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This is nice Pankaja. Look on your own work and srutinize yourself if you think the page is up to standard or not. You seem to have a good eye for this.

You are blessed to have the skills to make nice pages and offer them as service to the Lord and his devotees. As you are aware from scripture we can work without looking to the results. Gradually we can slowly begin to put these things into practice in our daily lives. It is a daily endeavour, and by no means have I mastered this yoga. But saying this, we are very fortunate to have access to Bhagavad Gita where such knowledge is found.

I wish you all the best in your service and daily yoga practice. Please continue to practice and your life will be nicely in line with the Lord's will.:pray:

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This is nice Pankaja. Look on your own work and srutinize yourself if you think the page is up to standard or not. You seem to have a good eye for this.

You are blessed to have the skills to make nice pages and offer them as service to the Lord and his devotees. As you are aware from scripture we can work without looking to the results. Gradually we can slowly begin to put these things into practice in our daily lives. It is a daily endeavour, and by no means have I mastered this yoga. But saying this, we are very fortunate to have access to Bhagavad Gita where such knowledge is found.

I wish you all the best in your service and daily yoga practice. Please continue to practice and your life will be nicely in line with the Lord's will.:pray:


I think it's okay. The pages in the iframe (for the audio) don't appear exactly inside, you have to scrool a bit. And people may not like this. So there are links to the site on the bottam of the page (as well).


As far as offering the results. Your meant to offer to Guru. Then Guru of cource offers to Krishna. That's the way. (well thats what I try to do). It sort of makes me feel better as well. :pray:


I wish I could add Prabhupada Audio. I hope I can get permission.


The site is not 'pro' site. Just a humble attempt (very humble bumble haha).


I actually do like it. So there u go.


One thing I have to say, I didn't spend a penny. All of it (the audio) is hosted on a free site. I e-mailed them and told them, they said it's all okay.!


Another devotee called Jagadish and Nityananda p, are uploading some mp3's of Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami, then it will be almost complete.


I wanted to put BR Sridhara Maharaja audio, I think I will later though. Then that's it. (possibly some videos, but I doubt it). Because it's free to put I am doing much as I can. :eek3: :eek3: :eek3: :eek3: :eek3:

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