "Dr. Frog" from Lund, Sweden) ... :-)



I have gave my speculation, as per your request, on "why

Srila Prabhupada did or did not do something". It is said

that only a mahabhagavata may understand the mind of a

mahabhagavata. So I can only spekulate about mind

condition of Srila Prabhupada in that time. So, yes,

you are right that I am "Dr. Frog" here. Absolutely.


However, here you are also "Dr. Frog", unless you are a

mahabhagavata yourself. What I sincerely doubt, seeing how

hypocritical and dishonest behaviour you are exhibiting here:

You place such a queation, you ask us to think, you insist on

the answer, and when someone indeed presents his opinion, you

take the chance and you keep ridiculing and loughing yourself

on such a person. One simply cannot trust to such peopele.

This is what is destroying ISCKON indeed - hypocracy.





> Why can't YOU understand that your speculative opinions are just not on

> the same level as those of Srila Prabhupada and vedic literatures, such as

> the Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, etc.?


Then you go to Prabhupada and ask him personally to give his

opinion why he did or did not do something. You stop asking

us here for our opinion, and when it comes, you ridicule

us that our speculative opinions are just not on the same level

as Prabhupada's speculative opinions.


That is hypocrasy, prabhuji.



> > According to your mentality, Srila Prabhupada

> > would have never started ISCKON.


> Thank you for the analysis, my dear "Dr. Frog". Glad to know this from

> the Nobel prize winner that you are! :-)


Yes. You are representing a conservative smarta brahmana mentality

here. Your apprach is "It didn't happen in those times, therfore

it is wrong and it never should happen."


According to such policy, you will be remaining simply a

western mleccha. What you are still, in the eyes of Hindu

conservative smarta brahmanas. Go to Jaghanth Temple and

try to enter in and you will get sticks all over your "hindu"

head. Then you would maybe understand how Hindu tradition

is so far out, and maybe you will understand what's going

on with other devotees in the "unfitting" bodies (women)

in ISCKON, from the side of smartas like you.


One doesn't really need to be a winer of the Nobel prize

to tell you this much, prabhuji.





- Mahanidhi das

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> > - Mahanidhi das


> I for one won't trust someone who rejects Srila Prabhupada's "clear as the

> sky is blue" instructions... that's for sure! :-)


Any fool can say this silly acuasation about anybody else.

There is nothing more easy that that. This has been, among

some other things, the way of ruining ISCKON.


Keep your "good work", prabhuji. We all here have trust in you,

as you might have notice it already. :)



- Mahanidhi das

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> I've asked you this before, prabhu, but you haven't yet answered: What is


> understanding of why SP never did post women as TPs or GBCs? Have you ever

> actually wondered or thought about that?


> --gkd


I don't recall you asking that. Yes, I have thought about it. The first men


the movement were to a disportionate amount gay and misogynist, or naively

influenced by misogynists and too much under the bodily platform to be able to

accept a woman as an authority. The first woman he offered the position of GBC

declined, of their own volition. He didn't post women because even though he

asked them, they declined. It was a practical matter, not a philosophical


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> The internet & computers were not commonly used by the general public back

> in the 1960's & 1970's in the USA (where I grew up in those days).


Neither were woman commonly managers.




> So your analogy is cent percent inaccurate.


As is yours.




> Try something else... it just might work, no? :-)


> And try to answer the question... which might be difficult to do, since



So, are you saying that woman cannot be temple presidents?

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On 3 Jan 2000, Goloka Candra wrote:


> > What millenium? Of the birth of Jesus Christ? :)

> >

> > According to vedic culture & history there is no millenium.

> >

> > Wake up. Or convert to Christianity! :-)


> Or wait for 487 years. That's when our millenium event will arrive

according to ISKCON calendar (we are in Gaurabda 513 now).


> Your servant,

> Goloka Candra dasa



Again, who with even a pea sized brain really cares? Marking time in the

material world is not the primary criteria by which we qualify ourselves

to go back to Godhead. Sure, a new calender may be nice, but it may not

be so important right now considering our other devotional issues.

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On 03 Jan 2000, Basu Ghosh wrote:


> > >

> > >

> > > Guru Krishna Prabhu; you forgot to point out that Chanakya Pandit

also said, in the very same shloka, "to never trust a woman"! :-)

> >



He also said never trust a politician -- so then who can we trust with

our various issues of management? Boy, aren't we becoming ever more


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> I've asked you this before, prabhu, but you haven't yet answered: What is

> your understanding of why SP never did post women as TPs or GBCs? Have you

> ever actually wondered or thought about that?


> --gkd



With what little I know of Srila Prabhupada I would make the educated guess

that he posted those living beings whom he judged most qualified for the

particular position. I think we can trust his judgment?


It was certainly NOT done with any prejudice. We are not suggesting such a

thing are we?


Of course, had there been resumes from Mother Bhumidevi or Durgadevi on his

desk to review for the position we may have seen different leaders.


Madhava Gosh, what would those resumes look like? :-)


Years of experience?:

Number of subordinates supervised?:

General responsibilities:

Direct supervisor as a reference:

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> > I've asked you this before, prabhu, but you haven't yet answered: What

> > is

> your

> > understanding of why SP never did post women as TPs or GBCs? Have you

> > ever actually wondered or thought about that?

> >

> > --gkd


> I don't recall you asking that.


My experience: One should never answer such questions. They

ask you for *your* understanding, and then when you tell it,

they ridicule you as "Dr. Frog" for having your understanding

and not (sic!) "Prabhupada's" understanding..



- Mahanidhi das

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